The Cycle: Frontier - Contracts Tool

Note: This tool is a work-in-progress - more features will be added soon! If you have suggestions or feature requests - let us know on Twitter:

Mission Faction Task Objectives Rewards Required Items Unlock Level Previous Quests
Simple Needs ICA "Welcome! The ICA is always looking for new Prospectors to work with, but let's see if you have what it takes. Can you get us this item from the surface?" • Deliver Compound Sheets 1 x ICA Scrip
4200 x Krypto Marks

1 x Compound Sheets

Level: 1
Don't Forget to Recycle ICA "Great! We're always in need of basic materials to help maintain this station and all its thousands of parts. Speaking of which..." • Deliver Hardened Metals
• Deliver Spinal Bases
1 x ICA Scrip
5200 x Krypto Marks

2 x Hardened Metals

3 x Spinal Base

Level: 0 Simple Needs
Animal Control ICA You can use your map to help you find the specified location. • Visit the Lagoon on Bright Sands
• Hunt Creatures at the Lagoon on Bright Sands
1 x C-32 Bolt Action
2 x ICA Scrip
4400 x Krypto Marks
Level: 0 Don't Forget to Recycle
Basic Needs ICA "Some of our air filters are starting to show wear; get me these parts so we can fix them up before they fail." • Deliver Metallic Alloys
• Deliver Circuit Boards
1 x Restoration Shield
2 x ICA Scrip
5200 x Krypto Marks

3 x Metallic Alloys

1 x Circuit Board

Level: 0 Animal Control
The Forester ICA "A lot of our crafts use Azure Tree Bark, but it's hard to obtain with all the dangerous creatures on the surface. Clear out the old Woodcutter Camp on Bright Sands, and bring back some wood while you're at it." • Visit the Woodcutter Camp on Bright Sands
• Hunt Creatures at the Woodcutter Camp on Bright Sands
• Deliver Azure Tree Bark
1 x Medium Backpack
2 x ICA Scrip
4900 x Krypto Marks
1 x Tall House Key

3 x Azure Tree Bark

Level: 0 Basic Needs
SOS Sign ICA Search for the SOS Sign at the Beach South of the Water Facility on Bright Sands • Find the SOS Sign 2 x ICA Scrip
4800 x Krypto Marks
Level: 0 The Forester
Old Friend ICA Slot in 3 Batteries at the Water Facility on Bright Sands to enter the Loot Room and search it for a sign of Life from the Stranded Prospector. • Enter the Water Facility Loot Room
• Deliver Sign of Life from Stranded Prospector
1 x Bulldog
2 x ICA Scrip
4800 x Krypto Marks

1 x Sign of Life from Stranded Prospector

Level: 0 SOS Sign
The Stranded Prospector ICA Enter the House on Stilts next to North Uplink on Bright Sands and upgrade some Data Drives at the Uplink. Common Data Drives can be purchased from the ICA or found around Comms Base or Center Base. • Enter the House on Stilts
• Deliver Rare Data Drives
4 x ICA Scrip
13000 x Krypto Marks

3 x Rare Data Drive

Level: 0
Plan B Part 1 ICA Search the Bright Sands Power Plant for the Office • Enter the Bright Sands Power Plant Office
• Deliver Notes on Meteor Experiment - 1
11 x ICA Scrip
7800 x Krypto Marks

1 x Notes on Meteor Experiment - 1

Level: 0
Plan B Part 2 ICA Search the Crescent Falls Geothermal Plant for the Office behind a Forcefield • Enter the Geothermal Plant Office
• Deliver Notes on Meteor Experiment - 2
1 x ICA Guarantee
14 x ICA Scrip
8600 x Krypto Marks

1 x Notes on Meteor Experiment - 2

Level: 0 Plan B Part 1
Abandoned Oil Field ICA Search Crescent Falls for the Abandoned Oil Field between Starport Admin and Pinnacle Labs, clear the Area of Creatures and deliver Parts from the Oil Pumps • Find the Abandoned Oil Field
• Hunt Creatures in the Oil Field
• Deliver Old Oil Pump Parts
48 x ICA Scrip
13000 x Krypto Marks

5 x Oil Pump Part

Level: 0
Building Blocks Korolev "Extracting Letium from the surface will require heavy machinery. Heavy, durable, machinery, like the old Veltecite Laser Drills. Get us these materials, Prospector, and we can begin crafting a good frame for our new drilling platform." • Deliver Compound Sheets
• Deliver Metallic Alloys
• Deliver Smart Mesh
87 x Korolev Scrip
29000 x Krypto Marks

20 x Compound Sheets

15 x Metallic Alloys

5 x Smart Mesh

Level: 0 Trek for Data
Pattern Testing Korolev "Something different this time... We need efficiency data on Shotgun style weapons to help improve our own. This shouldn't take you long, I hope." • Eliminate Prospectors using a Shotgun
• Hunt Striders using a Shotgun
1 x Helmet
117 x Korolev Scrip
17000 x Krypto Marks
Level: 0 Salvage Ops
Custom Rig Korolev "Our hunt for parts continues. Ordering these off the market would take forever, and attract too much attention. Thankfully, we have you!" • Deliver Magnetic Field Stabilizers
• Deliver Circuit Boards
• Deliver Co-TEC Multitools
117 x Korolev Scrip
29000 x Krypto Marks

10 x Magnetic Field Stabilizer

10 x Circuit Board

5 x Co-TEC MultiTool

Level: 0 Pattern Testing
Expensive Tastes Korolev Search for the Dead Drop at Pinnacle Labs on Crescent Falls, stash the required Minerals there and eliminate Creatures in the Area • Stash Pure Focus Crystals at Pinnacle Labs
• Stash Pure Veltecite at Pinnacle Labs
• Hunt Creatures at Pinnacle Labs on Crescent Falls
158 x Korolev Scrip
29000 x Krypto Marks
1 x Armory Key
Level: 0 Custom Rig
Delicate Parts Korolev "Our drilling platform is nearly complete! Now we just need parts for its laser drill... It won't be of much use without it!" • Deliver Gyroscopes
• Deliver Miniature Reactors
• Deliver Copper Wire
214 x Korolev Scrip
35000 x Krypto Marks

1 x Gyroscope

5 x Miniature Reactor

15 x Copper Wire

Level: 0 Expensive Tastes
This is Goodbye Korolev "Our Osiris scientist plans to leave Fortuna, and is holding back the final key details needed to fully stabilize Letium until their last payment! You'll need to get me what they want, quick!" • Deliver Osiris Scrip
• Deliver Veltecite Hearts
• Deliver Old Currency
214 x Korolev Scrip
35000 x Krypto Marks

20 x Osiris Scrip

1 x Veltecite Heart

8000 x Old Currency

Level: 0 Delicate Parts
This isn't Science Korolev "We have to hold on our efforts, Osiris suspects we're to blame for one of their top people suddenly quitting. I imagine they'll ease off if they see your efforts on the planet are purely unscientific." • Eliminate Prospectors 214 x Korolev Scrip
20000 x Krypto Marks
1 x Community Room
Level: 0 This is Goodbye
Unlimited Power Korolev "The Laser Drill needs something with more kick than even Veltecite. Get us some Meteor Cores, that should be enough for our first drill!" • Deliver Meteor Cores 1 x Laser Drill Beacon
214 x Korolev Scrip
35000 x Krypto Marks

2 x Meteor Core

Level: 0 This isn't Science
Order Refill Korolev "The synthetics team is close to a breakthrough on a lighter and more durable fabric, but they've run out of basic resources. We can't wait for a restock, get them what they need." • Deliver Resin Guns
• Deliver Print Resin
35 x Korolev Scrip
19000 x Krypto Marks

5 x Resin Gun

2 x Print Resin

Level: 0 Just a Call Away
Exotic Leathers Korolev "Excellent... now we just need enough raw materials for a sample run. Getting these shouldn't be an issue for you, right?" • Deliver Rattler Skins
• Deliver Textiles
• Deliver Salvaged Insulation
1 x Heavy Duty Backpack
48 x Korolev Scrip
21000 x Krypto Marks

5 x Rattler Skin

6 x Textiles

10 x Salvaged Insulation

Level: 0 Order Refill
Welcome to the Workforce Korolev Nickel can be mined in abundance around Fortuna, in particular along Rock Cliffs and Walls. You can also use a Mineral Scanner to help you find it. • Deliver Nickel 1 x Korolev Scrip
4200 x Krypto Marks

