How to Start a Career in Digital Marketing?(Guide for Beginners)

Are you a beginner in digital marketing? Are you looking to start a career in the digital marketing field?

This post includes the pros and cons(advantages and disadvantages) of choosing digital marketing, information about the best digital marketing jobs, tips to start a career in the digital marketing field,  popular digital marketing courses and books, etc.

Digital Marketing Guide by

In this technology era, everyone and everything has an online presence. Internet marketing is taking over the offline business.

I’ve written this digital marketing career guide for beginners and those who want any information related to a digital marketing job, digital marketing business, etc.

I’m trying to cover the most essential topics, and I’ll come up with more posts on digital marketing in the future.

Let me get started as I want to cover complete information related to digital marketing and social media marketing as a career option.

Also, you shouldn’t miss out to read my post about selling using an Instagram Store.

Table of Contents

What is Digital Marketing?

The scope of digital marketing is unlimited. The main reason is that digital marketing covers all types of online promotion. It is a massive field, and some people even call it internet marketing.

It includes the following types of online marketing:

  • Search Engine Marketing.
  • Content Marketing.
  • Affiliate Marketing.
  • Social Media Marketing.
  • Mobile Marketing.
  • Email Marketing.
  • Influencer Marketing.

Different Ways to Start Digital Marketing as a Career

Starting a career in digital marketing is easy. Here are the ways to start your digital marketing career:

1. Digital Marketing Internship.

If you’re completely new to digital marketing, an internship could be the complete solution.

You can join an individual or even a company when taking up internships to gain basic knowledge about a field.

With the increasing number of individuals and agencies, there are many options available to find a digital marketing internship.

By completing some digital marketing internships, you’ll have enough knowledge about digital marketing.

Having the basic knowledge is crucial to get success as a digital marketer.

Be sure to invest your time in the suitable digital marketing internships. This will help you make a good career in the digital marketing field.

An excellent digital marketing internship will make you learn everything about organic growth and how to use paid ads on different social media platforms.

2. Digital Marketing Job.

Digital Marketing Job and Hourly Rate

Image Credits to Getcredo

If you know the basics of digital marketing, you can definitely find a digital marketing job.

You’ll find that newbies get a good amount of salary even if they are new to the digital marketing field.

With the increasing number of digital marketing agencies, there has been a constant increase in digital marketing jobs available for youngsters in India and other countries.

An excellent digital marketing job may help you have stability in your life, and if permitted, you can have some personal digital marketing clients along with your job.

3. Become an Influencer using Online Guides and YouTube Videos.

If you plan to start your own pages, websites, etc, to grow as an influencer on digital marketing platforms, this is the best option for you.

Instagram influencers are in massive demand these days.

Most of the Instagram influencers have not taken a digital marketing course.

They have been able to get massive success on Instagram as influencers only because of their skills and consistency.

You may soon find that digital influencers on other digital media platforms too will be in massive demand soon.

You can even expect new digital marketing platforms in the future. This will make influencers earn more money using their social media marketing skills on different platforms.

If you’re starting on your own, then here are some of the best digital marketing tools that you should learn to use yourself.

Best Tools for Digital Marketing

  • Google Analytics. (Learn to use Google Analytics with WordPress)
  • Ahrefs Webmaster Tools.
  • Semrush. (You can check the Semrush’s complete review before purchasing this tool)
  • Email marketing tools like Convertkit.
  • Social Media scheduling tools.
  • Grammar and Punctuation checking tools. A good grammar checker will help you produce the best quality social media content.
  • AI-Powered writing tools.

4. A Digital Marketing Coach or Mentor

Want to know who is my mentor? I regularly follow Neil Patel to improve my digital marketing skills. He has a lot of knowledge about SEO and social media marketing.

Digital Marketing Expert, Coach, Consultant

Image Source – Neil Patel’ blog

I’ve been reading his blogs regularly. Nowadays, I’m trying to regularly go through his YouTube videos about SEO and social media marketing.

A digital marketing coach or mentor will help you in growing constantly. They will also guide you in understanding your mistakes as a digital marketer.

Some coaches specialize in a particular social media site like LinkedIn or Instagram, while some coaches have complete knowledge about digital marketing.

You should choose the right digital marketing coach, and you shouldn’t be influenced by any of the fake digital marketing coaches.

