Definitive guide

Simple ways to add a website on your TikTok account

How To Add Website To TikTok — Easy Guide 2024 

I know at some point you wondered how to add website to TikTok. Well, you don’t have to wonder anymore because I have the answer to your question.

In this article, I will teach you how to add website to your TikTok account and even give you more tips about it. So make sure to read until the end to learn something new today.

We all know how famous TikTok is nowadays, especially in some countries in Asia such as the Philippines and South Korea. They use TikTok as a platform to set a new trend, disseminate information, or just simply have fun.

With the advancements in technology, you can now advertise and sell your products through it. With just a simple add-on, you are now ready to go.

TikTok has developed into a potent marketing tool for companies, enabling them to showcase their creative side and interact with a large community of passionate and highly engaged consumers.

Some TikTok profiles have a website on their bios where they put the specific product or services they are selling in order for everyone to freely access it and let them buy it as well. But how do we add a website to our bios so we can do the same as well?

With the help of this guide, we can finally learn how to add website to our TikTok accounts.

Why should I add a website to my TikTok account?

Including a clickable link in your TikTok profile has a great chance of helping you advertise your website, a cause you believe in, or even just your own brand.

You can at least include a link in your TikTok profile to lead users in the direction you want them to go.

Getting the relevant links in front of your audience, regardless of the genre to which you belong, is of utmost importance. 

This should be done prominently, such as immediately in your bio box or in the video description.

Why can’t I add a link to my bio?

Before actually going to the guide on how to add website to TikTok bios, let us first discuss why we can’t add a website to our bio.

You are not the only one who has wondered why a link cannot be added to your TikTok bio. Because TikTok chose to abruptly ban the function from widespread use at some point not too long ago.

You must get the right with at least 1000 followers if you want to add a link to your TikTok bio. 

The TikTok cut-off is to blame if you are a promising creator with a two- or three-figure following count for not being able to use the function.

To put it another way, adding a link to the TikTok bio area and saving the modifications will still work, but the link will only show up as an inactive web address rather than a clickable one that can be used to go straight to the endorsed website.

Reasons why you can’t add a link to your bio:

1. You are not currently using the TikTok business account. Only a non-clickable link can be added to the TikTok bio for personal accounts.

2. You don’t have more than 1.000 TikTok fans. You cannot add the clickable link to your TikTok bio if you have fewer than 1.000 followers.

3. You cannot add the website link to your TikTok bio for several other technical reasons.

how to add website to tiktok 2022

How to add website to TikTok?

We’ve finally come to the most awaited part of this article, the easiest tutorial on how to add website to Tiktok.

We have 3 tips on how you can simply do it.

1. Switch from a personal account to a business account

  • Open your TikTok account.
  • Go to your Profile.
  • Tap the burger menu at the upper right corner of the screen.
  • Click the Settings and Privacy option.
  • Select Manage Account.
  • Below the Account Control, select Switch to Business Account.
  • Click Next to approve the switch.
  • Select your niche on the Choose a category page and then hit Next.
  • After successfully switching, the profile page will redirect to you. Select Edit profile from the pop-up menu.
  • Tap Websites from the options.
  • Enter your website link and hit Save.

When you return to your profile, you will see that the bio box contains a clickable link to your website, which is prominently displayed. 

Any profile visitor can utilize the link to get directly to the website you have linked‌.

2. Sign in to your Instagram or YouTube account

You may still post a link to your TikTok bio if you don’t want to change your account to a TikTok business account. However, the link won’t be clickable, which is a drawback. 

Your URL link should be brief and simple to remember.

Here’s how to add a link to your personal TikTok account:

  • Click on profile on your own TikTok account.
  • Press the “Edit profile” button.
  • Click the button to add your profile to YouTube or Instagram.
  • Register on those platforms.

Your TikTok bio now also has to include links to your YouTube channel and/or Instagram account.

3. Put a non-clickable link

  • To access your profile, open TikTok and hit the profile icon.
  • Under your profile image, click the Edit profile option.
  • Select Add a bio to your profile from the “About you” menu.
  • Put the URL you want to publish in your bio in the text box. Make sure each link is placed on a different line if there are many links to guarantee readability.
  • Hit Save to complete the changes.

You can view the links in the section dedicated to your TikTok bio by going back to your profile.

However, as was already said, they are not interactive and can only be used as a signal for the visitor to perform the proper action in order to view an interactive result.

For what purposes may I use the link in my TikTok bio?

The best way to use the TikTok bio link will mostly rely on the sort of business you own.

Try out different links to see how they perform in terms of clicks and conversions for your website. Link straight to the promotion’s landing page if you are conducting any form of promotion.

How can I add more than one link to my TikTok bio?

To your TikTok bio, you may currently only include one clickable website link. Use one of the well-known bio link tools, linktree or linkinbio, to add more than one link to your website so visitors may click on several links from your TikTok bio.

How can you track website clicks from TikTok links? 

The simplest technique to monitor clicks on TikTok bio links is to add UTM parameters at the end of the website address.

In this manner, you will be able to easily see in your Google Analytics account the number of people that clicked on the link in your TikTok profile, their demographic information, and their website usage.

Is TikTok changing the face of advertising?

TikTok is establishing itself as THE platform for commercial advertising with more than 1 billion users and the power to make a brand go viral. 

There are so many things that marketers can do on TikTok, whether you have the website connect feature—who knows where the platform will go in a few years.

Why can’t I copy a link on TikTok?

The only method to access the website specified in the bio when using the TikTok app is to memorize the URL and manually put it into the address bar of your browser. Although it may seem like a lot of labor, it is unfortunately your only choice.

Can you share a link in the comments on TikTok?

Sadly, there is no method to include a clickable link in a video’s caption on TikTok. The only place you may post a clickable link if you have fewer than 10,000 followers is in your profile’s bio. Your TikTok tales can include clickable links if you have more than 10,000 followers.

What does it mean to be verified on TikTok?

The only method to get verified is by TikTok itself when a blue check mark will appear next to someone’s username. According to TikTok, “A verified badge implies that TikTok has validated the account corresponds to the individual it represents.” To verify their validity on the app, a variety of bands, news organizations, corporations, and content providers are validated.

Wrapping Up

Now that you’ve learned the easiest ways how to add a website to your TikTok account, you can now ‌try it out. I know for sure that it is very easy to follow and everyone won’t be having a hard time doing so.


Why am I unable to include a link to my TikTok bio?

You need a TikTok business account, as was indicated in the article, in order to add a website link to your TikTok bio. As a result, you must first switch to a TikTok business account before adding the link to your TikTok bio according to the instructions we have provided above.

How many followers on TikTok are required to add a link to a bio?

The good news is that adding a link to your TikTok profile is not necessary. You may add a website link to your TikTok bio even if you have no followers on the app. So even if you just have a few followers, it is still a good idea to always provide a link to your TikTok bio.

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