From themes to editors. The two most popular site builders have crucial differences.

#1 Introduction

Hey there, friendly stranger!

Having doubts about GoDaddy vs Wix?

I get you! It’s a choice many people have doubts about. And I’m here to help you understand the differences, so you can make the choice that’s best for you!

You found the right page. I’ve built and analyzed over 300 websites built with Elementor and Wix and I’m here to share my experiences with you.

My work is supported by affiliate commissions. Learn more.

Ralph de Groot
My name is Ralph de Groot. I’m the founder and author at My Codeless Website. Wake me up for a great web design!
Beginner friendly
Ecommerce ready
SEO ready
Customer support
Overall grade
$10.99 monthly for the most basic plan
Very easy
Great Ecommerce toolkit
Great for SEO
Great support
Yes, on this page.
$4.50 monthly for the most basic plan
Very easy
Fully integrated ecommerce plans
Great for SEO
Great support

GoDaddy vs. Wix at a glance

1. Two most popular website builders

Wix and GoDaddy are the two top-rated website builders on the market. Combined, they have over 300 000 websites up and running.

2. Aggressive feature releases

Both Wix and GoDaddy have been releasing new features at the speed of light. It’s clear that they’re going head to head to become the most popular website builder. That being said, when one of them releases a popular feature, it won’t be long until the other releases it as well.

3. Main difference between GoDaddy and Wix

Wix is a website builder with hundreds of highly customizable templates, whereas GoDaddy is a domain and web hosting provider that also offers a site builder.

4. Incredible templates

Wix has 800 themes, while GoDaddy has only 19. That being said, I’m sure you’ll find a beautiful one with both of them!

5. Disadvantages Wix ❌

  • It’s impossible to get custom solutions from support
  • They don’t offer a one-time pricing
  • The customer support isn’t amazing

6 Disadvantages GoDaddy

  • Few theme options 
  • Has uptime issues 
  • The restoration cost is expensive

#2 How to install GoDaddy or Wix

Installing GoDaddy or Wix is actually super easy! Just follow my steps, and you’ll have everything set up in less than 5 minutes. Pinky promise!

I split it up into 2 phases.

Phase 1 is for GoDaddy, and Phase 2 is for Wix.

Phase 1 – How to Install GoDaddy

Step 1: Go to GoDaddy’s website and start for free!

Step 2: Create your account.

Step3: Choose your industry and chosen website name.

Step 4: Edit your site to your heart’s content!

That’s it! Just four easy-peasy steps!

After all of those, publish your website to show what you’ve got.

Phase 2 – How to Install Wix

 Step 1: Go to the website of Wix and click on start now.

Step 2: Sign up for a free account

Step 3: Choose a template or let Wix build one for you

Choose your favorite template and build your site with our Editor or answer a few questions and let us create the perfect site for you.

#3 Templates

Both GoDaddy and Wix have outstanding templates.

First I’ll share some GoDaddy templates, then I’ll continue with some Wix Templates!

GoDaddy Templates

Create a website that screams for a second look with GoDaddy’s available templates!

GoDaddy Template 1 – Weltons 

GoDaddy Template 2 –  Bookish 

GoDaddy Template 3 – Wanderly

Things you should know about GoDaddy Templates

A few important notes:

  • Compared to Wix, GoDaddy has few template options with not-so groundbreaking designs. Still, I’m sure you’ll find one that’s right for you. If you want some glow-up, I recommend choosing Wix for snazzy designs!
  • Although you only have a few choices, GoDaddy’s templates are 100% responsive!
  • You can customize any template so that it precisely complements your content.

Wix Templates 

Let’s continue with some amazing Wix templates.

Wix users have access to hundreds of different templates to choose from. They are divided into numerous categories based on the niches or types of internet sites they are intended for. These categories are super-specific so choosing what is right for you should be easy.

Just replace the placeholder content with your own and that’s it, you got a website. You can adjust elements to make them just the way you like it.