1 x Nickel

Level: 1
Forest Clearing Korolev "Creatures from the Jungle are still bleeding into nearby sites. Thin their numbers." • Hunt Rattlers in the Jungle on Bright Sands
• Hunt Marauders in the Jungle on Bright Sands
11 x Korolev Scrip
7800 x Krypto Marks
Level: 0 Stormbringer
Show Them How It's Done Korolev "Our small arms team is working on iterations to new SMG type weapons and could do with more real world data. Give them a good show." • Eliminate Players using an SMG 19 x Korolev Scrip
9400 x Krypto Marks
Level: 0
A Pick Me Up Korolev Stash some Gear in the Gate C Dead Drop at the Base Camp on Bright Sands • Stash an Uncommon Restoration Shield at Gate C
• Stash an Uncommon Backpack at Gate C
1 x Shield
1 x KM-9 'Scrapper'
19 x Korolev Scrip
11000 x Krypto Marks
Level: 0 Show Them How It's Done
Clear Focus Korolev "We have a new Scanner mod in the works, one that can find Focus Crystals. We'll need some high purity samples for callibration." • Deliver Pure Focus Crystals 1 x Focus Crystal Scanning Module
8 x Korolev Scrip
16000 x Krypto Marks

3 x Pure Focus Crystal

Level: 0 Thick Skinned
Sometimes violence IS the answer Korolev Striders are fast and aggressive. Don't let them swarm you. • Hunt Striders 1 x Korolev Scrip
4000 x Krypto Marks
Level: 0 Welcome to the Workforce
Spare Parts Korolev "Some of our older machinery requires replacement parts to keep working. Maybe you can find us some on the surface, save us making new ones..." • Deliver Compound Sheets
• Deliver Hydraulic Pistons
1 x Tactical Shield
2 x Korolev Scrip
5500 x Krypto Marks

5 x Compound Sheets

1 x Hydraulic Piston

Level: 0 Sometimes violence IS the answer
Contaminated Waters Korolev You can use your map to find the specified location • Visit the Water Facility on Bright Sands
• Hunt Creatures at the Water Facility on Bright Sands
1 x Tactical Helmet
2 x Korolev Scrip
4400 x Krypto Marks
Level: 0 Spare Parts
Company Identity Korolev "We need some Circuit Boards... for a delicate matter. You need to find us some Flawed Veltecite, for the record, but don't forget those Circuit Boards!" • Deliver Flawed Veltecite
• Deliver Circuit Boards
1 x KM-9 'Scrapper'
2 x Korolev Scrip
6900 x Krypto Marks

10 x Flawed Veltecite

3 x Circuit Board

Level: 0 Contaminated Waters
Spring Cleaning Korolev "Some journalists have talked their way through all the red tape and will be getting a tour of the old Dig Site soon. Soften up the area for them, I don't trust their security team alone will be up for the task." • Hunt Striders at the Dig Site on Bright Sands
• Hunt Rattlers at the Dig Site on Bright Sands
2 x Korolev Scrip
4800 x Krypto Marks
Level: 0 Company Identity
Through the Optic Glass Korolev "A new factory robot malfunctioned and took out another's eyes. It's best we don't advertise the accident, so get us replacement parts from the surface." • Deliver Cloudy Veltecite
• Deliver Optic Glass
1 x KM-9 'Scrapper'
2 x Korolev Scrip
11000 x Krypto Marks

7 x Cloudy Veltecite

5 x Optic Glass

Level: 0 Spring Cleaning
A Pinch of Pure Power Korolev "One of our Researchers thinks mixing Pure Veltecite with Titan Ore can increase reactor efficiency. Get us what she needs to prove that theory." • Deliver Brittle Titan Ore
• Deliver Pure Veltecite
3 x Korolev Scrip
11000 x Krypto Marks

7 x Brittle Titan Ore

1 x Pure Veltecite

Level: 0 Through the Optic Glass
Aggressive Marketing Korolev "Defoaming reports show a big decline in our weapons landing the final blow, it makes Korolev look bad. Make sure other Prospectors understand Korolev is superior." • Eliminate Prospectors using a Korolev Weapon 1 x Helmet
3 x Korolev Scrip
5300 x Krypto Marks
Level: 0 A Pinch of Pure Power
Zero Waste Korolev "A shipping accident damaged a crate full of Scrappers already marked for sale. Get us these parts so we can repair them before it becomes an issue." • Deliver Shard Slicers
• Deliver Zero Systems CPUs
4 x Korolev Scrip
10000 x Krypto Marks

1 x Shard Slicer

5 x Zero Systems CPU

Level: 0 Miners' Strike
For all the Trees Korolev "The Bright Sands Jungle area has an overpopulation problem, maybe you can be the solution?" • Visit the Jungle on Bright Sands
• Hunt Creatures in the Jungle on Bright Sands
1 x Tactical Shield
6 x Korolev Scrip
6400 x Krypto Marks
Level: 0 Zero Waste
From Above Korolev "Osiris are doing experiments with Meteor Fragments and Focus Crystals. Get us some samples, I want to find out what's so interesting..." • Deliver Meteor Fragments
• Deliver Focus Crystals
6 x Korolev Scrip
16000 x Krypto Marks

5 x Meteor Fragment

5 x Focus Crystal

Level: 0 For all the Trees
Thick Skinned Korolev "Marauders are made of something much tougher than Striders. Kill one and bring back some of its remains, for testing." • Hunt Marauders
• Deliver Hardened Bone Plates
1 x PKR Maelstrom
8 x Korolev Scrip
11000 x Krypto Marks

1 x Hardened Bone Plates

Level: 0 From Above
Tough as Nails Korolev "One of our researchers is concerned that Crushers are an unstoppable force that could easily wreck our mining platforms. I'm sure you can prove them wrong!" • Hunt Crushers 1 x Hammer
214 x Korolev Scrip
20000 x Krypto Marks
Level: 0 This is Goodbye
Shopping List Korolev "Our researchers on the station have been analyzing the data you retrieved, and have requested a few items to speed things up. I suggest checking old Osiris labs, I'm sure they won't mind." • Deliver Optic Glass
• Deliver Rattler Skins
• Deliver Portable Lab
26 x Korolev Scrip
19000 x Krypto Marks

5 x Optic Glass

5 x Rattler Skin

1 x Portable Lab

Level: 0 Clearing the Way
Don't Dig Too Deep Korolev "It seems some creatures have higher concentrations of Letium than others... My people want some very specific samples now: head to the abandoned Dig Site mine in Bright Sands and hunt down what you can." • Visit Dig Site on Bright Sands
• Hunt Creatures at the Dig Site on Bright Sands
• Deliver Spinal Bases
5 x Radio Equipment
1 x Smart Mesh
26 x Korolev Scrip
16000 x Krypto Marks

20 x Spinal Base

Level: 0 Shopping List
Just a Call Away Korolev Stash Radio Equipment in the Swamp Skeleton Dead Drop, in the Office Dead Drop at Base Camp and in the Comms Tower Dead Drop at Comms Area on Bright Sands • Stash Radio Equipment at Swamp Skeleton
• Stash Radio Equipment at Base Camp Office
• Stash Radio Equipment at Comms Tower
35 x Korolev Scrip
12000 x Krypto Marks
Level: 0 Don't Dig Too Deep
Collaborative Research Korolev "We've contacted an Osiris scientist willing to switch to help with our Letium research, but they'll only take payment in Veltecite, off the books. Deliver some to this Dead Drop on Crescent Falls." • Visit Greens Prospect on Crescent Falls
• Stash Clear Veltecite in the Stockpile Dead Drop
• Stash Pure Veltecite in the Stockpile Dead Drop
1 x KBR Longshot
35 x Korolev Scrip
20000 x Krypto Marks
Level: 0 Just a Call Away
It's All About Branding Korolev "Our team made it back home! It will be a while before they can get back to work... why not take some time and let everyone Korolev is still king of the hill?" • Eliminate Creatures or Players using Korolev Weapons 48 x Korolev Scrip
13000 x Krypto Marks
Level: 0 Lab Heist
It's in the Blood Korolev "Our people have been able to extract stable Letium from biological samples, but they need more to test with. Hunt down some more creatures, for science." • Deliver Hardened Bone Plates
• Deliver Toxic Glands
48 x Korolev Scrip
37000 x Krypto Marks

