Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha
Vaultera Nebula

Data for the Vaultera Nebula

For the similarly named nebula, please see Volterra Nebula.

The Vaultera Nebula was an emission nebula with a radius of eight light years. Its average composition was 79% hydrogen, 11% helium, 6% carbon, 3% oxygen, and 1% other substances.

The original Illyrian settlement was located in the Vaultera Nebula. In 2259, Number One asked the USS Enterprise computer to compile files on Illyrian genetic modification relating to disease control from this settlement. (SNW: "Ghosts of Illyria")

Captain Christopher Pike visited the nebula to seek the counsel of Neera Ketoul. The settlement's atmosphere couldn't be breathed by normal humans as Captain Pike needed a breather unit while on the planet, The inhabitants of the planet could apparently breathe oxygen. (SNW: "The Broken Circle", "Ad Astra per Aspera")