In fact, click here if you want to see the other 800 Wix templates. Aside from the link, here are more examples! You’re welcome. 

Wix template 1 – Johnson 

Travel Agency about us template

Wix template 2 – Vista 

Travel Agency about us template

Wix template 3 – Knox 

Travel Agency about us template

Things you should know about Wix Templates

A few important notes:

  • There are no limitations. You can adjust any Wix template to whatever you like.
  • Wix has one of the most unique, wide-ranging, and fully customizable theme selections on the market, with over 700 high-quality themes to choose from.


1 point for Wix! It is noted for its outstanding template library, which includes over 500 designs for various shapes and sizes. GoDaddy, on the other hand, falls short with only a few dozen basic choices. You’d probably want the chic ones, right?

#4 The Editor

It’s tough to compare the user interface of Wix and GoDaddy, as it’s highly dependent on personal preferences. There will be tons of people who think that GoDaddy has a better editor. But then again, others will say Wix wins.

I’ll start comparing the two for you to see the difference:

The GoDaddy Editor compared to Wix

GoDaddy’s editor provides a pleasant and straightforward editing experience. Like other website builders, it has a central dashboard for managing your site and page sections that you can add and change from within the visual editor.  In addition, you can even edit your site from a mobile device! What a convenient way to accomplish stuff. 

However, the editor provides very little design flexibility, and the adjustment options are also somewhat limited. With that, I recommend Wix for versatility and customization options.

The Wix Editor compared to GoDaddy

Compared to GoDaddy, Wix has a drag-and-drop visual editor that works similarly to Powerpoint or Keynote. If you see something, you can alter it just by clicking on it. The webpage remains visible, and updates are made as you make them. Simple as that!


2-0 for Wix! With its powerful editor, you can drag pieces into any position, add custom content, and change nearly any aspect of your site. So freaking cool! 

#5 Ease of Use


GoDaddy is a simple website builder that uses Artificial Design Intelligence (ADI) to make website construction easier and more efficient. It leverages the information you give to build a personalized site in minutes, making it ideal for newbies who wish to publish a basic result!  


Wix is a website builder geared for beginners. In fact, anyone can take charge of the construction process and develop a website of any sort from the ground up in their spare time.  Furthermore, customers may choose a package that already includes a name and hosting, eliminating the need to independently maintain or purchase these items. 

One downside, however, once you choose a template and edit it to your liking, it’s not easy to change to a different template. In fact, it means you have to start over.


3-0 for Wix. Even if you look for hundreds of GoDaddy vs. Wix reviews, no one can deny that it is way easier to use than GoDaddy.

However, GoDaddy was complimented for its quickness, so if you need swift progress, GoDaddy is your top choice. I mean, it wouldn’t be termed the “fastest builder on the market” for nothing. 

#6 Ecommerce

Can you use GoDaddy or Wix for eCommerce?

Yes, actually, they’re both perfect for it. Let me show you why.

Let’s start with GoDaddy.


With GoDaddy’s E-Store, you can create an online business that speaks to clients in their language, increases sales, controls inventory, and much more! 

In fact, you can go online in minutes with their professional-looking templates and can begin selling your goods and services right away. Quick as a flash!

Although GoDaddy is the world’s most popular domain registrar, it’s also suitable for eCommerce. Who doesn’t love increasing sales? We all do! 

Enjoy these features when you purchase a plan: 

After purchasing a plan, the next step is to add your products! You only need one product/service to go live and start receiving traffic. 

When you’re satisfied with your goods, just adjust your shopping options, and you’re good! So trouble-free! I would recommend this to save yourself from the hassle. 


Wix is an excellent option for eCommerce. In fact, three of Wix’s eight premium plans include fully integrated eCommerce functionality.

For as little as $25 a month, you can have all the tools you need to sell online, including the essentials like taking online payments and extras like automatic sales tax and currency conversion.

Wix’s eCommerce tools are relatively sophisticated. However, they fall short of the capabilities of rival specialized eCommerce website builders like Shopify.