5 x Hardened Bone Plates

8 x Toxic Glands

Level: 0 It's All About Branding
Fresh Meat Korolev "We've narrowed down the process that allows these creatures to absorb and stabilize Letium. Get us more samples, we're close to a breakthrough!" • Deliver Marauder Flesh
• Deliver Rattler Eyes
• Deliver Strider Flesh
64 x Korolev Scrip
44000 x Krypto Marks
1 x Server Access Key

3 x Marauder Flesh

5 x Rattler Eyes

10 x Strider Flesh

Level: 0 It's in the Blood
Trek for Data Korolev "Our research is nearly complete! Now we just need you to use the Uplink facilities on Crescent Falls; we should be able to use recent surface scans of the area to locate Letium vents." • Visit the Starport Landing Pad Uplink on Crescent Falls
• Visit the Skeleton Observation Uplink on Crescent Falls
• Deliver Unique Data Drives
1 x Tactical Shield
87 x Korolev Scrip
25000 x Krypto Marks

1 x Unique Data Drive

Level: 0 Fresh Meat
Site Seeing Korolev "A civy retrieval team operating in Crescent Falls brought back the remains of an old miner. That wouldn't normally concern us, but they were covered in solidified Letium, at room temperature... We have a log of the sites they visited before expiring, check them out for us." • Visit Geothermal Plant on Crescent Falls
• Visit Skeleton Observation on Crescent Falls
• Visit the Hay Fields on Crescent Falls
8 x Korolev Scrip
7100 x Krypto Marks
Level: 0 Thick Skinned
Stormbringer Korolev "The Federal Authority is upgrading some of its arsenal, and they've taken interest in our PKR Maelstrom. Take one down to the planet and gather some good real-use stats with it for us, OK?" • Hunt Creatures using the PKR Maelstrom
• Eliminate Prospectors using the PKR Maelstrom
1 x Helmet
11 x Korolev Scrip
7800 x Krypto Marks
Level: 0 Site Seeing
Rapid Gentrification Korolev "We need our science team to check these sites, but we can't send a full escort detail without being noticed. Clear the areas out, make it safe for our people to continue their work." • Hunt Creatures in the Starport Area on Crescent Falls
• Hunt Creatures at Favela on Crescent Falls
• Deliver Spinal Bases
11 x Korolev Scrip
14000 x Krypto Marks

20 x Spinal Base

Level: 0 The Missing Engineer
Supply Drop Korolev Search for the Dead Drop at the Deep Underground Elevator at East Collection Point on Bright Sands • Stash Biological Samplers in the East Collection Point Dead Drop
• Stash Sample Containers in the East Collection Point Dead Drop
5 x Smoke Grenade
5 x Grenade
14 x Korolev Scrip
11000 x Krypto Marks
Level: 0 Rapid Gentrification
Messenger Service Korolev Find or purchase an ICA Data Drive and slot it into an Uplink Station to upgrade it to the specified Rarity. • Deliver Valuable Data Drives 1 x PKR Maelstrom
19 x Korolev Scrip
16000 x Krypto Marks

1 x Valuable Data Drive

Level: 0 Supply Drop
Clearing the Way Korolev "ICA are only inspecting arrivals from Crescent Falls, so our team on the planet needs supplies to hike to Bright Sands and evac from there. They've identified what they need at these locations; clear them out so they can move in safely." • Hunt Creatures at Greens Prospect on Crescent Falls
• Hunt Creatures at Pinnacle Labs on Crescent Falls
1 x Large Backpack
19 x Korolev Scrip
9400 x Krypto Marks
Level: 0 Messenger Service
Mineral Master Korolev "A large order has come in for raw materials. Time to put that pickaxe to good use!" • Deliver Altered Nickel
• Deliver Cloudy Veltecite
10 x Grenade
2 x Korolev Scrip
12000 x Krypto Marks

10 x Altered Nickel

7 x Cloudy Veltecite

Level: 0 Company Identity
Inevitable Automation Korolev "There's a new Mining Tool to make your life easier, Prospector. But building one requires parts we can't spare at the moment. Here, get us these so we can continue work." • Deliver Compound Sheets
• Deliver Ball Bearings
2 x Korolev Scrip
8000 x Krypto Marks

10 x Compound Sheets

5 x Ball Bearings

Level: 0 Mineral Master
Tools of the Trade Korolev "Show me that you know how to use a real, proper tool, Prospector! Use one of our guns to take down some Rattlers." • Hunt Rattlers using a Korolev Weapon 3 x Korolev Scrip
5300 x Krypto Marks
Level: 0 Inevitable Automation
Very Fast Moving Parts Korolev Search for the Dead Drop by the Blue Tarp under the Giant Skeleton in the Swamp on Bright Sands • Stash Metallic Alloys in the Swamp Skeleton Dead Drop
• Stash Hydraulic Pistons in the Swamp Skeleton Dead Drop
1 x Medium Backpack
3 x Korolev Scrip
6500 x Krypto Marks
Level: 0 Tools of the Trade
Final Touches Korolev "Good news bad news situation. Our prototype works, but it needs much stronger materials. Get us these, Prospector." • Deliver Titan Ore
• Deliver Cables
• Deliver Resin Guns
1 x Heavy Mining Tool
4 x Korolev Scrip
11000 x Krypto Marks

3 x Titan Ore

5 x Electronic Cables

3 x Resin Gun

Level: 0 Very Fast Moving Parts
The Test Run Korolev Call down a Laser Drill at a Letium Gas Vent to drill for Letium, and be prepared to defend it. • Find a Letium Gas Vent
• Deliver Flaked Letium
1 x Shield
214 x Korolev Scrip
136000 x Krypto Marks

10 x Letium Clot

Level: 0 Unlimited Power
A Titanic Request Korolev "One of our top engineers believes Prospectors are using radios on the surface to affect his dreams. It's absurd, but he's irreplaceable. Do this and maybe he'll think you took care of them..." • Eliminate Prospectors
• Deliver Radio Equipment
3 x Korolev Scrip
7000 x Krypto Marks

5 x Radio Equipment

Level: 0 Through the Optic Glass
A Heavy Conscience Korolev "With that sorted, maybe he'll finally finish this project. Get us Titan Ore to test his new scanner mod, Prospector. A small price for progress, eh?" • Deliver Titan Ore 1 x Titan Ore Scanning Module
3 x Korolev Scrip
9600 x Krypto Marks

5 x Titan Ore

Level: 0 A Titanic Request
Miners' Strike Korolev Search for the 3 Piles of Korolev Body Bags at the Dig Site on Bright Sands and deliver the Miner Cam from each • Retrieve Miner Cam #2F53
• Retrieve Miner Cam #D027
• Retrieve Miner Cam #A45D
4 x Korolev Scrip
5900 x Krypto Marks

1 x Miner Cam #2F53

1 x Miner Cam #D027

1 x Miner Cam #A45D

Level: 0 Aggressive Marketing
The Missing Engineer Korolev Search for the Missing Engineer around the caves south of Starport Warehouse on Crescent Falls and deliver Evidence of Letium • Find the Missing Engineer
• Hunt Creatures around the Missing Engineer Corpse
• Deliver Evidence of Letium
11 x Korolev Scrip
7800 x Krypto Marks

1 x Letium Coated Helmet

Level: 0 Stormbringer
Lab Heist Korolev Search the Waterfall Lab on Bright Sands for Letium Bio Samples and deliver them • Visit Waterfall Lab on Bright Sands
• Deliver Letium Bio Samples
48 x Korolev Scrip
13000 x Krypto Marks

5 x Letium Bio Samples

Level: 0 Collaborative Research
Salvage Ops Korolev Search for the Old Drill Head at the Crashed Drill West of East Collection Point on Bright Sands and deliver the Laser Drill Control Unit • Visit the Crashed Drill
• Find the Old Drill Head
• Deliver Laser Drill Control Unit
117 x Korolev Scrip
17000 x Krypto Marks

1 x Laser Drill Control Unit

Level: 0 Building Blocks
Active Scan Korolev "Ah, Prospector, this will interest you. We think we can modify a Scanner to zero in on Veltecite; get us these parts so we can build a protype." • Deliver Clear Veltecite
• Deliver Optic Glass
• Deliver Circuit Boards
1 x Veltecite Scanning Module
2 x Korolev Scrip
11000 x Krypto Marks

