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A member registered Feb 02, 2024

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I absolutely LOVE this game. I downloaded it on a whim and I'm absolutely blown away by the amount of work that's gone into it. The game is gorgeous, the cutscenes especially so. Every time I stumbled on to one I got so so so excited, because I knew I was going to be in for a visual treat. Exploring is tedious at points but I haven't found myself minding it. Yes, you'll get repeating rooms a lot, but finding new door and characters isn't that hard as long as you're willing to move quickly through these repeating rooms. The characters you find are by far my absolute favorite part of this game. Somehow each one has such a distinct personality that I've found myself falling in love with them, despite the absolutely massive amount of them. Whenever I saw someone new I'd immediately go talk to them and their dialogue always seemed to add something new to the world. Figuring out the "Special" ones is also an absolute blast, and I hope there will be more of them when the game is officially out, specially for some of the more quiet characters. The story is also super interesting and I've really enjoyed trying to piece it together. Mel and those entangled with her feel so real, adding to the tragedy of them residing in a place that's draining them of their selves. I'm not super far in but I really can't wait to see more of the machines and the angel and what they mean for Mel's redemption, if she can find it. I haven't played the original but I plan to once I get as far as I can in this. 10/10, I absolutely love this game.