Supercell cancels arena battler Floodrush


Supercell is ending development on Floodrush after a brief beta test earlier this year.

The Finnish firm surprise-released Floodrush into a limited beta back in May, describing it as a real-time strategy battler. It centred upon players gathering a crew of treasure seekers to battle a rival team on a sinking island.

“Throughout the beta testing stage, we carefully analysed every feedback message sent to us and identified several issues, either with gameplay mechanics, controls, character dynamics or artistic aspects, among others,” said Supercell in a blog post today.

“We concluded that, to uphold Supercell’s standards of excellence, we needed to make extensive changes to the point that they would transform Floodrush into something too distant from our initial vision.”

Supercell later added: “The ideas and insights gathered while developing Floodrush can, in many forms, be applied to other projects, either actual or forthcoming.”

Supercell hasn’t launch a game globally since Brawl Stars over four and a half years ago. In a blog earlier this year Supercell boss Ilkka Paananen said that the Clash of Clans maker has five games in development, and that launching new hit games has become harder than ever.

Of those new titles, Paananen said Squad Busters is furthest along. That game has also been through rounds of beta testing.

Flood Rush screenshots as they appear on Google Play.

Clash Mini has been in soft launch since November 2021, and recently opened up in the UK. Clash Heroes is in early development, but has not reached beta yet. Supercell cancelled soft launch game Clash Quest last year, closing its servers in September 2022.

Supercell partner studio Metacore also recently picked up development duties of another cancelled soft launch game, Everdale, and could yet bring it back.

We asked several industry experts for their thoughts on whether Squad Busters could be Supercell’s next billion-dollar smash here.

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