3 x Clear Veltecite

5 x Optic Glass

5 x Circuit Board

Level: 0 Spring Cleaning
Prove your Worth Osiris "Another Prospector? I guess we could use the muscle. Show me you know how to handle yourself on the surface, then we'll talk." • Hunt a Strider 1 x Osiris Scrip
4000 x Krypto Marks
Level: 0
The Real Wetwork Osiris "Not bad. I'm always in need of samples from the surface for our research. See if you can get me some of these." • Deliver Waterweed Filaments 1 x Osiris Scrip
4700 x Krypto Marks

3 x Waterweed Filament

Level: 0 Prove your Worth
Fertile Grounds Osiris "My team has seen an increase in Strider population in the Bright Sands Swamp; take down some of those creatures and return with the right samples." • Visit the Swamp on Bright Sands
• Hunt Striders in the Swamp on Bright Sands
• Deliver Spinal Bases
1 x Tactical Helmet
2 x Osiris Scrip
5300 x Krypto Marks

3 x Spinal Base

Level: 0 The Real Wetwork
Tick-Tock Osiris "Brightcaps are a marvel, one of only a handful of organisms originating from Earth to mutate into something new. Get me fresh samples, and get rid of the Blast Ticks that feast on them while you're at it." • Hunt Blast Ticks
• Deliver Brightcap Mushrooms
3 x Strong Stim
2 x Osiris Scrip
4900 x Krypto Marks

3 x Brightcap Mushroom

Level: 0 Fertile Grounds
Papers, Please Osiris "We need to run some tests on how the creatures of Fortuna III identify each other, how they tell friend from foe. These samples should advance our research." • Deliver Rattler Skins
• Deliver Strider Flesh
1 x Shield
2 x Osiris Scrip
8500 x Krypto Marks

1 x Rattler Skin

5 x Strider Flesh

Level: 0 Tick-Tock
Old Bones Osiris Search the East Caverns on Bright Sands for the Archaeology Site • Find the Archaeology Site
• Deliver Old Bones
3 x Osiris Scrip
5300 x Krypto Marks

3 x Old Bones

Level: 0
Extinct Creatures Osiris Enter the Extinct Creatures Lab at the North End of the Giant Skeleton on Crescent Falls and find the Warden Skull. • Enter the Extinct Creatures Lab
• Deliver the Warden Skull
8 x Osiris Scrip
7100 x Krypto Marks

1 x Warden Skull

Level: 0
Crashed Osiris Freighter Osiris Find the Crashed Osiris Freighter in the Jungle on Bright Sands • Hunt Creatures around the Crashed Ship
• Enter the Crashed Osiris Freighter
• Deliver the Flight Recorder
11 x Osiris Scrip
7800 x Krypto Marks

1 x Flight Recorder

Level: 0
Lost Scientist Osiris Search the Favela Clinic on Crescent Falls for the Lost Scientist • Find the Lost Scientist
• Deliver his Notebook
19 x Osiris Scrip
9400 x Krypto Marks
1 x Phasic Lancer

1 x Old Notebook

Level: 0
Frozen Osiris Search inside Pinnacle Labs on Crescent Falls for the Frozen Scientist • Find the Frozen Scientist 26 x Osiris Scrip
10000 x Krypto Marks
Level: 0
Calorie Deficit ICA Waterweed grows around Lakes and other still waters on Fortuna • Deliver Waterweed Filaments 1 x ICA Scrip
2900 x Krypto Marks

6 x Waterweed Filament

Level: 3
Water Filtration System ICA We need to do some repairs to our water filtration system. Bring us Polymetallic Prefabricate and Compound Sheets. • Deliver Compound Sheets
• Deliver Polymetallic Prefabricate
1 x ICA Scrip
4400 x Krypto Marks

8 x Compound Sheets

10 x Polymetallic Prefabricate

Level: 4
Secure the LZ ICA You can use your map to find the specified location • Hunt Creatures at the Base Camp on Bright Sands 1 x ICA Scrip
1800 x Krypto Marks
Level: 5
Grenadier ICA Search for the Dead Drop by the Blue Tarp under the Giant Skeleton in the Swamp on Bright Sands • Stash Grenades in the Swamp Skeleton Dead Drop 1 x ICA Scrip
2300 x Krypto Marks
Level: 3
New Mining Tools Korolev We are producing new Mining Tools for new Prospectors and need Hydraulic Pistons and Hardened Metals for it. You know what to do. • Deliver Hydraulic Pistons
• Deliver Hardened Metals
1 x Korolev Scrip
3800 x Krypto Marks

2 x Hydraulic Piston

10 x Hardened Metals

Level: 4
Prove your skills Korolev Try not to alert too many creatures at once, they can quickly overwhelm you • Hunt Creatures using a Pistol 1 x Korolev Scrip
1500 x Krypto Marks
Level: 3
Excavation Gear Korolev Search for the Dead Drop underground at East Collection Point on Bright Sands • Stash a Heavy Mining Tool in the Deep Underground Elevator Dead Drop 1 x Korolev Scrip
1700 x Krypto Marks
Level: 3
Field Repairs Korolev Search for the Dead Drop by the Blue Tarp under the Giant Skeleton in the Swamp on Bright Sands • Stash Ball Bearings in the Swamp Skeleton Dead Drop 1 x Korolev Scrip
2500 x Krypto Marks
Level: 5
Pale Ivy Osiris Pale Ivy likes to grow on walls and cliffs in overgrown areas • Deliver Pale Ivy Blossoms 1 x Osiris Scrip
4000 x Krypto Marks

5 x Pale Ivy Blossom

Level: 5
Lab equipment Osiris Improvements to our lab equipment are long overdue. Go get us Optic Glass for better microscopes!" • Deliver Optic Glass 1 x Osiris Scrip
2200 x Krypto Marks

2 x Optic Glass

Level: 3
For Science Osiris You can use your map to find the specified location • Hunt Creatures at the Science Campus on Bright Sands 1 x Osiris Scrip
1500 x Krypto Marks
Level: 3
Population Control I Osiris Rattlers can spit a beam of powerful projectiles. Make sure to use cover! • Hunt Rattlers 1 x Osiris Scrip
1700 x Krypto Marks
Level: 4
Sabotage ICA Prospector! Those Korolev simpletons are drilling near one of our Uplinks. Bring us Zero Systems CPUs and Derelict Explosives. You know why. • Deliver Zero Systems CPUs
• Deliver Derelict Explosives
34 x ICA Scrip
30000 x Krypto Marks

4 x Zero Systems CPU

8 x Derelict Explosives

Level: 15
Old Currency ICA We have received reports of Old Currency being found on Fortuna. That stuff is pretty valuable. Bring us some! • Deliver Old Currency 35 x ICA Scrip
21000 x Krypto Marks

6000 x Old Currency

Level: 16
Recoil Compensation ICA Upgrades to our rifles are long overdue. To go into production with improved Recoil Compensators, we need Shock Absorbers and Compound Sheets. • Deliver Shock absorbers
• Deliver Compound Sheets
36 x ICA Scrip
18000 x Krypto Marks

2 x Shock Absorber

12 x Compound Sheets

Level: 17
New 3D Printer ICA Prospector! To help us provide our troops with the gear and supplies they require, we need Shard Slicers and Autoloaders for a new 3D printer. • Deliver Autoloaders
• Deliver Shard Slicers
39 x ICA Scrip
37000 x Krypto Marks

2 x Autoloader

8 x Shard Slicer

Level: 19
Scrapping Station Improvements ICA Prospector, we need to make improvements to our scrapping station. For this, bring us Shard Slicers, a Zero Systems CPU and Hardened Metals. • Deliver Shard Slicers
• Deliver Hardened Metals
• Deliver Zero Systems CPUs
31 x ICA Scrip
22000 x Krypto Marks

4 x Shard Slicer

12 x Hardened Metals

1 x Zero Systems CPU

Level: 12
A Craving ICA Wanna make some extra cash? We would pay well for some Nutritional Bars. They taste funny, but nostalgia has deep pockets. • Deliver Nutritional Bars 33 x ICA Scrip
18000 x Krypto Marks

8 x Nutritional Bar

Level: 14
Prim & Proper ICA A delegation from off system just arrived, and our people need to look their best to woo them for patronage. Get us some Jewellery from the surface, hopefully we can impress. • Deliver Jewellery 36 x ICA Scrip
25000 x Krypto Marks

