Tencent’s Victorian gaslamp survivalbox Nightingale finally hits early access today


Noon-o-clock Eastern time today: That’s when survivalbox Nightingale finally arrives to early access, and $29.99 will get you a copy and the download rush begins.

We’ve been keeping an eyeball on Nightingale since it was first announced at The Game Awards way back in 2021 with a 2022 launch goal – a goal that shifted several times along the way, obviously. It was originally planned by Tencent’s Inflexion Games as an MMO but was scaled way back to a “shared world survival crafting game” with its fairly rare steampunkish “Victorian gaslamp fantasy” vibe and hub zones that can fit up to 30 people.

MOP’s own Chris took the current version of the game for a spin on the press tour earlier this month and chatted up Inflexion CEO Aaryn Flynn; Chris found it impressive, noting in particular the allure of chasing portals and the gorgeous player housing, all features that helped earn it our most anticipated award last year.

Inflexion is clearly already preparing for an avalanche of players as it dropped a post outlining how players can report bugs and offer feedback – this is technically an early access, after all, in spite of the marketing glitz that suggests otherwise.

And it’s live! Trailer time:

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