Definitive guide

Real-time statistics about Google Search Console

Google Search Console Statistics 2024 – 19 Key Figures You Must Know

Are you looking for Google Search Console Statistics?

Perhaps you want some actual numbers on Google Search Console Statistics to back up an article you’re writing. In any case, you found the right article.

Let’s dive into some actual key figures and facts about Google Search Console Statistics.

1. Google Search Console (formerly Google Webmaster Tools) costs $0. 

Measure your site’s Search traffic and performance with Search Console tools and data, solve problems, and make your site stand out in Google Search results. This free platform allows anyone with a website to monitor and optimize their site’s organic visibility. 

2. Google Search Console was called Google Webmaster Tools until May 20, 2015.

The program was formerly known as Google Webmaster Tools until May 20, 2015. In January 2018, Google unveiled an updated search console with a new user interface. Old Search Console reports and the home and dashboard pages were deleted in September 2019. 

3. Using Google Search Console correctly can increase organic traffic to your site by up to 28%.

The secret to transforming all that useful data into actionable insights for your SEO strategy is understanding how to use Google Search Console properly.

Utilizing GSC is crucial to any all-encompassing digital marketing approach for several reasons. Google has constantly improved the Search Console platform, which offers detailed information on search engine performance and dashboard features.

Therefore, despite various features being added and modified throughout time, the platform’s fundamental objective has stayed constant: to provide business owners, marketers, and SEO specialists with specific advice on improving their SEO performance, both from a content and technical aspect.

The following are some general instructions for using Google Search Console for SEO:

  • Keep tabs on the keyword positions, impressions, organic traffic, average position, and click-through rate (CTR).
  • Recognize index coverage to ensure Google crawlers are correctly indexing websites.
    Sitemaps disavow files, and removals should be submitted.
  • Find and fix problems with the page experience, the Core Web Vitals, or mobile usability.
  • Verify Google recognizes markup so that websites can display rich results.
  • Check out any manual or security activities that Google has found.
  • Analyze crucial backlink information, such as the number of total external connections, internal links, top connected pages, top linking sites, and the distribution of anchor text.

These activities are crucial to knowing your SEO performance and enhancing it. Additionally, effective SEO is essential for achieving a wide range of marketing goals and objectives, including boosting traffic and conversions, enhancing your reputation, gaining audience insight, and enhancing your online presence.

4. Google Search Console only saves data for the previous 16 months. 

Search Console stores data from the previous 16 months. As a result, Analytics SEO reports likewise contain 16 months’ worth of data. About 48 hours after Search Console collects the data, it is accessible in Analytics and Search Console. Your time zone may affect this period.

Historical Search Console data is made available to your reports when you enable data sharing for Search Console, and it depends on two things:

  • The date the Analytics view was created
    – Data in an Analytics view is only accessible from when the view was created.
  • The day and hour that Search Console verified the site
    – Data is accessible 24 hours after the site has been verified.
    – Data is accessible from the view’s creation date if you finish site verification before creating a view.
    – Data is accessible from site verification onward if you build the view and finish site verification.

5. To see data from Google Search Console, you need 2 ways to prove ownership.

Verifying your ownership of a certain website with Search Console is known as ownership verification. The existence and behavior of a site on Google Search and other Google services can be influenced by site owners in Search Console, who have access to sensitive Google Search data for a site.

Other users may be permitted to see or edit site data in Search Console by a verified owner.

The 2 ways are the following: 

  • Verifying a domain property
  • Verifying a URL prefix property

Verification continues as long as Search Console can verify your verification token’s existence and validity. Search Console periodically checks your verification token to ensure it is still present and active. You will be informed if verification can no longer be verified. Your permission to use that property will end after a certain grace period if the problem is unresolved.

All users will lose access to a Search Console property if all verified owners lose access to it.

Google verifies websites using the Google Site Verifier user agent.

6. Adding your website to Google Search Console only takes a few minutes.

7. Your Search Console account can contain up to 1,000 properties.

A specific thing you can view or manage in Search Console is a property in Search Console. All pages that share the common domain or URL prefix that you define are represented by a website property. Using the property selector in Search Console, you may manage numerous properties and decide which one to view or control.

To add a website property to your Search Console account, follow these steps. Remember that adding a website to your Search Console account requires you to demonstrate that you are the website owner (or relevant element of the website). You can build a property that applies to a specific branch ( or a property that covers the full domain (

You can ask another property owner to give you entry to the property if you cannot provide ownership documentation.

The number of properties you can have in your Search Console account is 1,000.

Website property types:

Search Console supports all of the following website property types:

URL-prefix property:

A Search Console property that, by definition, contains the protocol (http or https) and, depending on how the property was generated, a path string. The property URL is displayed in the property selector dropdown.

Domain property: 

A Search Console property that, by definition, contains the protocol (http or https) and, depending on how the property was generated, a path string. The property URL is displayed in the property selector dropdown.

Include a new property.

Launch Search Console and choose the property using the property selector if someone else has permitted you to access it. If not, you must follow the next step to add a new property to your Search Console account.

Only the ability to track your site’s performance on Google is affected by adding a property to your website. It won’t harm your website if you don’t do it all at once or run into setup issues.