Wix’s eCommerce plans are mostly intended for customers who want a website that is capable of selling a few things here and there on the side. It is not advised for use in full-fledged internet businesses.


Close draw! Wix and GoDaddy aren’t specifically built for developing online stores, but you can sell things on both. Their eCommerce features won’t disappoint you, so give them a try and see for yourself!

#7 Features

Both GoDaddy and Wix have a lot of features. Honestly, I can’t think of any features I would like to add to either one of them.

However, I can imagine you want to know more about what features are included. So here we go.


GoDaddy is a quick and easy platform to construct a website that you and your clients will enjoy. Take a look at these fantastic features to see what it’s capable of!

  • Visually Appealing Templates 

GoDaddy has slick, responsive, and mobile-friendly templates that make you look fantastic on any screen. Selling on the internet? They also have store templates for you to explore on. Take a look at their E-Store Builder.

  • Easy-to-Use Website Builder

You can build a website without any technical knowledge. No headaches included—just pure basics. 

  • Free Professional Photographs

You don’t have any images yet? Don’t worry, you can utilize GoDaddy’s free professional photographs on the sites.

  • Content Creation with GoDaddy Studio

Make eye-catching content for social media, email, and other platforms by utilizing gorgeous layouts, fonts, and graphics! 

For beginners, GoDaddy Studio is a content creation tool that is available on mobile and desktop. Its sophisticated image editor enables you to generate professional-looking content quickly and easily.

  • Rapid Page-Load Performance

Nothing is more frustrating than a slow-loading website. The good thing is, GoodDaddy won’t let you down. GoDaddy’s loading speed is an average of 171.1 ms, indicating that they are swift.

  • Connections 

From your dashboard, you can create and deliver customized messages to your customers.


Now let’s continue with Wix.

Wix is an all-in-one platform that offers three different methods to create websites: Wix Artificial Design Intelligence, Wix Editor, and Wix Velo.

  • Wix ADI/ Wix Artificial Design Intelligence

The ADI creates a customized website for you in real-time based on your responses to questions. This is a super cool feature that creates a website for you using AI. You get a couple of questions, and that’s it Wix’s AI builds you a website. Amazing right?

  • Wix’s Editor

The Editor is an intuitive drag-and-drop interface with various possibilities for each element, hundreds of templates (plus more from the community), video backdrops, parallax, and other fully adjustable features included in the editor.

  • Wix Velo

Velo is a tool that allows users to create more complex websites. It is a more complex interface, though more for the tech-savvy crowd.

  • Full-Packed Features

All Wix sites are hosted on their servers and contain features such as security, backups, search engine optimization, domain names, and other features. Apps from the app store might help you to customize your website.

Among the many features available is the ability to edit photos and logos, create password-protected pages, embed HTML, utilize stock photos, manage your online store, monitor statistics, utilize financial tools, and receive your own private mailbox.


4-0 for Wix as it provides far more features than GoDaddy. Even though GoDaddy includes a few essential features that Wix does not, like built-in email marketing, Wix has more desirable properties to deal with.

#8 Pricing

Let’s talk about pricing. This might be the variable that could help you choose between GoDaddy and Wix.

GoDaddy Pricing

GoDaddy offers three pricing options: 

  • Basic – $10.99 per month
  • Standard – $10.49 per month
  • Premium – $14.99 per month
  • E-commerce – $16.99 per month

Wix Pricing 

Prices on Wix work a bit differently. They have multiple tiers with each tier to offer more functionalities. You pick from a variety of different plans based on the project’s requirements.

The best part about the pricing of Wix? It all comes with a free domain and a free SSL certificate.

Here are the four baseline plans as of 2024. 

  • Connect Domain – $4.50 per month
  • Combo –  $8.50 per month
  • Unlimited – $12.50 per month
  • VIP –  $24.50 per month


    GoDaddy is less expensive, but Wix’s options offer more value for your cash. If all you need is a basic, ad-free website, GoDaddy will save you some money.