If you want to provide digital marketing coaching or mentorship, you should constantly share your basic knowledge with your followers. This will help you to gain trust among your followers.

Digital marketing consulting and coaching is becoming more popular day by day.

Coaches focus on a particular digital marketing platform and consistently provide their consulting service. They try to keep improving their consulting service to guide people in the best way.

10+ Digital Marketing Jobs for 2022: Make Your Career

Top Digital Marketing Jobs and Careers

If you’re thinking of doing a digital marketing course, you should consider the below-mentioned digital marketing jobs/roles. You’ll find the maximum opportunities if you consider these digital marketing jobs and try to expertise particular skills.

Making a career in digital marketing is not difficult. It is all about upskilling, and hence, you need to know the top and trending digital marketing jobs.

Even if many careers provide a good salary, many choose digital marketing considering the growth and success that some have achieved within a short span.

  1. Copywriter and Content Creator.

Copywriters and content creators are in demand.

Good copywriting helps in increasing conversions.

As this is the era of social media, content creators are also in demand.

If you’re already a content writer, you can try to learn copywriting skills. You can also become a content creator for various social media platforms. If you’re good in front of the camera, creating content on YouTube can be one of the best career options.

  1. Social Media Manager.

You must have heard about making a career in social media or digital media.

Social media managers are in demand as companies and individuals need people who can handle social media profiles.

For the social media manager job, you need skills and experience in handling profiles on different social media profiles.

A course can teach you about social media platforms and how to grow on different platforms.

It is the experience that plays a crucial role in getting a job as a social media manager.

  1. SEO Expert.

SEO experts are paid the best salary when they have the knowledge and experience to rank websites for different keywords.

I believe SEO requires knowledge and application of knowledge. If you can rank your own websites, you would be able to rank your clients’ websites too.

  1. UX Designer.

The popularity of UX Designer courses has increased. If you’ve a technical background and are interesting in developing websites and apps, this can be the right option for you.

UX designers are offered the top salary in the USA.

  1. Email Marketing Specialist.

Email marketing helps to get more conversions!

For this job, you need copywriting and editing skills.

At the same time, you need to possess knowledge and experience in using email marketing tools.

Email marketing helps companies and brands get the best conversion rate.

If you have decent email marketing skills, you can get a decent job immediately.

  1. Content Strategist.

Content strategists play a very important in developing content creation strategies for brands.

If you’re good at developing the content strategy for your brand and have good knowledge of personal branding, you can apply for this digital marketing job.

  1. Video Editing and Marketing.

Video editors are in demand as this is an era of short videos and YouTube. You can get a lot of popularity if you create the best videos for YouTube regularly.

As the competition is constantly increasing on YouTube and other platforms, the demand for those who have expertise in video marketing is also growing.

  1. Paid Advertising Expert.

Google Ads and Facebook Ads have bought a lot of career options for people making a career in the paid advertising industry.

Businesses selling products and services are investing a lot of money in digital advertising, and hence, there are a lot of opportunities in the paid advertising industry.

If you don’t have the job experience, you can even freelance in the paid advertising industry.

You can try to do a course in Google Ads and Facebook Ads, and thereafter you can provide such service to your few friends from the digital marketing industry or the local service providers.

Once you gain experience and succeed from your paid advertising campaigns, you’ll get companies approaching you to join them.

As clients invest huge amounts regularly in digital advertising, companies always look for individuals who have expertise in Google Ads and Facebook Ads.

  1. Career in Digital Design.

If you’re good at photoshop, canva, and other designing tools, you can get a job as a designer. You can build your career in the digital design industry by working on your design skills.

As a designer, you shouldn’t focus on different careers together. If your online focus is on designing, you will end up making a lot of money from your design skills.

You can make a progress in your digital marketing career just by expertizing in some design tools.

  1. AI Specialists

As the use of AI tools increases, companies want to develop new AI tools and need people who have to expertize in handling such tools.

If you’ve technical knowledge and a computer science degree, you can opt to become an AI specialist.

AI will play a very crucial role even in the digital marketing industry.

The above-mentioned digital marketing jobs would help you choose the right career path in digital marketing.

I hope you’ll opt for the best digital marketing course to achieve career growth in digital marketing. You can get the best digital marketing job salary by choosing the right option for yourself.

