If you're facing conversion problems, then there's something missing from your overall strategy.

  • But What Is Ecommerce? πŸ€”
  • The Reasons Why Your Online Shop Doesn’t Reach Sales Targets 😠
  • Your Goals Aren't SMART πŸ’‘
  • You Don't Have Enough Leads πŸ”Š
  • Landing Pages πŸ—’
  • Competitions - Giveaways 🎁
  • Email Marketing πŸ’Œ
  • Subscription Forms πŸ“„
  • You're Not Clear Enough On Shipping Costs πŸ’΅
  • Sales and Marketing Don't Work Together 🀝
  • Your Goals Are Impossible to Achieve 😀
  • A Website That Doesn't Stand Out πŸ‘€
  • Complex Procedures 🐌
  • No Follow-Ups πŸ“§
  • Wrong Targeting 🎯
  • Your Content Isn't Clear 🀯
  • The Takeaway πŸ’πŸ»
  • Important disclosure: we're proud affiliates of some tools mentioned in this guide. If you click an affiliate link and subsequently make a purchase, we will earn a small commission at no additional cost to you (you pay nothing extra).

    What Is Ecommerce? πŸ€”

    Electronic commerce (ecommerce for short) or internet commerce is the act of selling and purchasing goods online - in the form of products or services.

    πŸ‘‰πŸΌ According to OptinMonster, 93.5% of global Internet user have made purchases online.

    Based on the above numbers, taking your brick-and-mortar store online makes sense.

    An ecommerce store can reach non-locals, is always open, and everything is trackable, from clicks to pages visited and why the customer made a purchase.

    Creating an online shop and going into the ecommerce business is almost a prerequisite for brands nowadays.

    Now, there are several ways to promote and increase your online store's search traffic:

    • Email marketing
    • Social media
    • SEO that'll boost your SERPs
    • Relatable content
    • Paid ads on social media and Google itself

    But what happens when you've done all that and nothing seems to work? Why does your online shop not reach its sales targets?

    Let's find out.

    The Reasons Why Your Online Shop Doesn’t Reach Sales Targets 😠

    I'm sure you've done everything by the book - and admittedly, this could be right.

    πŸ‘‰πŸΌ But if you're facing conversion problems, then there's something missing from your overall strategy.

    Here are the most common mistakes that keep an online store from reaching its sales targets.

    Your Goals Aren't SMART πŸ’‘

    Big blunders can happen when it comes to goal-setting in sales and conversion. It doesn't just need to be smart; it needs to be SMART, as in:

    • Specific
    • Measurable
    • Actionable
    • Relevant
    • Time-bound

    Your goals need to be all of the above. But how can you utilize the SMART model?

    Let's break the model down and see how it can maximize revenue overall:

    Specific actions lead to specific goals, so setting specific goals will clear the air and show you precisely what you need to do.

    You can present said goals by giving them some numerical value. Here is where measurable comes into play. What metrics can best represent your action and could show whether you succeeded or failed?

    But what use are metrics and goal-setting, if they're not actionable? If your goals are unattainable, you could study your data all you like and use every trick you know.

    From content curation methods to paid ads, creating SEO magic to boost organic traffic, even tips for team motivation, nothing will do the trick if your goals don't make sense.

    Of course, your goals are not the only thing that needs to make sense.

    The first thing that does would be your product or service as a whole.

    • Will it make sense to your prospects?
    • Is it relevant?
    • Does it solve a problem your potential customers have, and if so, does it do its job better than your competitors' products or services?
    • How good is your goal-setting when it comes to time management?
    • Is it time-bound?
    • Do the goals you've set allow your team to complete them in the time-frame you've set for them?

    If not, you'll need to re-evaluate.

    You Don't Have Enough Leads πŸ”Š

    Not having enough leads can be a real problem, as it will keep your online shop from reaching its sales targets.

    πŸ‘‰πŸΌ Boosting the number of leads is not easy, but it's not impossible either.

    You can generate more leads using landing pages, competitions or giveaways on social media, email marketing, or subscription forms. Let me give you some more details now.

    Landing Pages πŸ—’

    A landing page is a standalone page designed to convert. A landing page is not a place to present your brand; it's a place to show a lucrative offer or a beautiful presentation that will capture the user's attention:

    Image Source: Anthropologie 

    All you need after that is an actionable CTA button with clear copy, and you're all set and ready to capture their email and create an open dialogue with them - more on that in a little bit.

    Just make sure to keep the prospects' attention on a 1:1 ratio.

    Don't give them too much information that could distract them, don't use too many links - just the one will do -, and use social proof to boost your authority.

