Definitive guide

How To Change Link Color In WordPress

How To Change Link Color In WordPress – Ultimate Guide (2024)

Do you want to know how to change link color in WordPress

You came to the right place!

Here, I’ll show you the most straightforward ways to get it done! 

Here we go. 

How To Change Link Color In WordPress

Is it possible to change the link color in WordPress? Yes, of course. Why not? Changing the color of your links can make your website stand out.

By default:

  • An unvisited link is highlighted in blue.
  • A visited link is highlighted in purple.
  • An active link is highlighted in red.

There are plenty of link colors to choose from. Here are three easy ways to change them if you wish to:

Option 1:

Step 1: Go to the theme editor.

Step 2: Click the “Colors” tab.

Step 3: Adjust the link and font colors to your liking.

You can also change the link’s color by adding bracketed text to your website’s CSS. Page builders also allow you to change the color of the links.

 Option 2:

The theme’s customization area is probably the most straightforward approach to modifying the link color in WordPress. This option is not available on many WordPress websites, but it is worth checking because it is much easier than changing the CSS code.

Step 1: Go to your WordPress site.

Step 2: Go to “Appearance,” then select “Customize.”

Step 3: Seek a link that reads “Colors.”

Some websites only enable you to alter the text, background, and header colors, while others allow you to change the color of the link. Use the color wheel or Google to find a color code.

Step 4: When the link is clicked, repeat the previous step.

It’s critical to use distinct colors so that people can see when they’ve clicked on a link.

 Option 3:

You can use Elementor to change link color in WordPress!

Elementor is a popular WordPress page builder plugin. If you’re using Elementor on your website, you can change the color of the link by opening the Elementor editor.

The three-step procedure is as follows:

Step 1: Choose “Edit Section.”

Step 2: “Select the “Style” tab.

Step 3: Go to the “Typography” section.

Change the color of the link, text, and other fonts throughout the area or the entire website. Once you’re satisfied with the results, you can apply the changes.

If you want to know more about Elementor, click here!


Changing the link color in WordPress is easy with the proper steps. I hope you have everything you need to complete whatever option you choose!