Why do Skills and Experience determine the Digital Marketing Job Salary?

It all depends on the skills you gain and the experience you possess.

As all businesses go online, the demand for digital marketing specialists will increase. There can be a shortage of supply of those individuals who possess the best skills and experience.

Digital marketing trends keep changing. You need to always focus on the new trends and keep gaining experience.

Freelancing can provide you with good experience, but job experience may matter a lot when it comes to getting a better salary. Many digital marketing companies give a lot of importance to job experience. I hope digital marketing companies give importance to the experience and skills of freelancers.

Pros/Advantages of Choosing Digital Marketing as a Career

I’m sharing the advantages of digital marketing compared to some of the other career options.

Knowing the advantages would motivate you to start your digital marketing career immediately.

1. The Scope of Digital Marketing is Increasing Daily.

As internet usage is increasing daily, the entry of 5G worldwide and many other reasons have expanded the scope of digital marketing.

All products and services can now be availed online.

People are more active on social media platforms, and the internet has been used as a platform for getting more clients and customers.

The increasing scope of digital marketing is evident from the increased number of digital marketers, the number of digital marketing agencies, etc.

Digital marketing is valued worldwide. You can find out how it is getting popularity even in smaller countries by doing a research.

2. Good Salary or Good Profits.

Recently, companies and brands have decided to invest more money in digital media compared to the other available advertisement platforms.

Digital marketing agencies pay a decent amount of money to their employees as they earn a good amount of profits from their clients.

If brands keep investing money considering the benefits of digital media, then the salaries and profits in this field will keep increasing.

Everyone wants to make money from digital marketing as it is one of the most booming businesses worldwide.

3. Less Traveling.

In the covid phase, many digital marketing agencies allowed their employees to work from home.

Even after the covid phase, digital marketing agencies may allow remote working as it saves the cost, time, and efforts involved in traveling to the office place daily.

Those freelancing as social media marketing managers also don’t need to travel much.

There has been a considerable increase even in the number of digital marketing consultants and coaches. Choosing this type of work is that they love to share their knowledge with others. Also, they earn a decent amount of money by doing the same.

4. Personality Development

A digital marketing job may improve your personality.

If you have worked in this field for a good number of years, then you’ll definitely improve your writing skills, oral communication, etc.

Your personality may change entirely with the knowledge and experience you may gain by working for clients from different countries.

Cons/Disadvantages of Choosing Digital Marketing as a Career

I’m sharing the disadvantages of choosing digital marketing as your career to know if digital marketing will be the right option for you.

1. Digital Marketing is not Considered as a Popular Career Choice.

Everyone may not understand what you’re doing unless they have a basic understanding of some digital marketing concepts.

Even if digital marketing is getting popular, it is still not recognized as much as the other career options like engineering, MBA, CA, Banking, Doctor, etc.

I just hope that digital marketing will become a part of different courses, and it will be one of the most popular career options in the future.

2. Increasing Competition.

Like the other booming fields, the competition in the digital marketing field is also peaking daily.

If you want to keep making money from digital marketing, you definitely need to upskill.

You can’t expect to increase income or profits if you don’t upscale in the digital marketing field by improving your skills.

I can explain this.

If you’re a content writer, you can become better by learning copywriting and some graphic designing skills.

You can focus on having a passive income apart from your active income from freelance writing.

If your focus is on email marketing, then you can improve your SEO skills so that you’ll even have organic traffic for your website.

3. Digital Marketing requires constant upskilling.

As already explained above, digital marketing is different from a regular job.

If you don’t upskill, then new digital marketers may take your job, or they may make much more profits than you.

The need for upskilling has bought many new digital marketing courses useful for those who don’t want the same constant income forever.

If you’re reading this blog post, you don’t need to worry about upskilling.

I’ll constantly try to come up with new posts about digital marketing and other related topics so that you can become the best digital marketer in the future. I hope knowing the advantages and disadvantages will help you make the right decision.

Popular Books and Courses for Digital Marketing

You shouldn’t waste your crucial time if you’re very much intrigued about digital marketing.

Here are some of the popular digital marketing courses and books:

Popular Online Digital Marketing Courses

  • SEO Training Course by Moz.
  • Hubspot’s Content Marketing Certification.
  • Google Academy for Ads.
  • LinkedIn Learning courses.
  • Udemy Courses. I believe Udemy Courses are very popular among the new digital marketers.