    Competitions - Giveaways 🎁

    A giveaway or competition is excellent for Instagram growth - so why wouldn't you use it to grow your leads list?

    Just avoid prizes that are not part of your niche - don't create a giveaway or a competition with an iPad as its prize, as this will interest leads that are otherwise not qualified.

    Make sure that the giveaway is worth everyone's time and that you'll give all the entries something back for it. Create a grand prize for the winner and offer the rest of the entries a special discount.

    That way, you won't lose any conversion, and you will grow loyal customers organically.

    It doesn't have to be a massive discount either. Something as simple as temporarily suspending the surcharge program so they save a small percentage on every purchase can help too.

    Email Marketing πŸ’Œ

    Email marketing is a marketing action that needs and should be a staple at any point in your sales funnel.

    Image Source: Really Good Emails

    Use tools that will help you create valuable content - not content that is only trying to sell something - and segment your market according to your subscribers' behavior.

    Be careful to optimize your email campaigns according to the device they use. According to Campaign Monitor, most email opens nowadays happen on mobile devices.

    You wouldn't want to miss out on conversion because of a broken element on your email campaign.

    Don't forget to use triggered emails for all those prospects that took a specific action.

    Cart abandonment emails are an example that will work like a charm, especially if it's coupled with an offer your leads won't be able to refuse.

    Lastly, and most importantly, make your email's content shareable and create a program that will give back to all the leads who shared your email with their loved ones.

    That way, you'll turn your loyal customers into brand ambassadors, showing them how much you appreciate them and the extra traffic and new leads they're willing to give you.

    Subscription Forms πŸ“„

    The last arrow in your lead-generation quiver - and one of the most beneficial ones - are subscription forms.

    Image Source: Nike

    Study your data, use a dynamic heat map to see where your prospects love to click and decide on the placement first. You can place it at the top of your page (above-the-fold), or the bottom of your page (below-the-fold).

    You can try a floating bar that will discreetly follow your user as they scroll or a full-page form that will grab attention.

    You can even create a website pop-up that will entice users before they hit that "Close" button on your page.

    πŸ‘‰πŸΌ Pair your subscription forms with a discount for first-time subscribers or a countdown timer for a special offer, for maximum effect.

    Finally, use attention-grabbing design, keep your copy short and your verbs actionable. Nobody likes reading blocks of text, and you don't want your prospects to ignore your form.

    Now, let's assume you've got enough leads to last a lifetime. What other traps are there, and how can they cost your online shop to fall behind on sales targets?

    You're Not Clear Enough On Shipping Costs πŸ’΅

    As a customer, there is nothing more unpleasant than finding an item I love, adding it to my cart, and going to the checkout to realize that the price is too high, due to additional shipping costs.

    According to the Baymard Institute, 69.80% of carts end up being abandoned.

    Being unclear on shipping costs and your overall shipping policy is something that can turn prospects away from your website, and not even the best cart abandonment email will bring them back.

    Or will it?

    The answer is no. Not if you're not smart about it, that is.

    There are multiple ways for you to retarget a lost prospect if needed:

    • Be clear on the shipping costs right off the bat. Show a price that will be as close to the final one as possible. If, for example, your product comes with a VAT, add it to the amount shown on your online shop.
    • Avoid hidden shipping costs. Alternatively, entice them with a "last-minute" offer, a pop-up right before they opt out. Offer free shipping or a discount for their next purchase.
    • Send a witty cart abandonment email letting the prospects know that their abandoned product is almost sold-out. Use the scarcity principle - not many can resist that.
    • Try to reduce packaging costs. This tactic will reduce your expenses as a whole and enable you to create offers that will entice or even lower your store's prices.
    • Don't forget to use geo-locational segmentation as well. Once your prospects access your online shop, ask them where they're located, and show useful content.
    Image Source: H&M

    If, for example, your prospect's location is the Northern hemisphere, they'll have little use for sweaters during July.

    But enough on ways to re-entice your users and manage your shipping costs. Let's move on to another online shop conversion blunder.

    Sales And Marketing Don't Work Together 🀝

    Sales and marketing are separate teams, but that doesn't mean they shouldn't work together.

    Brands that align sales and marketing efforts see:

    • An annual revenue increase
    • Increased brand awareness
    • More qualified leads

    You could be using an internal marketing team or outsource it.

    If you decide to go the latter route, make sure you have a social media contract.

    Marketing teams create content that promotes a brand and aims to lead prospects down the sales funnel and, eventually, convert.

    Of course, content can't be created before the marketing team studies the data at hand and pinpoints the buyer personas that will find X offer or Y product to be more enticing.

