Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha

For the educational term, please see Major (education).

Major was a military rank, the equivalent of which was used by the service organizations of many civilizations. As a traditional grade, major was a line officer of a fighting organization, below a lieutenant colonel and above a captain. In comparison to naval ranking systems, this rank was equivalent to the naval lieutenant commander rank.

Some rank systems used the term major in conjunction with other ranks to create a different grade, such as major general.

In the episode "Patterns of Force", Captain Kirk addresses an SS officer several times as "major" even though the officer wears both the collar and shoulder insignia of a colonel. This was a common problem throughout the episode in that several characters wore rank insignia which did not correspond to the ranks spoken of in the dialogue.

The rank of major existed in some form in many other culture's ranking arrangements, such as the Romulan Tal Shiar and the Bajoran Militia. (TNG: "Face Of The Enemy"; DS9: "Emissary", et al.)

Following the end of the Occupation of Bajor and during the discovery of the Bajoran wormhole, Deep Space 9 was confronted by three Galor-class warships, with the lead ship commanded by Gul Jasad, who contacted the station wishing to speak with Commander Benjamin Sisko, however he was instead addressed by Major Kira Nerys, who explained that Sisko was not available. Jasad begrudged speaking to Kira, stating that he wasn't "used to talking to Bajoran Majors," to which Kira responded, "I'm all you've got." (DS9: "Emissary")

Noted majors[]

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