Doctor Strange Javier Garrón


Marvel Snap Zone Premium includes free group coaching sessions! Join the team and become a better Marvel Snap player!

Hi everyone, and thanks. Yes, thanks for supporting for Marvel Snap Zone for so long, through checking our content daily, or supporting us directly through the Premium subscription. In order to reward your constant support, Marvel Snap Zone has been holding a weekly, two-hour coaching session with our Premium subscribers since July.

Hosted by myself, players were able to gain valuable skill and insight after the meta changes (such as balance patches). A VoD has been be available for everybody (not just Premium members) to catch up on our YouTube channel. We are welcoming new members on a constant basis, so why not join us as well?

The goal of these group sessions will to help you find your groove in the Marvel Snap metagame, working on both knowledge and adaptation. As such, we are now holding them on a flexible schedule, to try and suit different time zones and member availability. Usually, not long after the weekly changes makes the most sense, as well as being the time of the week when people had the most questions about the game.

For those interested, here is a little FAQ about the sessions and a testimony from long-time member Silvermint:

By the way, for everyone else – @den is a phenomenal coach, and there’s nothing like getting to ask your questions live. I improved my game in two hours more than I have in months. I can’t recommend this enough!

What can I expect in a session?

Part I: Understanding the changes

  • A look at the metagame leading up to the changes
  • Decks directly impacted by the changes nerf, buff)
  • Decks indirectly impacted by the changes (change in matchup spread)

Part II: Spotlight deck

  • Important deck to have in mind currently, either to play or as a popular opponent
  • Strengths and weaknesses of said deck
  • Various way to build the archetype and how to adapt against it

Part III: Let’s play together

  • Have a few participants play some games
  • Work on some deck building concepts around a deck
  • Work around the recently, or soon to be released card

What is expected from each participant?

Financially, absolutely nothing as long as you are a Premium member of Marvel Snap Zone and your account is linked to Discord. I understand this means paying a subscription to attend, however, the service will not change its price, nor reduce the other perks (such as the meta reports) it contained already. Also, if we are looking at the value aspect of it, getting about eight hours of group coaching for the price of a Premium subscription is less than ten percent of what would be charged if you booked a coach on a platform.

During a session, the group nature of the session would require a little discipline from everyone, so it does not become some kind of cacophony. However, especially during the last part of the session, I encourage everyone to share their point of view about the deck or game we played. This way, we can all learn from each other, correcting everyone’s thinking pattern in the process.

Otherwise, there is really nothing expected per se, apart from having a good time and hopefully getting better while doing so.

When would each session happen?

The first one is set to take place this Friday, July 21st, the day after the OTA balance patch. For now, I will try to accommodate both NA and EU time zones, so it will take place at 5pm EST, 11pm CET, which is the latest I can do considering I am based in France.

As it is short notice, and the goal is to stick to the balance changes, this session was decided a bit in a hurry. Once we get everything set, we will try to accommodate the regular participants as much as possible. However, I would like to keep it to the day after the changes, or the next one at the latest. So Wednesday, Thursday latest for monthly patches, and Friday, Saturday latest for OTA changes.

Hopefully, we can work something which will be best for everyone. In the end, our goal is to get as many people involved as possible in this process. Worst case scenario, we will record the whole session and have it available for anyone to watch it later on.

Closing Words

Over the past year, Marvel Snap Zone has become a reference when it comes to everything Marvel Snap, and it’s been an incredible adventure for me personally. Not gonna lie, it is a lot of work to write on a daily basis, while constantly being on the hunt for the latest updates and metagame changes. However, the community aspect of it was great, so when our big boss reached out for an idea on our to make our Premium subscription more valuable, I immediately offered to coach.

Coaching has been my passion, and work, for the past eight years. I try to always include some tips, and help everyone improve in my writings, but it is often difficult when talking to a broad audience with complete different experiences and background. Through these sessions, I hope to have a more personal connection with the Marvel Snap community, and help you grow even more.

If you had any questions about the coaching, feel free to message me on the Marvel Snap Zone community Discord, or through my Twitter page, where I share decks and biased opinions about the game.

Good Game Everyone.

Captain Marvel Artgerm

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Den has been in love with strategy games for as long as he can remember, starting with the Heroes of Might and Magic series as a kid. Card games came around the middle school - Yu-Gi-Oh! and then Magic: The Gathering.

Hearthstone and Legends of Runeterra has been his real breakthrough and he has been a coach, writer, and caster on the French scene for many years now. He now coaches aspiring pro players and writes various articles on these games.

Articles: 435