
RvR stands for “realm vs. realm,” usually a reference to faction-based player-vs.-player warfare, and frequently (though not always) in the context of more than two realms.

doin a yell

World of Warcraft launches the pre-patch for The War Within on July 23

On July 23rd, World of Warcraft will be patched with the prelude to the upcoming The War Within expansion, and players will immediately experience...
Get back.

WoW Factor: Blizzard started listening to World of Warcraft players for a reason its leadership doesn’t want to say

I have a few different conflicting thoughts when it comes to the most recent interview with World of Warcraft game director Ion Hazzikostas, or...
aw hell

Massively Overthinking: How often do you play human MMO characters when you have other choices?

I've been thinking about this question a bit lately, partly owing to Stars Reach and partly to Project Gorgon. Playable Worlds says Stars Reach...
The outfits are an oddly mixed bag.

World of Warcraft’s Ion Hazzikostas reflects on a ‘a time of introspection and reexamination’ for the MMORPG

World of Warcraft game director Ion Hazzikostas has a lot to say regarding the changes that the game's development staff is making moving forward...

Black Desert’s 300v300 War of the Roses elite PvP battleground begins this week

If mass PvP is your jam, Black Desert has some violent delights for you in the form of War of the Roses, live on...

Star Wars Galaxies Restoration rogue server confirms leak that it’s considering subscription benefits

Uncertainty has enfolded Star Wars Galaxies rogue server SWG Restoration III, as a player senator leaked financial plans from the team that suggest the...

Fight or Kite: Multiversus relaunched is just as fun as ever

I had been eagerly anticipating the return of Multiversus ever since it was suddenly and unceremoniously shut down last year. For those who don’t...

Elite Dangerous updates guardian weapons and addresses Titan multiplayer instability in latest patch

This week brought another small but no less impactful patch to Elite: Dangerous' Thargoid War, and while its adjustments might be granular, they're likely...

The Stream Team: The painful process of Mandalorian battle pup adoption in SWTOR

Adopting a pet is not easy, especially not in SWTOR. And especially not when it's a Mandalorian war machine, er good boi. Massively OP's...
Sure, why not.

Torchlight Infinite previews a new hero trait, new crafting systems, and more for its next update

There's new stuff coming for Torchlight: Infinite in the very near future - on July 4th, as it happens. You can catch all of...

DC Universe Online rolls out Aquaman-themed Tides of War event for the summer

Daybreak's DC Universe Online's servers were offline a bit yesterday, but only for good things, as the Tides of War summer event and concomitant...

The Daily Grind: Which MMOs have the best character select screens?

With The War Within pre-patch arriving in late July, World of Warcraft's character select screen is getting a huge makeover to allow you to...
Theoretically there's a non-jerk version of this out there, but...

The MOP Up: League of Legends’ game modes help to refresh its theme park design

League of Legends' game director explained why the MOBA is adding a Vampire Survivors-type mode to make it more like a "theme park," saying,...

The Stream Team: Payback in AQ3D’s Deep Grotto dungeon

Sadly, Massively OP's MJ lost out on the participating in the summer war in AdventureQuest 3D while she was out of the country. She's...
Everybody dies.

WoW Factor: MMORPG raiding is not special

You all remember The Incredibles, right? I know that these days the hot take is to try to spin the film as some sort...

DC Universe Online switches update days, readies summer event

DC Universe Online's latest game update isn't so much notable for what it contains -- it's a fairly minor patch -- but when it...

Diablo Immortal’s latest update preps Season 28 and merges a crapton of servers

Last night - or early this morning, depending on where on the planet you're standing - Blizzard and NetEase dropped Diablo Immortal's next big...
Ah yes, seagulls, that makes sense.

Sand studio explains the extraction shooter’s premise in a new official post

Do you greatly enjoy sand's relative coarseness, its rough texture, and its ability to get everywhere? This is the correct way of thinking! No...

SGF 2024: Hands-on with The First Descendant, plus a chat with the Nexon devs

You thought our Summer Game Fest coverage was over, didn't you? Well, in all fairness, Nexon not only brought The First Descendant to SGF but provided...

Fight or Kite: Battle Crush is a snack-sized take on the mythological battle royale scene

Imagine taking a bit of the theme from SMITE (really the only good part about SMITE in my estimation), the common battle royale grab-and-go...