With Squad Busters imminent, Supercell is already teasing its next potential launch: Mo.co


Supercell’s Squad Busters launches worldwide on May 29 – but the Finnish firm is already teasing a potential global release for another game in development: Mo.co.

It is Supercell’s take on Diablo-style dungeon crawling, and judging by the many snippets of gameplay footage posted across its social media channels, it’s already pretty polished.

Supercell has even teased a global launch already. In posts on X and Instagram this week Supercell said there is “no set date for when the game will be available for everyone…yet!”

The Finnish firm is posting regular updates on the game’s development on Reddit and in its Discord server to whip up interest as the game evolves. It said recently that Mo.co’s PvP and PvE experiences will be separate, with PvP content not mandatory for progress, and talked through tweaks to the game’s mechanics and economy.

Supercell has also posted several video clips of how some of the game’s weapons work within gameplay, peeks at concept art and detail on how its ‘Merch Machine’ gacha system works.

Mo.co was first revealed in October 2023, and was in beta for selected US-based Android players from October 25-November 6 2023. As we reported back then, early feedback on the game was positive. Naavik consulting partner Jordan Phang said that “the Supercell magic is back”.

He described the game as “A Supercell-ized mix of Diablo Immortal, Monster Hunter, and Warcraft” that “strips out the convoluted mechanics.”

“Mo.co feels like a reimagining of the MMORPG for a mobile audience that is fun, engaging and opens up the funnel to a hardcore genre,” he added. “While we’ll need an extended look at the game for its long-term potential, the first signs are looking very positive indeed.”

Meanwhile, the launch of Squad Busters, Supercell’s first global release since Brawl Stars around five-and-a-half years ago, is fast approaching. Last month, the Finnish firm announced that Squad Busters is going global on May 29 – two days into its soft launch, which began on April 23. Prior to that, selected Android players were invited to a 10 day, Canada-only beta in February 2023.

We asked several industry experts for their first impressions of Squad Busters back in April. Game Economist Consulting’s Phillip Black described Squad Busters as “Supercell’s Super Smash Bros” and says that it has “immense promise”.

“Clash Mini tried to popularise a genre that was never popular, but Squad Busters leans into proven mechanics in an unproven format,” Black added. “Roguelikes have dominated Steam. In-round progression has taken off as a mechanic, which includes genres like battle royale. It’s a return to popularising proven mechanics in a new format, with the cancelled Flood Rush as a learning experience.”

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