10 x Jewellery

Level: 17
Alternative Energies ICA Hunt any Creatures and deliver their Spinal Bases • Hunt any Creatures
• Deliver Spinal Bases
32 x ICA Scrip
18000 x Krypto Marks

15 x Spinal Base

Level: 13
Espionnage II ICA Hunt any Creatures and deliver their Spinal Bases • Hunt any Creatures
• Deliver Charged Spinal Bases
37 x ICA Scrip
22000 x Krypto Marks

14 x Charged Spinal Base

Level: 18
Target Practice ICA Wait for the Marauder to expose its weak spot to attack it! • Hunt Marauders using a Sniper Rifle 33 x ICA Scrip
14000 x Krypto Marks
Level: 14
Debugging ICA Rattlers can spit a beam of powerful projectiles. Make sure to use cover! • Hunt Rattlers at the Comms Tower on Bright Sands
• Hunt Striders at the Comms Tower on Bright Sands
35 x ICA Scrip
15000 x Krypto Marks
Level: 16
Arms Race ICA Focus Crystal Veins can often be found in the Jungle • Deliver Pure Focus Crystals 34 x ICA Scrip
26000 x Krypto Marks

4 x Pure Focus Crystal

Level: 15
Energy Crisis ICA Meteor showers are a random event. Make sure to get there first to mine them! • Deliver Clear Veltecite
• Deliver Meteor Fragments
39 x ICA Scrip
27000 x Krypto Marks

8 x Clear Veltecite

4 x Meteor Fragment

Level: 19
Striking Big ICA Craft some Oil Pump Beacons, search around Crescent Falls for Oil Fields and deploy a Pump on the biggest Oil Fountain you can find for maximum return! • Deliver Oil Tanks 40 x ICA Scrip
218000 x Krypto Marks

10 x NiC Oil Cannister

Level: 20
A Solution? ICA Prospector. We have gotten our hands on a load of powerful Energy Rifles Korolev has been working on. We need Miniature Reactors to charge them. • Deliver Miniature Reactors 37 x ICA Scrip
26000 x Krypto Marks

5 x Miniature Reactor

Level: 18
Hallowed Ground ICA Prospectors have been vandalizing what's left of the Bright Sands Base Camp; go down there and teach them some manners. • Eliminate Prospectors at the Central Base Camp on Bright Sands 35 x ICA Scrip
15000 x Krypto Marks
Level: 16
Restoring the Balance ICA Some believe Osiris and Korolev weapons outclass ours. Use ICA weapons to "educate" rival Prospectors as to who really makes the best guns. • Eliminate Prospectors using an ICA Weapon 39 x ICA Scrip
16000 x Krypto Marks
Level: 19
Forest Clearing ICA I need someone to head down to the Bright Sands Jungle and make sure other Prospectors and the local wildlife learn to stay out of it. No, you don't need to know why. • Eliminate Prospectors in the Jungle on Bright Sands
• Hunt Creatures in the Jungle on Bright Sands
40 x ICA Scrip
17000 x Krypto Marks
Level: 20
On Our Team ICA A big arms merchant is on station looking to buy; head down and take out Striders, Rattlers, and Prospectors with the Advocate to help secure us a sale. • Eliminate Players using the Advocate Assault Rifle
• Hunt Rattlers using the Advocate Assault Rifle
• Hunt Striders using the Advocate Assault Riffle
34 x ICA Scrip
14000 x Krypto Marks
Level: 15
Data Drop ICA Search for the Dead Drop at Greens Prospect on Crescent Falls • Stash Rare Data Drives in the Fulfilment Center Dead Drop 32 x ICA Scrip
19000 x Krypto Marks
Level: 13
Field Supplies ICA Search for the Dead Drop at Greens Prospect on Crescent Falls • Stash Polymetallic Prefabricate in the Stockpile Dead Drop 36 x ICA Scrip
18000 x Krypto Marks
Level: 17
Spare Parts ICA Search for the Dead Drop at Starport Admin on Crescent Falls • Stash Zero Systems CPUs in the Server Room Dead Drop 37 x ICA Scrip
18000 x Krypto Marks
Level: 18
Provide an Advocate ICA Search for the Dead Drop at Starport Admin on Crescent Falls • Stash an Advocate Assault Rifle in the Cafeteria Dead Drop 40 x ICA Scrip
39000 x Krypto Marks
Level: 20
Excavator Improvements Korolev The suspension on our mining excavators need improvements to handle rocky terrain. We need Multitools, Ball Bearings and Hydraulic Pistons. • Deliver Multitools
• Deliver Ball Bearings
• Deliver Hydraulic Pistons
33 x Korolev Scrip
18000 x Krypto Marks

2 x Co-TEC MultiTool

3 x Ball Bearings

3 x Hydraulic Piston

Level: 14
A new type of Alloy Korolev Hunt Marauders for Hardened Bone Plates • Deliver Hardened Bone Plates
• Deliver Compound Sheets
34 x Korolev Scrip
30000 x Krypto Marks

4 x Hardened Bone Plates

12 x Compound Sheets

Level: 15
Automated Security Korolev We will have to build new turrets to help protect our mining sites and landing pads. Bring us Zero Systems CPUs and Hardened Metals. • Deliver Zero Systems CPUs
• Deliver Hardened Metals
35 x Korolev Scrip
20000 x Krypto Marks

5 x Zero Systems CPU

16 x Hardened Metals

Level: 16
Energy Crisis Korolev Veltecite supplies are low, but we need energy! Get your hands on one of those fabled ICA Miniature Reactors and deliver it to us. Discreetly. • Deliver Miniature Reactors 36 x Korolev Scrip
23000 x Krypto Marks

4 x Miniature Reactor

Level: 17
Classified I Korolev Prospector! We need Derelict Explosives, Master Unit CPUs and Compound Sheets. Dont ask questions, just go acquire the materials. • Deliver Derelict Explosives
• Deliver Master Unit CPUs
• Deliver Compound Sheets
40 x Korolev Scrip
44000 x Krypto Marks

10 x Derelict Explosives

2 x Master Unit CPU

15 x Compound Sheets

Level: 20
Stocking Up Korolev We need Brittle Titan Ore, Prospector. And lots of it! I trust you know where to look for it by now? As they say, this is not your first rodeo. • Deliver Brittle Titan Ore 36 x Korolev Scrip
24000 x Krypto Marks

16 x Brittle Titan Ore

Level: 17
Shock and Awe Korolev Prospector, get us some Shock Absorbers from the surface, our equipment here needs maintenance. Get us the parts, if they're Korolev they'll still work for sure! Well... probably. • Deliver Shock absorbers 37 x Korolev Scrip
18000 x Krypto Marks

3 x Shock Absorber

Level: 18
Crashed Ship Korolev Rattlers can spit a beam of powerful projectiles. Make sure to use cover! • Hunt Rattlers at the Crashed Ship on Bright Sands
• Hunt Marauders at the Crashed Ship on Bright Sands
37 x Korolev Scrip
16000 x Krypto Marks
Level: 18
Exclusive Drilling Rights Korolev Craft a Laser Drill Beacon, find a Letium Gas Vent and call down a Laser Drill Platform to Drill for Letium. But get ready to defend it. • Deliver Flaked Letium 40 x Korolev Scrip
132000 x Krypto Marks

10 x Letium Clot

Level: 20
Meteor Core Korolev Meteor showers are a random event. Make sure to get there first to mine them! • Deliver Meteor Cores 31 x Korolev Scrip
21000 x Krypto Marks

1 x Meteor Core

Level: 12
Shards of pure Power Korolev Meteor showers are a random event. Make sure to get there first to mine them! • Deliver Meteor Fragments 35 x Korolev Scrip
23000 x Krypto Marks

8 x Meteor Fragment

Level: 16
Battery Day Korolev Meteor showers are a random event. Make sure to get there first to mine them! • Deliver Meteor Cores 40 x Korolev Scrip
39000 x Krypto Marks

3 x Meteor Core

Level: 20
Geologist Korolev You got time for a job, Prospector? The samples you brought us weren't pure enough. Get us Pure Veltecite and some Pure Focus Crystals this time. • Deliver Pure Veltecite
• Deliver Pure Focus Crystals
32 x Korolev Scrip
20000 x Krypto Marks