    The data the marketing team needs can come from your online shop, your social media and so on, sure, but the sales team is the one that can help the most, as they're the ones that will use the content mentioned above to engage, entice and, in the end, sell.

    Common goals for both teams is another factor that can play a crucial role in winning the conversion game.

    The marketing team will create the email or social media campaign to promote a specific offer that the sales team will push on live chat or over the phone.

    The email or social media campaign mentioned above will follow the brand's tone of voice.

    A brand's tone of voice may be a marketing responsibility, but sales teams must adopt and adjust it to meet their needs. This practice will give the promotional efforts a seamless look and feel.

    Now let me talk about lead generation for a second.

    Lead generation is primarily a marketing goal in business development, and so is filtering the data to make educated decisions. But what does that even mean?

    It means that it's the marketing team's responsibility to ensure that the sales teams have enough qualified leads and that they won't lose any time on prospects that are not interested or not eligible for an offer promoted at that specific point in time.

    This cannot happen unless the marketing and sales teams align their efforts and work together to produce the best possible results.

    Let's assume that you complete this step as well. Are you all set and ready?

    No. There are several things left to do.

    Your Goals Are Impossible To Achieve 😀

    There is such a thing as "unattainable goals". And frankly, it's one of the things that could kill your online shop's conversion in the long run.

    A good look into your data will give you insight into the targets your sales teams could potentially reach. Work slowly and build your goals from the ground up.

    That doesn't mean you don't need a grand plan that will be showing the numbers you'd like to reach in a year, as far as sales targets are concerned. However, you can't set those targets as the only milestone your team needs to achieve.

    Split your plan into smaller parts. Doing so will encourage your sales team and allow your sales agents to reach the targets you'll set for them.

    Once your sales team reaches the first milestone, allow them to relax, celebrate, and regroup. And let yourself to do the same thing before setting the second milestone for them to reach.

    Regrouping and re-evaluating your sales strategy every step of the way can make all the difference and boost all of your efforts.

    And being too fixed on reaching sales targets can result in you and your team miss the point altogether.

    Write a different sales pitch for each offer and work with your sales team to see the content's relevance and usefulness. And make sure to think like a client every step of the way.

    After all, a sales pitch is a business proposal, and you want your potential buyers to be satisfied with your business and what it offers.

    This cannot happen if your sales targets don't represent their needs during that specific period. And since individual needs change over time, so should your business proposals - or your sales pitch.

    And always keep in mind: A refreshed team is a team that's ready to hit sales targets. So allow your sales agents to relax and regroup once they hit the smaller goals you've set.

    A Website That Doesn't Stand Out  πŸ‘€

    A website that doesn't stand out is boring.

    Image Source: Headhunter Hairstyling

    Of course, that doesn't mean "simple", as simplicity could be crucial when designing a website and considering things like page loading time and clean design.

    A great website can influence in-store purchases as well as online purchases. So, unlike the other components that can kill your online sales, your website can kill sales in general.

    But let's take it from the top.

    Unattractive imagery is one of the biggest downers regarding a website's design. If you consider that an image showcases what the visitor is going to purchase, you'll see that it's worth way more than 1000 words.

    Your images  and infographics need to be of high quality, sharp with colors representing your brand and your brand's tone directly.

    As a customer, I've never seen a blurry yet appealing image. And I bet neither has anyone, ever.

    As a customer, I've also never bought a cryptic product description with missing information. So, make sure to include all of the essential info, including the price with VAT included.

    Ensuring that your website's look and feel is pleasant and not confusing doesn't cost that much, so don't worry about receiving an invoice that will require that you pay thousands of dollars. You need to grasp your brand's tone and products well.

    But let's assume that you have created a website with a clean and simple design that everyone would use. Does this mean you're done?

    No. Especially if mobile responsiveness is something you haven't thought of yet.

    Mobile responsiveness can determine the success or failure of an online shop, especially as a significant chunk of online activity happens on mobile devices.

    You're not taking advantage of most purchases' impulsive nature by creating a website that's not mobile responsive, has broken elements, or won't even load on mobile. It's like leaving money on the table.

    But is mobile responsiveness the only thing that takes advantage of the impulsive nature of most purchases? Read on!

    Complex Procedures 🐌

    No, the answer is that it's not.

    Complex procedures when it comes to logging in, signing up to your website, shopping as a visitor, and so on, are a marketing challenge you should overcome, otherwise they can kill your online shop's conversion.

    You don't want that.

    When a prospect lands on your website, you need to keep them there, not give them reasons to leave.