I’ll make you know about more courses in the coming months.

The increasing popularity of some of the best digital marketing courses clearly depicts the increasing popularity of this career option among teenagers in India, the UK, the USA, and other countries.

If you don’t want to register on any site for a digital marketing course, you can find some very useful courses and videos related to specific skills on YouTube. Some of the best digital marketers keep learning new skills using YouTube videos.

Popular Digital Marketing Books

Digital Marketing Book 1 Digital Marketing Strategy: An Integrated Approach to Online Marketing.


Digital Marketing Book 2 Build a Story Brand: Clarify Your Message So Customers Will Listen.


Digital Marketing Book 3 Digital Marketing by Dave Chaffey and Fiona Ellis Chadwick.


Digital Marketing Book 4 Digital Persuasion: Sell Smarter in the Modern Marketplace.


Digital Marketing Book 5 Digital Marketing for Dummies by Ryan Deiss and Russ Henneberry.


If you aim to be a digital marketing manager for the long term or even forever, then check out the popular books and courses mentioned above. I’ll try to make a few more additions to this list in the future. Kindly note that I don’t include every book in this list. I cover popular digital marketing books and courses only.

How to Gain Followers as a Beginner on Any Social Media Platform?

Social Media Marketing Growth and Career

Image Source – Searchenginejournal

If you’re new to social media marketing, knowing the following steps will help you start your social media marketing journey immediately.

Here are the basic steps and strategies you need to follow to gain followers on any social media platform.

  • Start a profile for yourself or a business profile for your brand.
  • Optimize the profile. This includes the about section, profile photo, banner, etc. Try to cover all the sections. You can take help from a social media marketing coach to optimize your profile in the best way. People are investing a good amount of money to optimize their LinkedIn profiles.
  • Start posting content. You should try to diversify the content as much as possible.
  • Interact with people by commenting on their posts and introducing yourself.
  • Have the patience to succeed and keep getting better by learning the best skills for a particular social media platform.
  • Once you start growing, follow the best in the industry to learn new social media marketing skills.

How to Start a Digital Marketing Company or an Agency?

Starting a digital marketing company or agency is not an easy thing. You need to know digital marketing, the taxation rules, how companies work, etc.

You need to gain enough knowledge about different social media platforms.

At the same time, you need to have some work experience.

Having the work experience of working in a digital marketing company will help you progress at a faster pace in this field.

Properly dealing with clients is necessary to get long-term success as an agency dealing in digital marketing services.

Essential Factors to Consider to Set up a Digital Marketing Company

  • Funds Available.
  • The office space and the location of the team.
  • The Digital Marketing team. You need an excellent team to get success as a digital marketing company. Finding the correct type of people in your budget is necessary for initial success.
  • Current clients and the scope of working with them.
  • How can you offer a better digital marketing service than the other digital marketing companies?
  • Services that are in demand.

FAQs – Questions Related to Digital Marketing Career

1. Whether the digital marketing managers are paid a decent salary?

Yes, digital marketing managers are paid a decent salary. Some digital marketing managers earn much more than other professionals.

2. Whether AI will take away digital marketing jobs?

Never, but you need to upskill yourself consistently.

3. Is it challenging to learn the basics of digital marketing?

Everything takes time. Rushing won’t make you the best in the digital marketing industry.

4. Are any qualifications required to start a career in digital marketing?

No. It just requires passion, determination, dedication, etc.

5. Can anyone become a digital marketing coach or consultant?

Yes. If one decides to expertise and spends a few years in digital marketing, this is a possibility.

Conclusion – Digital Marketing is a Booming Career Option with Advantages

Digital marketing is a booming business not only in India but worldwide. You’ll find that the growth of digital marketing is much more than any other business. In this era of internet marketing, you’ll find that everyone wants to be connected with digital media.

If you’re taking the proper steps, you’ll definitely have a promising career in the digital marketing field. Digital marketing has already given many individuals a new life and job opportunity.

Any questions about digital marketing? Kindly ask your question related to digital marketing by commenting below.

If you think this short guide can be helpful for your friends to make a career in digital marketing, do share this post on different social media sites.


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