2 x Pure Veltecite

1 x Pure Focus Crystal

Level: 13
Industry Secret Korolev Hm. Interesting. The Pure Focus Crystals you brought us worked perfectly for the new lenses. Bring us more! I can already taste Osiris' envy. • Deliver Pure Focus Crystals 33 x Korolev Scrip
22000 x Krypto Marks

3 x Pure Focus Crystal

Level: 14
Veltecite Hearts Korolev Veltecite Veins can often be found around Waterfalls • Deliver Veltecite Hearts 34 x Korolev Scrip
27000 x Krypto Marks

2 x Veltecite Heart

Level: 15
Laser Rifles Korolev Focus Crystal Veins can often be found in the Jungle • Deliver Pure Focus Crystals
• Deliver Focus Crystals
35 x Korolev Scrip
33000 x Krypto Marks

3 x Pure Focus Crystal

10 x Focus Crystal

Level: 16
Classified II Korolev Veltecite Veins can often be found around Waterfalls • Deliver Clear Veltecite
• Deliver Derelict Explosives
37 x Korolev Scrip
40000 x Krypto Marks

8 x Clear Veltecite

10 x Derelict Explosives

Level: 18
Unlimited Power? Korolev Veltecite Veins can often be found around Waterfalls • Deliver Clear Veltecite
• Deliver Pure Veltecite
• Deliver Veltecite Hearts
39 x Korolev Scrip
33000 x Krypto Marks

6 x Clear Veltecite

3 x Pure Veltecite

1 x Veltecite Heart

Level: 19
Protect our Claim Korolev Greedy Prospectors have been filling their own pockets with valuable minerals from our Dig Site. Go eliminate any Prospector there, send a message! • Eliminate a Prospector at the Dig Site on Bright Sands 32 x Korolev Scrip
13000 x Krypto Marks
Level: 13
Leaving a Mark Korolev Some are saying Korolev is afraid of conflict! Get that idea out of their heads! Take out rival Prospectors, let them know Korolev sent you! • Eliminate Prospectors 33 x Korolev Scrip
14000 x Krypto Marks
Level: 14
Live Fire Korolev Prospector, marketing department wants more test data to sell our superior weapons; go take out rival Prospectors with Korolev Weapons! • Eliminate Prospectors using a Korolev Weapon 36 x Korolev Scrip
15000 x Krypto Marks
Level: 17
Sales Pitch Korolev Habitat Civil Protection doesn't believe our guns are worth the price; take out some rival Prospectors with a Korolev Pistol and Shotgun to shut them up! • Eliminate Prospectors using a Shotgun
• Eliminate Prospectors using a Pistol
39 x Korolev Scrip
16000 x Krypto Marks
Level: 19
Burying the Lead Korolev KBR Longshot sales need a boost back home; let's show them what a Korolev rifle can do to Marauders and Prospectors! • Eliminate Prospectors using the KBR Longshot
• Hunt Marauders using the KBR Longshot
40 x Korolev Scrip
17000 x Krypto Marks
Level: 20
Testing the Arsenal Korolev Prospector! It's time to test Korolev Weaponry against human targets. Grab a Korolev Weapon and eliminate rival Prospectors. • Eliminate Prospectors using a Korolev Weapon 31 x Korolev Scrip
13000 x Krypto Marks
Level: 12
Stashing Safety Korolev Search for the Dead Drop at Base Camp on Bright Sands • Stash a Rare Shield in the Main Office Dead Drop
• Hunt Creatures at Base Camp on Bright Sands
34 x Korolev Scrip
18000 x Krypto Marks
Level: 15
Upgrades Korolev Search for the Dead Drop at Starport Admin on Crescent Falls • Stash a Master Unit CPU in the Server Room Dead Drop 39 x Korolev Scrip
20000 x Krypto Marks
Level: 19
Harvest Day Osiris Glowy Brightcaps can only be harvested during an active Storm • Deliver Brightcap Mushrooms
• Deliver Glowy Brightcap Mushrooms
39 x Osiris Scrip
23000 x Krypto Marks

15 x Brightcap Mushroom

8 x Glowy Brightcap Mushroom

Level: 19
Bad Acid Osiris Glowy Brightcaps can only be harvested during an active Storm • Deliver Glowy Brightcap Mushrooms
• Hunt Acid Ticks
33 x Osiris Scrip
17000 x Krypto Marks

6 x Glowy Brightcap Mushroom

Level: 14
The Rarest Sample Osiris Craft an Orbital Cannon Beacon, gear up and search Crescent Falls for the Mysterious Cave Entrance to bring down the Elite Crusher • Deliver an Elite Crusher Heart 40 x Osiris Scrip
146000 x Krypto Marks

1 x Alpha Crusher Heart

Level: 20
Cretins Osiris Hunt Blast Ticks and Acid Ticks for Toxic Glands • Deliver Toxic Glands 31 x Osiris Scrip
19000 x Krypto Marks

7 x Toxic Glands

Level: 12
Sensor Array Repairs Osiris A Marauder damaged one of our sensor arrays. Bring us Interactive Screens, Optic Glass and Polymetallic Prefabricate so we can fix it. • Deliver Optic Glass
• Deliver Polymetallic Prefabricate
• Deliver Interactive Screens
32 x Osiris Scrip
20000 x Krypto Marks

5 x Optic Glass

12 x Polymetallic Prefabricate

2 x Interactive Screen

Level: 13
A new Energy Source? Osiris Hunt any Creatures during an active Storm for Charged Spinal Bases • Deliver Charged Spinal Bases
• Deliver Gyroscopes
33 x Osiris Scrip
25000 x Krypto Marks

8 x Charged Spinal Base

3 x Gyroscope

Level: 14
Data Center Upgrades Osiris Turns out our data center was not powerful enough for the calculations needed for our energy experiment. Bring us Master Unit CPUs! • Deliver Master Unit CPUs 35 x Osiris Scrip
22000 x Krypto Marks

2 x Master Unit CPU

Level: 16
Keep the Experiment running Osiris Hunt any Creatures during an active Storm for Charged Spinal Bases • Deliver Charged Spinal Bases 36 x Osiris Scrip
22000 x Krypto Marks

16 x Charged Spinal Base

Level: 17
Safety Measures Osiris Wonderful. The Meteor Core we acquired is powering our Drone Fleet nicely. But we need Gyroscopes and Autoloaders to stabilize the Reactor. • Deliver Gyroscopes
• Deliver Autoloaders
• Deliver Hardened Bone Plates
40 x Osiris Scrip
53000 x Krypto Marks

3 x Gyroscope

3 x Autoloader

5 x Hardened Bone Plates

Level: 20
Research Drone Repairs Osiris One of our research drones got hit by Storm radiation, frying its flight stabilizers. Bring us Gyroscopes and Interactive Screens for the repairs. • Deliver Gyroscopes
• Deliver Interactive Screens
32 x Osiris Scrip
26000 x Krypto Marks

3 x Gyroscope

3 x Interactive Screen

Level: 13
Don't get crushed Osiris Gear up, Prospector! We need Crusher Skins for our Material Sciences Department. The tissue is said to be resistant to radiation, we must test that theory. • Deliver Crusher Hides 36 x Osiris Scrip
50000 x Krypto Marks

3 x Crusher Hide

Level: 17
Muddied Waters Osiris You can use your map to find the specified location • Hunt Creatures at the Lake on Bright Sands 33 x Osiris Scrip
14000 x Krypto Marks
Level: 14
Brains over brawn Osiris Crushers are tough creatures. Gear up or bring friends! • Hunt Crushers 34 x Osiris Scrip
14000 x Krypto Marks
Level: 15
Sanitation Osiris You can use your map to find the specified location • Hunt Rattlers at the Crashed Ship on Bright Sands
• Hunt Striders at the Crashed Ship on Bright Sands
36 x Osiris Scrip
15000 x Krypto Marks
Level: 17
Behavioral Analysis V Osiris Crushers are tough creatures. Gear up or bring friends! • Hunt Crushers using an Assault Rifle or Sniper Rifle 39 x Osiris Scrip
16000 x Krypto Marks
Level: 19
Living Black Box Osiris Wait for the Marauder to expose its weak spot to attack it! • Hunt Marauders at the Crashed Ship on Bright Sands 40 x Osiris Scrip
17000 x Krypto Marks
Level: 20
Xeno-Archaeology II Osiris You can use your map to find the specified location • Hunt Marauders at Crescent Falls' Skeleton Observation 34 x Osiris Scrip
14000 x Krypto Marks
Level: 15
Pinnacle of Evolution Osiris You can use your map to find the specified location • Hunt Marauders at Pinnacle Labs on Crescent Falls
• Hunt Rattlers at Pinnacle Labs on Crescent Falls
• Hunt Striders at Pinnacle Labs on Crescent Falls
37 x Osiris Scrip
16000 x Krypto Marks
Level: 18
Behavioral Analysis IV Osiris Wait for the Marauder to expose its weak spot to attack it! • Hunt Marauders using an SMG 31 x Osiris Scrip
13000 x Krypto Marks
Level: 12
Core Values Osiris Meteor showers are a random event. Make sure to get there first to mine them! • Deliver Meteor Cores 35 x Osiris Scrip
30000 x Krypto Marks

