new world

Official Site: New World
Studio: Amazon Game Studios
Launch Date: N/A
Genre: MMORPG Sandbox
Business Model: Unknown
Platform: PC


Global Chat: So many questions about Guild Wars 2’s housing

With the news that Guild Wars 2 is adding homesteads in its next expansion, Nerdy Bookahs is not alone in asking a whole ton...

New World opens console sign-ups for its July Aeternum beta test

Now that you've heard what our own writer thought about his hands-on with New World Aeternum at Summer Game Fest, you can get your...

SGF 2024: Hands-on with New World’s controversial Aeternum reboot, which is still an MMORPG

How's everyone recovering from all this New World Aeternum news coming out of Summer Games Fest? It's been kind of a confusing time for me, as...

SGF 2024: Amazon discusses New World Aeternum on console, swimming, solo content, and archetypes

In case there's anyone out there still confused: New World Aeternum is not a single player or co-op game. I know the Summer Game Fest announcement of...

New World’s new Q&A struggles to explain why a massively multiplayer online RPG isn’t an MMORPG

Amazon's New World Aeternum announcement last Friday did not go to plan, unless getting reviewbombed to oblivion by PC players and confusing mainstream gaming...

Massively OP Podcast Episode 472: Guild Wars 2 and New World’s wild ride

Justin and Bree discuss New World's console reveal, Guild Wars 2's Janthir Wilds, Legends of Aria, FFXIV Dawntrail's media tour, WoW The War Within, and Diablo IV's expansion, plus adventures in LOTRO, WoW, Project Gorgon, and Ylands.

The Daily Grind: What do you expect out of MMORPG roadmaps?

So as we wait for New World's promised Q&A for PC players today following the botched Aeternum reveal at Summer Game Fest, New World...

Vitae Aeternum: New World’s Aeternum relaunch is actually a solid update – with terrible timing and comms

After months of waiting, New World's June mystery announcement has been revealed as New World: Aeternum, a console release coupled with a rebranding and...

SGF 2024: Amazon unveils New World Aeternum, its console relaunch of the MMORPG

Ever wish New World were more cinematic - and more available on more platforms? Well, all of those things will be true come October 15th, 2024,...

Summer Game Fest 2024: New World, Dune Awakening, Palworld, and more MMO reveals

Geoff Keighley's Summer Game Fest - aka not-E3 - is set to begin this evening at 5 p.m. EDT, and if you've been following...

Massively Overthinking: If you lost your account in your main MMORPG, would you start over?

The other day, MOP's Justin came into our work chat understandably nervous because he couldn't log into his Lord of the Rings Online account;...

New World is rolling out new layered instancing tech Amazon is calling ‘shards’

You might think this is just another post about murdering bunnies in New World, but you're only partly correct. New World is in fact...

The Daily Grind: What part of MMO design seems much easier to MMO players than it really is?

A while back, I saw someone make an offhand comment about how to save New World. According to this commenter (no names, not dunking),...

World of Warships is giving away ships and account time to new players to commemorate D-Day- here’s the code

In commemoration of the 80th anniversary of the decisive D-Day invasion, World of Warships has dropped a code granting loot bundles specifically aimed at...

MMO Business Roundup: Activision owned cheatmaker EngineOwning

Welcome back to another quick roundup of MMO and MMO-adjacent business news! Business business business and all that. EngineOwning got owned - File this one...

Massively Overthinking: Is tab targeting a problem in MMORPGs?

This past weekend, MMO designer Greg "Ghostcrawler" Street lobbed another bomb rather cavalierly into the MMORPG discourse, this one about tab targeting. And maybe...

Murder corrupted bunnies in exchange for skins in New World’s Rabbit’s Revenge

New World's great big super secret announceroo is next week, so ideally, you'll have forgotten all about the bunny event by the time it...

New World’s latest community events feature XP boosts, hardware giveaways, and free canopic jars

New World is continuing to throw as many smoke bombs as it can in order to pad the time between now and when it...
Grats, I guess.

The Daily Grind: Is there a popular MMORPG you’ve still never played?

I've been playing MMORPGs so long that it's a rare title that I've never tried at all. There are tons of MMOs I've at...

Amazon Games opens new studio in Romania to support ‘ambitious long-term roadmap’

As large parts of the games industry contract, Amazon Games is buying the dip and expanding with a new game dev studio in Bucharest,...