Definitive guide

How to create a mind-blowing GatsbyJS website with/without a web designer

Best GatsbyJS Websites of 2024 | 11 Examples + Templates

Professional Website Example

Here’s how to get started.

Are you looking for the best GatsbyJS website designs? Or are you looking for some inspiring templates?
You came to the right place. See, many people who need a GatsbyJS website invest a lot of money to get one. They hire extremely expensive web designers who often build low-quality websites. Although I'm not blaming anybody, I have a better idea for you.

Build it yourself. On this page you’ll find clear instructions to do it – even if you don’t have any experience. I’ll recommend you a couple of tools that I trust. If you decide to purchase a tool I recommend, I get a small commission at no extra cost to you.

Do you prefer to have a professional web designer do it for you? I got your back. Scroll down to check out my recommended web designer.

They're great at building GatsbyJS websites!
Ralph de Groot
Let's make building your GatsbyJS website as easy as possible. Welcome to my guide!
After years of trial and error I can confidentially recommend you the following when it comes to building a GatsbyJS website.

My name is Ralph de Groot. I’m the founder and author at My Codeless Website. Wake me up for a great web design!

PS: This is my #1 site builder and this is my #1 hosting.

The best GatsbyJS websites of 2024.

1. Braun

Braun, a consumer products company, emits warmth, modernity, and transparency through its great choice of neutral color scheme. Shades of black, brown, and white easily encourage visitors to explore more of what the website has to offer. Another great thing about this website is when you click on the ‘explore’ button above the fold, you get redirected to a very soothing page with 3D animations of their product.

Things we love about this web design

  • High-quality images
  • Modern clean fonts
  • Smooth scrolling

🚀 The website builder I recommend to replicate this website

2. Impossible Foods

The first thing that captures a visitor’s attention is the website’s highlighted content above the fold. And Impossible Foods aced that! With clear copywriting, vibrant yellow background, powerful font, and of course, engaging visual media, one would definitely take the next step in exploring the website.

Things we love about this web design

  • Vibrant color scheme
  • Powerful typography
  • Great copywriting

🚀 The website builder I recommend to replicate this website

3. SEO Monitor

SEO Monitor has some of the best infographics out there. Their web design showcased their services by featuring clean infographics in black and white with accent colors that aesthetically pop out of the screen. Another noteworthy feature in their web design is the scrolling portrait illustrations of various members of their team.

Things we love about this web design

  • Neat infographics and illustrations
  • Refreshing color scheme
  • Bold fonts

🚀 The website builder I recommend to replicate this website


Cool visuals! As soon as the website loaded, you’d be entertained by their impressive visual media. As a creative agency that offers services such as research and strategy, branding and design, and content and production, they definitely did not disappoint in those departments through their web design. Go check it out for yourself!

Things we love about this web design

  • Interactive graphics and texts
  • Cool text animation and video above the fold
  • Modern design

🚀 The website builder I recommend to replicate this website

5. Nike

With a pleasing neutral color scheme, vibrant accent colors, stylish photos, and simple font, Nike is a great example of a website that manages to produce a high-quality web design without the unnecessary details. Featuring only what needs to be featured in a clean and fashionable manner – Nike just did that!

What we love about this web design

  • Contemporary images
  • Striking color scheme
  • Clear call-to-action buttons and clean menu structure

🚀 The website builder I recommend to replicate this website

6. Slate Milk

Slate Milk has this authenticity and boldness in its web design. This website uses simple yet strong typography, a neutral color scheme, subtle animations, and fun copywriting. It also made use of testimonials and reviews of the press like CNN and Rolling Stone, and some of its consumers.

What we love about this web design

  • “Testimonials” section
  • Subtle motion graphics
  • Clean design

🚀 The website builder I recommend to replicate this website

7. Airbnb Cereal

Airbnb Cereal is a perfect example of a website that can be both basic and fun! Starting off with a one-pager homepage, you’d think that’s all there is to it, but no. By clicking the ‘start’ call-to-action, a fun experience begins – motion graphics, smooth scrolling, text animations, and interactive letters.

What we love about this web design

  • Animated and interactive texts
  • Clean and simple design
  • White space makes accent colors pop

🚀 The website builder I recommend to replicate this website

8. Pluto

This website is seriously one of a kind. “Futuristic” is the right word to best describe the theme of its web design. All elements in this website have unique features like pop-up buttons, color-changing effects, 2D to 3D transitions, and scrolling animations. To sum up, everything on this website has a wow factor! Go visit this website and see for yourself.

What we love about this web design

  • Innovative user interface
  • Interactive 2D and 3D graphics
  • Unique pop up call-to-action

🚀 The website builder I recommend to replicate this website

9. Kookslams Hard Seltzer

Kookslams Hard Seltzer is a superb website inspiration with a web design that gives off summer vibes. And not only do they have amusing graphics and striking color schemes, their animations are also so smooth that you would want to scroll until the last page. Lastly, I really liked the “floating” effect of images, graphics, and texts. Very satisfying!

What we love about this web design

  • Smooth scrolling animations
  • “Floating” images, texts, and graphics
  • Creative and colorful design

🚀 The website builder I recommend to replicate this website

10. Grilled Pixels

Grilled Pixels, a digital studio, has a modern web design that not only excelled in the visual aspect but also in providing the right information in a clear manner. Using bold accent fonts and simple body fonts, visitors would really immerse themselves in reading and learning more about the projects featured on this website.

What we love about this web design

  • Light and dark mode feature
  • Pop up images on the “Project Archive” section
  • Smooth scrolling

🚀 The website builder I recommend to replicate this website

BONUS: Elegant Themes


Although this one officially shouldn't be in this list - I couldn't keep this one from you. Elegant themes has amazing website themes and leads by example. Their own homepage looks stunning.