2 x Meteor Core

Level: 16
Promising Results Osiris Meteor showers are a random event. Make sure to get there first to mine them! • Deliver Meteor Cores
• Deliver Meteor Fragments
37 x Osiris Scrip
37000 x Krypto Marks

2 x Meteor Core

6 x Meteor Fragment

Level: 18
Lab Rats Osiris An opportunity has presented itself that requires some "special" testing. Head to the Waterfall and Vaccine Labs and prepare some "volunteers" for us to pick up. • Eliminate Prospectors at the Vaccine Labs on Bright Sands
• Eliminate Prospectors at the Waterfall Lab on Bright Sands
35 x Osiris Scrip
15000 x Krypto Marks
Level: 16
Internal Combustion Osiris The IFA filed a report that the Basilisk is "an unnecessarily cruel weapon"; take out some Prospectors with one and prove its efficacy outweighs all drawbacks. • Eliminate Prospectors using the Basilisk Sniper Rifle 40 x Osiris Scrip
17000 x Krypto Marks
Level: 20
Stormy Samples Osiris Search for the Dead Drop at Greens Prospect on Crescent Falls • Stash Charged Spinal Bases in the Fulfilment Center Dead Drop 34 x Osiris Scrip
17000 x Krypto Marks
Level: 15
Stormy Samples II Osiris Search for the Dead Drop at Pinnacle Labs on Crescent Falls • Stash Glowy Brightcap Mushrooms in the Pinnacle Labs Dead Drop 37 x Osiris Scrip
18000 x Krypto Marks
Level: 18
Loadout Drop Osiris Search for the Dead Drop at Pinnacle Labs on Crescent Falls • Stash a Rare Shield in the Pinnacle Labs Dead Drop
• Stash a Rare Helmet in the Pinnacle Labs Dead Drop
• Stash a Rare Backpack in the Pinnacle Labs Dead Drop
39 x Osiris Scrip
23000 x Krypto Marks
Level: 19
Mouths to feed ICA Waterweed grows around Lakes and other still waters on Fortuna • Deliver Waterweed Filaments 8 x ICA Scrip
6700 x Krypto Marks

10 x Waterweed Filament

Level: 7
Gluttony ICA Waterweed grows around Lakes and other still waters on Fortuna • Deliver Waterweed Filaments
• Eliminate Prospectors at the Lake on Bright Sands
11 x ICA Scrip
8300 x Krypto Marks

8 x Waterweed Filament

Level: 11
New Beds ICA The ICA community housing project has been expanding fast, and we need Azure Tree Bark and Alloys to build some new beds. • Deliver Azure Tree Bark
• Deliver Metallic Alloys
9 x ICA Scrip
7500 x Krypto Marks

8 x Azure Tree Bark

10 x Metallic Alloys

Level: 8
Station Defense ICA The targeting systems of our station defense systems have been damaged by Storm radiation. Bring us Autoloaders and Optic Glass for the repairs. • Deliver Autoloaders
• Deliver Optic Glass
12 x ICA Scrip
13000 x Krypto Marks

1 x Autoloader

5 x Optic Glass

Level: 12
Air Lock Upgrades ICA Our engineers designed a safer airlock system that should reduce fatalities. We need Hardened Metals, Alloys and Polymetallic Prefabricate. • Deliver Hardened Metals
• Deliver Metallic Alloys
• Deliver Polymetallic Prefabricate
13 x ICA Scrip
12000 x Krypto Marks

12 x Hardened Metals

10 x Metallic Alloys

4 x Polymetallic Prefabricate

Level: 13
Let it grow ICA Aha, there's our new rising star! Prospector, see if you can find us some Magic-GROW Fertilizer, it'll help with our nutrient farms on the station. • Deliver "Magic-GROW" Fertilizer 8 x ICA Scrip
6700 x Krypto Marks

8 x "Magic-GROW" Fertilizer

Level: 6
Pest Control ICA Wait for the Marauder to expose its weak spot to attack it! • Hunt Marauders
• Hunt Rattlers
10 x ICA Scrip
5300 x Krypto Marks
Level: 9
Parasites ICA You can use your map to find the specified location • Hunt Creatures at Nutrion Farms Warehouse on Crescent Falls 9 x ICA Scrip
4800 x Krypto Marks
Level: 8
Energy Crisis II ICA We need more power for our Community Life Support Systems, Prospector! Go get us more Miniature Reactors. • Deliver Miniature Reactors 8 x ICA Scrip
8000 x Krypto Marks

2 x Miniature Reactor

Level: 6
Energy Crisis III ICA Our Security Systems ran out of power and are runnning on emergency backup. This is not sustainable. We need more Miniature Reactors. • Deliver Miniature Reactors 10 x ICA Scrip
12000 x Krypto Marks

3 x Miniature Reactor

Level: 10
Proprietary Technology ICA Those insufferable Osiris idiots are messing with our Uplinks. It's time to send a message. Eliminate a rival Prospector using an ICA Weapon, let them know it was us. • Eliminate Prospectors using an ICA Weapon 9 x ICA Scrip
4800 x Krypto Marks
Level: 8
Retaliation ICA One of our scavenging parties was taken out by Prospectors. That offense can't go unpunished: eliminate some Prospectors to send a message. • Eliminate Prospectors 10 x ICA Scrip
5300 x Krypto Marks
Level: 9
Tour Guide ICA Fortuna III's seen a spike in "fake" Prospectors, here just to take in the scenery. Go down there and set the tone: take some out with an Assault Rifle. • Eliminate Prospectors using an Assault Rifle 10 x ICA Scrip
5800 x Krypto Marks
Level: 10
Storm Interference ICA Search for the Dead Drop at the Comms Tower on Bright Sands • Stash Magnetic Field Stabilizers in the Comms Tower Dead Drop 8 x ICA Scrip
5100 x Krypto Marks
Level: 7
Shady Deal ICA Search for the Dead Drop at Nutrion Farms on Crescent Falls • Stash Old Currency in the Nutrion Office Dead Drop 10 x ICA Scrip
8300 x Krypto Marks
Level: 9
Emergency Power ICA Search for the Dead Drop at Nutrion Farms on Crescent Falls • Stash a Miniature Reactor in the Storage Room Dead Drop 11 x ICA Scrip
8500 x Krypto Marks
Level: 11
Ammo Supplies ICA Search for the Dead Drop at Greens Prospect on Crescent Falls • Stash 1000 Medium Ammo in the Stockpile Dead Drop 11 x ICA Scrip
17000 x Krypto Marks
Level: 11
Explosive Excavation Korolev One of our mines collapsed with valuable equipment inside. Bring us Derelict Explosives so we can blast it free! • Deliver Derelict Explosives 8 x Korolev Scrip
11000 x Krypto Marks

4 x Derelict Explosives

Level: 7
Mining Bot Korolev Our engineers have designed an autonomous mining bot. Bring us a Zero Systems CPU and some Ball Bearings for the prototype. • Deliver Zero Systems CPUs
• Deliver Ball Bearings
9 x Korolev Scrip
6900 x Krypto Marks

2 x Zero Systems CPU

3 x Ball Bearings

Level: 8
None of your Business Korolev Hunt Blast Ticks and Acid Ticks for Toxic Glands • Deliver Toxic Glands 10 x Korolev Scrip
7600 x Krypto Marks

