Mortgage Calculator


The Responsive Mortgage Calculator Block is a Gutenberg Block collection that’s designed to fit easily into any theme, on any device, at any size. Just what every „Real Estate Agent on the go” needs.

With this block you can create a form to calculate a loan mortgage in less than a minute.


  • Mortgage calculator: let you generate a simple mortgage calculator form, display a resume and a table with mortgage.
  • Mortgage duration comparator: generate a form that display a comparison table.
  • Mortgage rates comparator: generate a rate comparison table.


If you like this plugin, then consider checking out our other projects:

  • Formello: a form builder to collect leads, newsletter signup, contact form and more.
  • Popper: a popup builder to increase leads with exit intent.
  • Pdf Embed: embed your PDFs using the official Adobe Embed API.
  • Search Console: view all your search console data inside WordPress admin.

Ekrano nuotraukos

  • Form creation
  • Form options
  • Fields option
  • Frontend form with result
  • Frontend form with result table


Šis įskiepis suteikia 6 blokus.

  • Select
  • Number input
  • Mortgage table result
  • Mortgage result
  • Button
  • Mortgage form An interactive block with the Interactivity API


  1. Upload the plugin files to the /wp-content/plugins/mortgage directory, or install the plugin through the WordPress plugins screen directly.
  2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ screen in WordPress


6 rugpjūčio, 2022 1 reply
The rates are great, and calculator works really well. My only problem is that the rates are always rounded up. It would be great if instead of 3.5% being rounded up to 4%, 3.5% was actually calculated!! Then this would be a 5 star!
17 kovo, 2021 4 replies
To be fair, as it is now, this plugin deserves 4.8 stars. With a couple of adjustments I would be ecstatic to update my rating to 5 stars: 1. Make the Scheduled Payments table’s width 100% by a simple CSS: .wp-block-mortgage-table table {width: 100% !important;} 2. All numbers should have thousands separator (by a comma) so the numbers can be comprehended easier (for big numbers). I use ACF Pro for my custom made Blocks, thus my blocks are constructed with php, so I can’t help you in this instance. I’ve seen many mortgage calculators before, but because this is not a shortcode based, or embedded from a service, this plugin for me is the absolute best…, it just needs some better formatting, that’s all. Thanks, Nick.
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Įskiepis “Mortgage Calculator” išverstas į 1 kalbą. Dėkojame vertėjams už jų darbą.

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Pakeitimų istorija


  • Added 2 column mortgage calculator
  • Small fixes


  • Switched to interactivity api
  • Minor fix


  • Minor fix
  • Updated minimum requirements


  • Added option to hide label
  • Added option to hide field
  • Fixed button alignment
  • Code linted


  • Fix button alignment


  • Improved column positioning
  • Added read only to fields


  • Added form input
  • Added form input customization
  • You can now sort and rearrange field
  • Added button customization
  • Added icons
  • Simplified code
  • Added new select options


  • Bump version


  • Fix table on frontend
  • Added block variations instead of multiple block
  • Added translations


  • Fix translation
  • Added button block
  • Added style


  • Fix wrong rounding on result summary


  • Fix wrong rounding on result summary


  • Fix wrong calculation


  • Fix wrong calculation


  • Added translations
  • Fix wrong assets


  • Code beautified


  • Add scroll to results
  • Added translations


  • Fix table text alignment


  • Fix block.json


  • Small fix


  • Added responsive table
  • Two new widgets for comparison
  • Better handling of calculations


  • Better formatting number based on user locale
  • Table 100% width in any case


  • Release