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Surgery news


Advanced technology could give us 'personalized' hip replacements

"Personalized" hip replacement surgery might be just what the doctor ordered for people with hip arthritis—according to new research. Using advanced technology from other industries such as automotive and manufacturing, ...


New coordinated care model for injured older adults shown to boost quality of life

Older adults who suffer serious injuries from a fall or a motor vehicle accident often have impaired long-term functioning and diminished quality of life. A new study, published in JAMA Surgery by researcher-clinicians from ...


Examining rates of gender-affirming surgery in the US

For adults and minors, most breast reductions performed on cisgender males and transgender and gender-diverse (TGD) people are performed on cisgender males, according to a research letter published online June 27 in JAMA ...


Predicting long-lasting pain from LASIK with tear proteins

Surgeons can correct some vision problems by altering the eye so it better focuses light. While these procedures—which include laser procedures—are generally quite safe, some people experience pain long afterward. In ...


Benefits of thymectomy in treating myasthenia gravis

The first-ever randomized study of the removal of the thymus gland in treating myasthenia gravis was conducted in 2016. Led by Gil I. Wolfe, MD, SUNY Distinguished Professor and the Irvin and Rosemary Smith Professor of Neurology ...


Protein may hold key to heart transplant tolerance

Northwestern Medicine investigators have uncovered how a protein contributes to heart transplant tolerance in mice, according to a study published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.