internet spaceships

aw hell

Massively Overthinking: How often do you play human MMO characters when you have other choices?

I've been thinking about this question a bit lately, partly owing to Stars Reach and partly to Project Gorgon. Playable Worlds says Stars Reach...

Star Citizen readies a returning community helping event, preps cargo updates and new event for alpha 3.24

Star Citizen is always looking toward a future of things to do and that throughline continues in the game's usual weekly update post, which...
The yeller.

Perfect Ten: 10 MMORPGs with weirdly defensive fanbases

I do not have nice things to say about RuneScape. I have never had nice things to say about RuneScape. I also do not...

EVE Online outlines plans to continue its nullsec focus and release Vanguard to Steam early access

EVE Online fans have gotten their first taste of what the rest of this year is looking like for their favorite gankbox, as CCP...

Star Wars Galaxies Restoration rogue server confirms leak that it’s considering subscription benefits

Uncertainty has enfolded Star Wars Galaxies rogue server SWG Restoration III, as a player senator leaked financial plans from the team that suggest the...

Elite Dangerous updates guardian weapons and addresses Titan multiplayer instability in latest patch

This week brought another small but no less impactful patch to Elite: Dangerous' Thargoid War, and while its adjustments might be granular, they're likely...

SWG Legends rogue server devs say Jedi Themepark part 2 is ‘getting closer and closer’

If you've been wanting a good reason to jump into Star Wars Galaxies Legends to see what the fuss about this 21-year-old MMORPG is,...

Star Citizen makes efforts on NPC AI, vehicle destruction, missions, and server meshing

We're back once again with another Star Citizen monthly report, and it looks as if efforts by CIG for the month of June have...

CCP Games CEO says making EVE Online’s dev platform open source cements the MMO’s legacy

EVE Online developer CCP Games is planning on making its Carbon development platform open source sometime later this year, which will grant interested developers...
in awe of the size of this lad

Vague Patch Notes: The stuff that has me excited about Stars Reach

Raph Koster is a smart guy. Not just an experienced one (he's that, too), but a smart one. The man knows his stuff front...

Perfect Ten: 10 more MMOs you’ve already forgotten ever existed, from Elyon to Defiance

Last year, I assembled a list of 10 former MMOs that not only have ceased to exist but have ceased to be remembered (for...

Star Citizen raked in higher profits over the month of June and the second quarter

One might suspect that the month of May would have been a big one for Star Citizen's piggy bank owing to the Invictus event...

Choose My Adventure: The Elite Dangerous vs Pax Dei rematch

Nine times out of ten, I generally follow the Will of the Polls here in MOP's Choose My Adventure column without too much question...

Chinese Star Citizen fan attempts to sound an alarm over a resolved Bar Citizen ticket price fiasco

Followers of Star Citizen are likely very familiar with the Bar Citizen community meet-ups that run every year. These free player-run events allow fans...

UK employment tribunal says Star Citizen studio discriminated against autistic employee

While we recognize that this monetary ruling is barely a bug bite to the wrist of Star Citizen developer Cloud Imperium Games, we'll take...

The Daily Grind: Should MMOs show blood and battle damage?

At the risk of sounding like a bloodthirsty gorehound, I do kind of wish that MMOs did more to visually represent the damage that...

This year’s Steam Summer Sale brings another collection of bargains for MMORPG fans

It's Christmas in summertime once again, otherwise known to gamers as the Steam Summer Sale, and we're happy to report that there are some...

Raph Koster’s new MMORPG is called Stars Reach, and yes, it’s basically Star Wars Galaxies 2

It's June 26th, Star Wars Galaxies' 21st birthday, and I'm sitting on Google Meet talking to none other than MMORPG founding father (and SWG...

Star Wars Galaxies is 21 years old today as the rogue server community marches onward

Well well well, look who's finally able to go drinking in all the states: Star Wars Galaxies is turning 21 today, having originally launched...

Raph Koster’s Playable Worlds teases housing, planetary governance, and languages for the unnamed MMORPG sandbox

It's pretty clear now that Raph Koster and Playable Worlds are not just counting down to something dumb and we're going to get something...