Definitive guide

Green Color Palette Websites

Green Color Palette – 10 Energizing Website Examples 2024

Green is the color of life. It refreshes and energizes the soul. This is why it is often the color theme used by environmental organizations, landscaping companies, home and garden outfits, and tea shops. If your startup belongs to any of these industries, here are energizing green color palette websites to help you jumpstart your website.

The Psychology of Green Color Palettes

Ever wondered why taking a stroll in a park or riding a bike along grassy fields refreshes you? Or why taking a weekend trip to camp out or to hike with friends energize you? Psychologists and researchers say that whenever we see the color green, our nervous system signals to the rest of our body that is okay to relax.

That’s why I love taking breaks and doing these activities now and then. This is also why I love green color websites!

It is also the reason why, besides the industries I previously mentioned, travel and tourism websites also use a green color palette for their websites. Speaking of energizing green color palette websites, here’s our listing.

Energizing Green Color Palette Websites

The 10 Energizing Green Color Palette Websites

Different shades of green contrasted with opposite colors evoke different emotions to those who see it. Depending on your purpose, one should be careful in using colors in such a way that it aligns with your brand. Take a look at these 10 energizing color palette websites from companies in diverse industries and you’ll get what I mean!

Green Color Palette Websites_Connect Mania

1. Connect Mania


Lush is the first word that comes to mind upon browsing the website of Connect Mania. Its use of soft-muted yet vibrant colors of pastel green brings to mind a lush field with colorful flowers.

Using an energizing green color palette, Lush’s website evokes a sense of adventure, warmth, and great fun! It combines the hues #FDFDFC, #D9E0E2, #3EC381, #04BF62, and #0CA458.

This effectively personified the joyful benefits users of Connect Mania derive from playing this mobile app game. It is a well-planned color theme for its branding!

Green Color Palette Websites_The Curve

2. The Curve


The Curve website integrates femininity in its green color theme, considering this is their target market. They use an energizing green color palette for the eyes that subtly contrasts with earthen colors for that feminine touch.

In particular, the website uses the color palette #896A58, #2A2420, #ACAB9E, #D9D8D5, and #567257. This color theme, after all, is the color of money, which happens to be the focus of The Curve. Thus, it’s a lovely color theme for women curious about financial management. Good branding colors here!

Green Color Palette Websites_Community Co

3. Community Co


Community Co takes a playful take on using a green color palette for its website! It is one that stimulates the eyes to energize the body with—what else but through food! The website used a delightful image above the fold, ensuring it complements with its color theme. While consistently using an energizing green color palette of #B94419, #E5B141, #DBD9D5, #199B74, and #56473A with the rest of its design elements.

Green Color Palette Websites_Beston Global Food Company

4. Beston Global Food Company


Beston Global Food Company’s website has a beautiful photo above the fold that echoes its color theme. Their color theme highlights the photo’s green color palette. It is energizing to look at!

It uses the color palette #6C7069, #EFEEE8, #949E32, #41531C, and #181814. It’s a perfect color for those engaged in food and beverages, environmental sustainability, parks and wildlife, and even beauty products.

Using a classic and simple design, the website conveys a heartwarming vibe through its color scheme and copywriting. Plus, they use lots of social proof to emphasize their premium food offering.

Green Color Palette Websites_Nerdwallet

5. Nerdwallet


I like how Nerdwallet used geometric shapes embodying the different hues of its green color palette. It gives the website a fresh and playful look.

Financial management, after all, is a serious task, and using light shades of green—being the color of money—makes the website inviting and interesting to those who are not very fond of the subject.

Thus, it’s  choice of an energizing green color palette (#FAFCFB, #D7F487, #79C80E, #06B13D, and #4E6F5C) that was just right for its brand.

Green Color Palette Websites_Amber Freda

6. Amber Freda


Olive green conveys elegance, earthiness, and tranquility, which you can experience in the website of Amber Freda. The website’s use of the green color palette of #86A2B1, #F7F8F6, #6B6665, #778732, and #383515 is just perfect for its branding.

