Marvel Snap Captain Marvel Variant Samples

Marvel Snap Variants: Full List and How They Work

Every card in Marvel Snap has multiple variants that players can collect. They are alternate art versions of the Base Card, to give your decks a unique personality. This guide will explain everything there is to know about them.

What are Variants?

Click on the “Variants” button above the cards to cycle through the variants of these cards!

Variants are alternate art versions of the Base Card in Marvel Snap. They can depict the characters from certain storylines or other interesting artistic themes such as Pixel and Chibi-style art!

It is important to note that variants are treated as a separate card (not as a “skin”), and can even be upgraded in rarity level independently of the base version. As you continuous play with them, you can even keep splitting them to add further effects!

Where do I obtain Variants?

Variants can be obtained primarily via:

What is a Variant Rarity?

Rare (full list)700 Gold
Super Rare (full list)1200 Gold
Token Shop Ultimate (full list)5000 Collector’s Tokens
Mythic (coming soon)
  • Rare Variants consist of around 75% of total Variants and cost 700 Gold. They can also be rewards from other sources, such as the Season Pass.
  • Super Rare Variants are only available in the shop via the Daily Offer and cost 1200 Gold.
  • Ultimate Variants are only available from the Token Shop for 5000 Collector’s Tokens. They have a 2.5% chance of appearing (6.25% if Series 3 card collection is complete).
  • Mythic Variants are an upcoming type with special visual and sound effects.

What is a Variant Category?

Some Variants have their own types, from popular artists, certain style of art, or a thematic Marvel version of the character. Some examples:

Where can I see a full Variant list and categories?

You can check out all the variants and filter by their rarity and categories in our visual gallery of the variant database and in the table below:

Captain Marvel Artgerm

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