Here are the steps to follow: 

  • Open the property selector menu on any Search Console page.
  • From the selection, choose + Add property.
  • Pick the kind of property to include: URL-prefix property (, Domain property (, or Google-hosted property (Sites, Blogger, Workspace).
  • A verification method of your choice will be requested of you. After selecting, you will be shown the procedures needed for the chosen method’s verification. You have the option of checking right away or saving your settings to continue the procedure later:
  • Follow the instructions for instant verification without closing the pop-up window by clicking Verify. If it takes time to perform these steps, you can always save your settings and resume the process later (described next).
  • Click Verify later to save your current status, close the pop-up, and verify your site whenever convenient. This will let you stop the procedure and restart it later. Once you have completed the necessary steps for verification, choose the saved (but unverified) property in the property selector in the navigation bar, and then click Verify to complete verification.
  • In a few days, data should start showing up on your property. Even before verification, data gathering for that item begins when someone adds a property to their Search Console account. Whether or not the property has a confirmed owner, data collection continues as long as any user has it in their account. Suppose your property is still missing data days after verification. In that case, it’s possible that Google hasn’t found it or you entered the incorrect URL (for example, you specified http instead of https for your URL prefix property).

8. The Search Console reports in Analytics use 4 Google Web Search-specific metrics.

  • Impressions
  • Clicks 
  • Average Position
  • CTR

9. Google delivers Search Console data with a two-day delay via their API.

Google delays the Search Console data delivery by two days using their API. This indicates that they will present the entire previous week’s worth of data in the toolbox on Wednesday, typically when it becomes available. The data is automatically updated. Your involvement is not required.

10. Google Search Console uses 0 cookies.

You can track, maintain, and troubleshoot your site’s visibility in Google Search results using the free service Google Search Console. Although you do not need to register for Search Console for your website to appear in Google search results, doing so might help you understand and optimize how Google views your website.

11. A Google Search Console property can have 100 users/owners.

A property can have both owners and users. These roles each have individual rights and skills. If you are the property owner, you grant permissions to other users.


Each user is given one of the following rights for a Search Console property:

– The owner of a property in the Search Console has complete authority. Owners can change settings, add and remove users, view all data, and access all tools. No users can access a property unless at least one owner has been verified.

There are two different kinds of owners, and each has the same rights:

Verified owner: A person who proved their property ownership using a token (such as an HTML file uploaded to the website). You must add or remove a token from the website to add or delete a verified owner.

Delegated owner: A verified owner may provide ownership status to a delegated owner (such as an HTML file or tag) without a verification token. An owner of any type can easily add or remove a delegated owner by utilizing the Search Console user administration interface.

Full user: Has access to all data and can perform some actions.

Restricted user: Has access to most data just for easy viewing.

Associate user: Associates are individuals or accounts with authority to act on your site’s behalf or gain access to specific information. Associates can carry out various duties, but unlike site owners and users, they cannot open or view your Search Console account or data directly. Depending on the type of association, different actions and permissions are available (for example, Chrome Web store). Understand association better.

12. Google Search Console displays the “actual number” of organic search clicks.

13. In January 2021, Google Search Console introduced the “Google News Report” under the Performance section. 

The Google News section monitors Android, iOS, and user activity.

14. In May 2020, Google implemented a “Core Web Vitals Report” in Google Search Console.

The Google News report displays clicks and impressions data for a specified period. You can further filter by device type, country, and page, just like other performance reports in Search Console.

The Core Web Vitals report is designed to show you the reliability of the user experience on your site.

15. Google Search Console implemented the “Breadcrumbs Report” in September 2019.

Another new structured data report from Google has been added, enabling website owners to verify whether breadcrumb markup has been successfully deployed rapidly.

The “Breadcrumbs” report can be found in Search Console’s Enhancements section and other reports about using structured data.

This report displays to users which set of breadcrumb structured data have been implemented correctly, which ones have not, and which ones have warnings, just like other structured data reports.

If Search Console notices implementation issues with the breadcrumb markup, it will identify what’s missing so you can quickly and effectively resolve it.

16. Google Search Console launched the “Discover Report” in April 2019 to provide publishers with more information about how searchers uncover their content.

17. Google Seach Console Insights only displays GA data for the previous 28 days.

Google created GSC Insights to provide a picture of recent content performance. It only displays GA data for the previous 28 days, occasionally contrasting with the previous 28 days.

18. The Google Search Console Coverage Report has 4 functionalities: errors (with a warning), valid, and excluded.

This report will show you which pages have mistakes. If you don’t have access to pricey crawl software, the coverage report in Google Search Console is your go-to report for identifying damaged pages, among other items.

Google Search Console Errors

These are frequent pages that no longer function or exhibit the 404 error. 

Valid with warning

The ‘valid with warning’ tab displays notifications indicating that the page has been indexed. This could be pages included in the index but currently blocked in the robots.txt file.


‘Valid’ displays all issue-free pages that Google has currently indexed.


The ‘excluded’ tab shows which pages are not currently indexed by Google.

19. Google Search Console stores up to 1000 URLs for landing pages.

Google Analytics disregards the 1000-URL limit but allows for extra landing pages.

Search Console uses canonical URLs to aggregate data, whereas Analytics uses the original landing page URL. This distinction will impact reports that contain the landing page dimension, including Landing Pages and Devices/Countries (when added as a secondary dimension).