    #9 SEO

    I’m going to keep this short. Both of them are great for SEO.


    Why is GoDaddy great for SEO? 

    • They analyze your website and look for ways to optimize it for search engines like Google, Yahoo, and Bing.
    • They accompany you through keyword and phrase ideas to increase your website’s search rankings little by little.
    • Your authorized changes are immediately published to your website, allowing more time to focus on your business.
    • They examine how your company climbs in search engine results and track your success over time.
    • They provide SEO Wizard advice on optimizing each page by adding relevant keywords and descriptions.


    Why is Wix great for SEO? 

    • Wix includes all of the tools you need to optimize your site’s content for SEO! 
    • The Wix SEO Wiz, Accessibility, and the New Wix Blog are all designed to help you reach the largest possible audience while keeping all of your materials optimized.
    • Wix improves your site’s SEO by putting you in charge. It allows you to change SEO-related elements such as meta titles and descriptions, URL slugs, and header code.
    • All Wix sites are supported by a solid infrastructure that satisfies search engine requirements, providing you with a strong SEO foundation to thrive in organic search.
    • You can maximize your local search directly from your Wix dashboard. 


    Point goes to GoDaddy. It has more built-in SEO capabilities, and everything you need is just at your fingertips. As the world’s leading domain registrar, GoDaddy understands the web inside and out. Overall, they can help you rank higher in search engines, bringing more attention to your business!

    Divi SEO Review

    #10 Domains & Emails


    GoDaddy has its own email marketing service, but it comes at an extra expense on top of the monthly subscription. Nonetheless, you can connect with literally anyone with powerful email and social media marketing tools. Worth the try! 

    Furthermore, almost 20 million consumers entrust GoDaddy with their domains. No kidding! Try it and thank me later. 


    Wix provides an all-in-one solution for creating a complete, sophisticated online presence. Feel free to register your free Wix website domain and benefit from seamless integration with Wix products.


    Both are good for your domain and email needs. A close tie indeed!

    #11 Examples

    Here is a collection of my favorite 50 Wix websites.

    Definitely have a look at this collection to get a better understanding of what’s possible with Wix. 

    In this review, however, I’ll share 2 special examples.

    Let’s start with my favorite Wix website.

    It’s the website of Wix itself. It has great animations and feels incredibly smooth as you scroll down. Have a look and see what’s possible.


    Next is an example of GoDaddy.

    DESTIHL is a craft brewery and restaurant company with excellent transitions and interesting shapes to impress every customer. In addition, it’s loads fast with no interruptions. Definitely an example of a GoDaddy website!

    #12 Customer Support


    The 24/7 phone support and the live chat feature are significant advantages for GoDaddy.


    Wix’s customer support is something you’d like. Have a look at its Trust Pilot profile. It has 19,191 reviews with an average of 4.6. If you read the comments, you’ll see a repetition of people praising Wix’s support. 


    Definitely GoDaddy! Whatever your problem is, they are available anytime to help you!

    #13 Conclusion

    In the end, I recommend Wix over GoDaddy. Here’s why. 

    • Wix is undeniably an all-purpose website builder. 
    • It’s ideal for novices and creatives. 
    • It beat GoDaddy in almost all categories!

    I hope you found this comparison helpful – thanks for reading until the end!

    #14 FAQ

    Which is faster, GoDaddy or Wix?

    Both of them are fast, and they respond well to various devices. They truly live up to their names of being popular website builders. 

    Is Godaddy better than Wix?

    No. Wix and GoDaddy have their advantages over the another. In this Wix vs. GoDaddy comparison article, you can notice that they shine in different categories! However, Wix is the clear champ for the majority of rounds. 

    Which is cheaper, Godaddy or Wix?

    GoDaddy is less expensive, but Wix’s options offer more value for your cash. If all you need is a basic, ad-free website, GoDaddy will save you some money.