    Let's assume that you, as a customer, visit a website you've visited before, and you're face to face with this picture here:

    Image Source: Etsy

    If your user can't remember their email or password - or both! -, and you don't offer alternative login options like the image above indicates, don't expect them to proceed with a purchase.

    All of us, as customers, have registered on various websites. That doesn't mean we remember what data we gave out or even the email address we used.

    This is why you need to provide login alternatives: A Google account, a Facebook account and a guest account to purchase the product are all great choices.

    But what happens when the prospect reaches the most crucial part - the checkout?

    Image Source: Firebox

    Shortening the process is one thing, but sometimes this is just impossible.  There is a way to work around that though, and it's called a "progress indicator". It's a show of numbered steps that the prospect has to follow to complete a purchase:

    That way, the prospect will know what they need to do, and the time each step requires.

    No Follow-Ups πŸ“§

    A follow-up is not easy, especially if you need it to boost your online shop's performance without falling into the trap of sounding pushy or demanding and utilize a perfect remarketing campaign.

    On the other hand, not following up can hurt your sales, both when it comes to "one-timers" that want to give your brand and product some thought, and when it comes to repeaters.

    Image Source: Really Good Emails

    πŸ‘‰πŸΌ A follow-up strategy needs to be created with some things in mind.

    Whether in the form of emails, phone calls, or push notifications on your brand's mobile app, follow-ups need to have some core characteristics.

    You'll need to know when to send them, the circumstances that warrant a follow-up, and those that tell you to back off, personalize heavily, create tailor-made content, and create an automated follow-up process.

    • Segment your leads into categories: Qualified, and non-qualified.
    • Segment the qualified leads to interested, not interested, and not sure. Lastly, figure out the optimal time to send a follow-up.
    • Understand your users' intentions. If they don't intend to purchase just yet, ease them down your sales funnel and don't go in for the hard sale.
    • Create emails that won't have sales-y content only, but will have valuable, actionable content that will revolve around various subjects related to your product.
    • Use trigger events and automate the whole process. When your prospect clicks the button X, you'll send follow-up Y. This tactic will ensure that your timing is perfect, fitting and that the prospect is interested.
    • But most importantly, sit down and educate your sales team. Allow it to inform your prospects. Make sure that you've given all of the information to them.

    Wrong Targeting 🎯

    Wrong targeting is one of the biggest blunders that can cost your online store conversion.
    I'm sure you think that you've segmented and targeted your audience to the best of your abilities.

    And perhaps you did, but what happens when the marketing metrics you set in place, tell you otherwise?

    Consider the possibility that you're somehow mistaken, that maybe you've gone too niche or haven't done proper research.

    Now, take a good look at your data, run surveys, and ask your already existing audience what they need to see on your website.

    Segment carefully, and you'll see where you went wrong. Just allow your AI tools to show you which parts of your audience you need to target and appeal to their wants and needs.

    If you've got the wrong audience at hand, you won't be able to provide an actual solution or a product that will interest and better your prospects' lives.

    It's a pretty common marketing mistake that can cost you a generous amount of conversion. Going too broad can attract a crowd of one-timers as well as the crowd of repeaters.

    But the thing is that one-timers won't get you referrals, they will make your traffic plummet once they lose interest and won't find real value in your product.

    Study your data, your buyer personas, and the leads you've already got and see who can be a repeater and who won't be interested in more than just a purchase. Market to the first person, not the second one.

    Now onto the final step!

    Your Content Isn't Clear 🀯

    You may have invested in CMS tools to boost your content marketing efforts and created content that you're proud of, but is it really what your prospects need?

    First in order of business would be showing your customers how to interact with your website.

    Create content - visuals, copy, even gamified pages - that will be showing your prospects exactly what to click and where to look for everything that may interest them.

    Create content that will be SEO optimized, contain long-tail keywords, and take semantic SEO into account.

    Google will take it upon itself to show your prospects some content related to the keywords they're researching and, therefore, their interests.

    Creating content that will be interactive can lead prospects further down the sales funnel with no pressure. While potential customers interact with your website, your data scientists can gather and study data and optimize the process of purchasing.

    Once you create relatable and useful content, your prospects will be able to log on to your website and find what your brand has promised, and what they're looking for.

    The Takeaway πŸ’πŸ»β€β™€οΈ

    Losing conversion isn't easy, but saving the day and the sales targets for your online shop before or when it happens can be easy.

    Remember to study your data every step of the way and segment, personalize, and provide continuous training to your sales agent.

    Finally, set the right metrics for your strategy, create killer content, and be smart and straightforward about the way you sell.