Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha

Ensign McKnight was a Starfleet conn officer serving aboard the USS Enterprise-D in the 2360s.

In 2367, McKnight was at the helm when the Enterprise-D encountered a wormhole near the Ngame Nebula. Like all fellow people aboard the ship, she lost consciousness due to the Paxans (TNG: "Clues")

Later that year, McKnight was on duty when the Enterprise-D explored the Mar Oscura Nebula and worked in conjunction with Captain Jean-Luc Picard, who was piloting the shuttlepod Voltaire, to maneuver the Enterprise-D clear of subspace deformations caused by dark matter pockets within the nebula. (TNG: "In Theory")

She also manned the conn station when Gowron contacted the Enterprise-D near the end of the same year. (TNG: "Redemption")

In 2369, McKnight was at the conn when the Enterprise-D searched for a Corvallen freighter supposedly carrying Romulan defectors linked with Ambassador Spock's dissident movement. (TNG: "Face Of The Enemy")

Riker and McKnight

The re-used blue screen shot

McKnight was played by Pamela Winslow.

The brief scene seen in "Redemption" was a reused blue screen shot from the episode "In Theory" in which photo double Linda Robertson acted as Ensign McKnight.

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