2 x Toxic Glands

Level: 10
Insufficient Processing Power Korolev Prospector! The Zero Systems CPU you brought us for the mining bot was not powerful enough. We'll need a Master Unit CPU instead. • Deliver Master Unit CPUs 11 x Korolev Scrip
10000 x Krypto Marks

1 x Master Unit CPU

Level: 11
No Expiry Date Korolev There you are, finally! There's been an accident at one of our factories and we urgently require Old Medicine from the surface, hurry! • Deliver Old Medicine 9 x Korolev Scrip
6300 x Krypto Marks

10 x Old Medicine

Level: 8
Rattle the Cage Korolev Rattlers can spit a beam of powerful projectiles. Make sure to use cover! • Hunt Rattlers using a Shotgun 10 x Korolev Scrip
5300 x Krypto Marks
Level: 9
Clearing the Dig Site Korolev You can use your map to find the specified location • Hunt Creatures at the Dig Site on Bright Sands 11 x Korolev Scrip
6400 x Krypto Marks
Level: 11
Eliminate the Threat Korolev Wait for the Marauder to expose its weak spot to attack it! • Hunt Marauders 12 x Korolev Scrip
7100 x Krypto Marks
Level: 12
Meteor Shards Korolev Meteor showers are a random event. Make sure to get there first to mine them! • Deliver Meteor Fragments 10 x Korolev Scrip
7300 x Krypto Marks

2 x Meteor Fragment

Level: 9
Clear Veltecite Korolev Veltecite Veins can often be found around Waterfalls • Deliver Clear Veltecite 8 x Korolev Scrip
5700 x Krypto Marks

2 x Clear Veltecite

Level: 6
Pure Veltecite Korolev Veltecite Veins can often be found around Waterfalls • Deliver Pure Veltecite 10 x Korolev Scrip
9200 x Krypto Marks

2 x Pure Veltecite

Level: 9
Titans of Industry Korolev Titan Ore Veins can often be found in Caves and Mines • Deliver Titan Ore
• Deliver Altered Nickel
10 x Korolev Scrip
9600 x Krypto Marks

2 x Titan Ore

6 x Altered Nickel

Level: 10
Crystal Frenzy Korolev We're working on a new type of laser for our latest mining platforms. For the lenses, we will need Clear Veltecite and Focus Crystals. Off you go! • Deliver Clear Veltecite
• Deliver Focus Crystals
11 x Korolev Scrip
16000 x Krypto Marks

2 x Clear Veltecite

8 x Focus Crystal

Level: 11
Time to Focus Korolev Crystal Veins can often be found in the Jungle • Deliver Focus Crystals
• Hunt Creatures in the Jungle on Bright Sands
8 x Korolev Scrip
8200 x Krypto Marks

4 x Focus Crystal

Level: 7
Jamming the Comms Korolev Stash Derelict Explosives in the Satellite Dish Dead Drop at Comms Tower on Bright Sands • Stash Derelict Explosives 9 x Korolev Scrip
8300 x Krypto Marks
Level: 8
Stability is Key Korolev Search for the Dead Drops at Base Camp on Bright Sands • Stash a Magnetic Field Stabilizer in the Main Office Dead Drop
• Stash a Magnetic Field Stabilizer in the Gate C Dead Drop
• Stash a Magnetic Field Stabilizer in the Gate A Dead Drop
8 x Korolev Scrip
5000 x Krypto Marks
Level: 6
And two smoking Barrels Korolev Search for the Dead Drop at Comms Tower on Bright Sands • Stash a PKR Maelstrom Shotgun in the Comms Tower Dead Drop
• Stash 200 Shotgun Ammo in the Comms Tower Dead Drop
13 x Korolev Scrip
19000 x Krypto Marks
Level: 13
Egg Delivery III Osiris Keep an eye out for strange Alien Footprints, they may lead you to an Egg • Deliver Blue Runner Eggs 10 x Osiris Scrip
13000 x Krypto Marks

3 x Blue Runner Egg

Level: 10
Botanist III Osiris Glowy Brightcaps can only be harvested during an active Storm • Deliver Glowy Brightcap Mushrooms 11 x Osiris Scrip
7900 x Krypto Marks

3 x Glowy Brightcap Mushroom

Level: 11
Clear the Swamp Osiris Blast Ticks are often found near Brightcaps in Swamps and Jungles • Deliver Brightcap Mushrooms
• Hunt Blast Ticks
9 x Osiris Scrip
6900 x Krypto Marks

12 x Brightcap Mushroom

Level: 8
Cross-Breeding Osiris Pale Ivy likes to grow on walls and cliffs in overgrown areas • Deliver Pale Ivy Blossoms
• Deliver Waterweed Filaments
10 x Osiris Scrip
9700 x Krypto Marks

6 x Pale Ivy Blossom

8 x Waterweed Filament

Level: 9
Dustbloom Osiris Dustbloom flourishes in open, arid areas of Fortuna • Deliver Dustblooms 10 x Osiris Scrip
6600 x Krypto Marks

1 x Dustbloom

Level: 10
Surveillance Center Osiris We want to expand our surveillance operations here on Prospect Station. Bring us Interactive Screens and Magnetic Field Stabilizers. • Deliver Interactive Screens
• Deliver Magnetic Field Stabilizers
8 x Osiris Scrip
8100 x Krypto Marks

2 x Interactive Screen

2 x Magnetic Field Stabilizer

Level: 6
Gun Manufacturing Osiris Our material scientists found a way to use Copper Wires and Spinal Bases in the manufacturing process of energy rifles. Bring us some! • Deliver Copper Wire
• Deliver Spinal Bases
8 x Osiris Scrip
8100 x Krypto Marks

5 x Copper Wire

10 x Spinal Base

Level: 7
Flexible Sealant Osiris A number of our weather balloons took damage from recent storms, and we urgently need them back in the sky. Some Resin Guns should help patch them up. • Deliver Resin Guns 9 x Osiris Scrip
11000 x Krypto Marks

8 x Resin Gun

Level: 8
Indigenous Fruit Osiris Ah, Prospector, have you come across any Indigenous Fruit on the surface? They seem to be a remarkably high source of potassium, they could make for good, cheap supplements. • Deliver Indigenous Fruit
• Deliver Biological Samplers
8 x Osiris Scrip
12000 x Krypto Marks

4 x Indigenous Fruit

4 x Biological Sampler

Level: 7
Behavioral Analysis III Osiris Try not to alert too many creatures at once, they can quickly overwhelm you • Hunt Creatures using a Sniper Rifle 8 x Osiris Scrip
4000 x Krypto Marks
Level: 6
Protect our Investments Osiris Wait for the Marauder to expose its weak spot to attack it! • Hunt Marauders
• Hunt Rattlers
9 x Osiris Scrip
4800 x Krypto Marks
Level: 8
Secure the Perimeter Osiris You can use your map to find the specified location • Hunt Creatures at the Vaccine Labs on Bright Sands
• Hunt Creatures at the Science Campus on Bright Sands
8 x Osiris Scrip
4400 x Krypto Marks
Level: 7
Xeno-Archaeology I Osiris You can use your map to find the specified location • Hunt Striders at Crescent Falls' Skeleton Observation 10 x Osiris Scrip
5800 x Krypto Marks
Level: 10
Unstable Sample Osiris Meteor showers are a random event. Make sure to get there first to mine them! • Deliver Meteor Fragments 12 x Osiris Scrip
11000 x Krypto Marks

4 x Meteor Fragment

Level: 12
Superior Firepower Osiris We need to prove to these ICA troglodytes that Osiris weaponry is more than lethal. Use it to eliminate another Prospector. • Eliminate Prospectors using an Osiris Weapon 11 x Osiris Scrip
6400 x Krypto Marks
Level: 11
Lense Repairs Osiris Search for the Dead Drop at Comms Tower on Bright Sands • Stash Optic Glass in the Satellite Dish Dead Drop 10 x Osiris Scrip
6300 x Krypto Marks
Level: 9
Technical Supplies Osiris Search for the Dead Drop at Base Camp on Bright Sands • Stash Interactive Screens in the Main Office Dead Drop 10 x Osiris Scrip
10000 x Krypto Marks
Level: 9
Toxin Testing Osiris Search for the Dead Drop at Waterfall Lab on Bright Sands • Stash Toxic Glands in the Waterfall Lab Dead Drop 13 x Osiris Scrip
10000 x Krypto Marks
Level: 13