What you can learn from this great  website

  • Playful design
  • Clear call to actions
  • Great user experience

Here’s how to get the most out of this article:

  1. Discover which themes are used by the best website examples
  2. Learn how to build a website without coding with my free mini course
  3. Find a web designer who can build your website
Now you've found some cool GatsbyJS examples,

here are your next steps.

Ralph de Groot

Find a web designer, or do it yourself.

The team at My Codeless Website offers high-quality websites for fair prices. We partnered up with a professional web design agency to deliver jaw-dropping websites that are not just good-looking, but conversion-focused.

Proven track record of over 300 websites built
Organized, easy-to-follow process from start to finish
Experts guide you through the architecture of your website

Best Practices

Claim the right domain before it’s gone

Spend your money wisely.

We recommend Divi, it’s great for beginners and allows you to customize everything.

Recommended Page Builder
GatsbyJS website building
You can use these amazing GatsbyJS websites as inspiration for your own website. Of course you shouldn't copy these websites. Simply pick your favourite ones and blend them into your perfect design.
GatsbyJS website design
I hope you enjoyed these GatsbyJS website examples. If you need help to design a website, make sure to request a free quote. I'm sure we'll be able to help you out!
GatsbyJS website builders
Are you looking for a GatsbyJS website builder? I'm a big fan of Divi. Honestly, I've been using it for 5+ years now. It's such a powerful tool, yet easy to use. I can't recommend it enough!

About the author

Ralph de Groot loves great web design. In fact, you can wake him up at night if you found an inspiring website. Besides writing at My Codeless Website he also loves to read and to travel.

Checklist: 5 ways to make your GatsbyJS website beautiful and highly converting

1. Don’t break the 5-second rule

The moment a visitor lands on your website you only have 5 seconds to make a good impression.

That’s 5 short seconds to convince your visitor to stay on your website – and don’t hit the back button.

Make sure the text on your website is appealing and gets your visitor excited. Don’t waste the first 5 seconds of somebody’s visit with unnecessary fluff.

2. Don’t confuse your visitor with too many call to actions

Great call to actions draw the attention of your visitors.

That said, you don’t want your call to action buttons fighting for the attention of your visitor. Pick the most important call to action for that page, and go with it.

In case you want to show multiple call to actions anyway, make sure to give them a different design, with your primary call to action being the most notable one.

3. Design mobile-first

Last year over 52% of all the website traffic worldwide came from mobile devices.

More than half of the website visits are on a mobile device.

This percentage will only increase in the coming years, therefore the mobile design of your website is crucial for the success of your website.

When designing your website, think about mobile design before you build your desktop website.

4. Watch people using your website without telling them what to do

Once your website is ready it’s time to launch. Well, almost.

Invite some friends or colleagues and put them in front of a computer. Ask them to pretend to be potential customers and have them visit your website.

Now sit next to them, and don’t say anything (this will be harder than you think).

Do this with at least 5 people and learn from their behavior:

  • Did they follow the steps you expected them to?
  • Did your website load fast enough?
  • Was everything clear to them?

5. Collect real testimonials from real members

By now you probably realized social proof is extremely important when it comes to building a great website. Take it to the next level, and add testimonials from your members.

Don’t write them yourself, don’t ask your friends to write them. Everybody will feel something is off.

Want to go for the perfect score? Include video testimonials. Trust me, this will turn your website into a conversion machine.

Growth hacking: 3 powerful strategies to promote your GatsbyJS website

1. Go viral with a viral give-away


You send your website to 5 friends. Who each sends it to 5 friends.

Now, these friends also send it to 5 friends.  Oh la la! Continue this loop for a while, and your website is actually going viral.

Viral Loops is a referral marketing tool that helps you to explode your website with new visitors.

We’ve used Viral Loops to create virality with multiple websites. It allows you to build a sustainable referral scheme that helps you to grow your website rapidly.

2. Use local SEO

SEO is a great way to attract local clients. SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization and helps you to get free website traffic through search engines.

Check out these articles about local SEO if you want to learn more about this:

3. Do a press release

Yikes! A press release? That’s not for your website, right?

Well. It is actually. Journalists LOVE small businesses and the entrepreneurs behind them. It makes sense – if you’re at a birthday party, friends are probably always asking how your business is doing.

Everybody loves entrepreneurs.

Write a press release about a milestone your company achieved. It doesn’t really matter what it is your company did, just make it juicy and interesting.

Create a list of journalists and reach out to them. The key in this process is the follow-up. If you’re just sending them just one email you’re probably not going to have a lot of success. Remind them at least once within a period of 7 days.

Being featured by local news outlets actually is good for your SEO. The more websites mention you on their website, the higher you’ll rank in the search engine.


What makes a good GatsbyJS website?

A GatsbyJS website should have a minimalistic design, be easy to navigate and include a lot of social proof. Have a look at this page for great example websites.

How to create a GatsbyJS website?

  1. Analyze the best examples on this page
  2. Make notes of what you like – and what you don’t like
  3. Design your own site with this drag & drop website builder 
  4. Publish your website with our recommended hosting platform.

How much does a GatsbyJS website cost?

A web designer will charge anywhere between $1800 and $4800 for a decent website. However, this article will teach you to do it yourself for less than $100.

What information is needed on a GatsbyJS website?

Your website will need at least the following pages: ‘Home, About us, Contact, Timetable. To create trust with your visitor it’s important to show lots of pictures and videos of your classes.

You're now ready to get your GatsbyJS website up and running!