Suggest a Game for Mimshacks

Help us grow our game library! Share your favorite HTML5 game suggestions with the Mimshacks community.

game suggestions mimshacks

Suggest a Game for Mimshacks

Share the excitement and discover new titles while becoming a valued part of the Mimshacks gaming community. Fill out the form below to make your game recommendation.

Why Suggest a Game?

Discover the benefits of suggesting a game to Mimshacks and how you can contribute to our growing collection.

Get User Recognition

If your game suggestion is featured on Mimshacks, we’ll credit you as the contributor, showcasing your involvement in our gaming community.

Shape the Gaming Experience

Your game suggestions influence the content we feature on Mimshacks. Help shape the gaming experience for our users by recommending titles that align with your gaming preferences.

Expand Our Game Library

By suggesting a game, you contribute to the growth of our extensive game library. Help us offer a diverse range of HTML5 games that cater to various tastes and preferences.