Amber Freda, after all, is New York City’s expert landscape artist and specializes in rooftop gardens. One look at her website, which has awesome images above the old, gives a view of her elegant masterpieces.

Her gardening designs are definitely sought for the tranquility customers may experience at the comfort of their own homes—even if it is in the busiest city in the world.

Green Color Palette Websites_A Buckley Landscaping

7. A. Buckley Landscaping


A. Buckley Landscaping’s green color palette (#181612, #424F17, and #64762C) is unique for it uses a contrast hue of bright orange yellow (#F99912) and mild gray (#C9C9C3). Their chosen color theme is meant to emphasize the essence of fertility often conveyed by dark shades of green.

Coupled with nice background animations, the color palette makes one think of lush green lawns and eco-conscious company grounds. A company with beautiful landscaping does invite more clients for it boosts public image. Dark greens do convey money, too, after all.

Green Color Palette Websites_Master PLAN Outdoor Living

8. Master PLAN Outdoor Living


Pale greens, psychologists say, convey peace. Master PLAN Outdoor Living perfectly captured that image of peacefulness through its website. The website’s green color palette matched well with the great images above the fold and uncluttered design. Its color palette of #F7F9F9, #6B6A68, #3C3D32, and #171815 was starkly contrasted with pale green (#90C36F), which is used to highlight buttons and important sections of the website. It’s a good example of websites using color for visual hierarchy.

Green Color Palette Websites_Tomlinson Bomberger

9. Tomlinson Bomberger


“Creating beautiful landscapes and amazing experiences” is the brand promise of Tomlinson Bomberger, Pennsylvania’s award-winning landscaping and lawn care contractor. A look at their website will bring to mind the colors of spring when amazing experiences begin.

Bright green, which is part of its color palette, means rebirth and spring according to psychologists. The use of complementary vivid images above the fold truly makes this an energizing green color palette website. Speaking of green color palette, the website uses #F6F5F2, #8F8E7F, #8FB135, #487531, and #1D3215.

Green Color Palette Websites_Valingo Landscaping

10. Valingo Landscapes


Valingo Landscapes is another company that uses a dark green color palette for its website. They use #F1F2ED, #A2AC82, #5B6D49, #0C3C01, and #2E2D1D to convey a sense of fertility and wealth their services bring to clients.

Valingo Landscapes’ brand promise, after all, is “making your land look best.” What better way to do this than to hire a renowned landscaping company like Valingo.

Looking at this UK-based company’s website that uses lots of white spaces and beautiful outdoor photos sure does refresh the eyes and energize the soul.

Now you've found some cool Green Color Palette websites

here are your next steps.

Ralph de Groot


Find a web designer, or do it yourself.

Install your chosen template on your own website, then customize it. A template is a great base to work from. You won't believe how many companies use templates! For additional inspriration, make sure to check out our website examples!

If you rather have a professional build your website, the team at My Codeless Website offers high-quality websites for fair prices.

We partnered up with 3 professional web design agencies to deliver jaw-dropping websites that are not just good-looking but conversion-focused.


Website hosting that I recommend.

Where should I host my Green Color Palette website? After trying many hosting services I found 1 which stands out

No technical knowledge needed
Easy to install

Ralph de Groot
Recommended Page Builder


Selecting the right page builder.

Analyze the best examples on this page and select a page builder that is powerful and isn't buggy.

Here is the one I recommend.

Green Color Palette website building
You can use these amazing Green Color Palette templates as inspiration for your own website. Use a template to work from and blend them into your perfect design.
Green Color Palette website design
I hope you enjoyed these Green Color Palette website templates. If you need help to design a website, make sure to request a free quote. I'm sure we'll be able to help you out!
Green Color Palette website builders
Are you looking for a Green Color Palette website builder? I'm a big fan of Divi. Honestly, I've been using it for 5+ years now. It's such a powerful tool, yet easy to use. I can't recommend it enough!

About the author

Ralph de Groot loves great web design. In fact, you can wake him up at night if you found an inspiring website. Besides writing at My Codeless Website he also loves to read and to travel.