Frequently Asked Questions About Growing Tomatoes In Southern States

Frequently Asked Questions About Growing Tomatoes In Southern States

Tomatoes require consistent care throughout their growing season; however, if you choose the right variety for your climate and follow a few simple tips, you’ll be rewarded with an abundance of tasty fruit from your garden! With proper planning and maintenance, anyone can enjoy homegrown tomatoes even in a hot and humid climate like the South’s.

Felco F2 Hand Pruners Long Term Review – The Best Hand Pruners Around!

Felco F2 Hand Pruners Long Term Review – The Best Hand Pruners Around!

So if you got here by Googling “best hand pruners,”…

15 Of The Easiest Houseplants Anyone Can Grow

15 Of The Easiest Houseplants Anyone Can Grow

Do you love the look of lush, live houseplants, and the homey feel that houseplants lend to a space? Would you like to have a few easy houseplants around your home or workplace to brighten up the environment? If you answered yes to either of these questions, these 15 easy houseplants are a snap to care for! Don’t label yourself a brown thumb until you’ve tried growing one of these beautiful (and forgiving!) houseplants.

Proven Deer Resistant Plants for the Lowcountry

Proven Deer Resistant Plants for the Lowcountry

If you can’t get rid of the deer, maybe it’s time to plant something they don’t want to eat. Finding landscape plants that deer won’t chew on isn’t easy, but South Carolina gardeners actually have some great options to choose from. And while no plant is 100% deer-proof our deer resistant plants for Lowcountry landscapes will at least give your lawn and garden a fighting chance.