Definitive guide

Adding Title Tags in WordPress 

How To Add Title Tags in WordPress – Ultimate Guide (2024)

Do you want to know how to add title tags in WordPress? 

You came to the right place! 

Here, I’ll show you 3 easy steps to add title tags in WordPress sites. 

Here we go. 

How To Add Title Tags in WordPress

Step 1: Download and install Yoast

Yoast is a popular WordPress plugin. It provides a lot of helpful SEO tools, including a straightforward method for adding title tags. Cool stuff. 

Yoast adds new choices for creating and modifying posts. New features will appear in the right-hand menu as well as below the Block Editor. 

Step 2: Simply scroll down to the page’s bottom and search for the SEO Title box.

The box comprises the title of the page, a separator, and the site’s name. 

Step 3: Add your own custom text or delete it entirely to start over with your new title tag.


The preview above will change as you update the SEO title. This is how your title and meta description will appear in search engines. While different devices and screen sizes may show search results differently, you can get an idea of how the entry will look by selecting the mobile or desktop view.

To make your results more enticing to searchers, keep your title tag under that character limit! I mean it. 

Creating a title tag is like crafting the perfect marketing campaign. You use words to entice people and search engines. Overall, it should properly portray what the website is about in order for anyone to click on it.

How To Add Title Tags in WordPress without Yoast 

Don’t have Yoast? Not a problem. 

Creating a title tag in WordPress without the need for a plugin is an easy process. There is no need to create any code or modify your theme. Follow these easy steps to get it done right away.

1. Go to the WordPress backend.

Then, choose Add Page or Add Post, depending on what you want to do.

2. You have the option to “Add title” at the top of the page; click in the box to type.

3. Enter the words you want to appear as the page’s title.

There you go!


Now that you know how to add title tags in WordPress, you can now display more appealing links in favor of search engine results.

Title tags play an important role in assisting search engines in understanding what the page is about. Even more, they assist searchers in analyzing the information on your page, allowing them to select the most relevant result for whatever their query is.

If you’re into SEO, you might want to delve into this topic deeper.