Link Building Services and Packages
Now, you don't have to settle for going black hat or going broke.

  • Approve sites before placement
  • Strict quality criteria (metrics, history, content)
  • U.S. and Canadian writers
  • Reliable turnaround
  • Pay only for approved links you receive
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What link building services are available?

Get the most relevant links on high-traffic, niche-specific sites: Authority Links

Get links in existing articles on niche-relevant and multi-topic sites: Niche Edits

Get links in relevant categories on smaller, multi-topic sites: Guest Posts

Earn in-content mentions on major industry sites: Editorial Links

Build and execute a complete content marketing campaign: Content Marketing
Or: browse a huge list of unvetted opportunities, filter by any criteria, and do your own quality control: Shop the List

Quality, consistency, and control: we build links like you would if you had time.

Real sites with real organic traffic
Done-for-you outreach
Includes content creation
Transparent, client-ready reporting

Topically relevant site and blog post

Build links from well-established sites relevant to your niche. Ideal for building site authority.

  • Domains with 1k – 50k+ organic monthly visits
  • Site and post-level relevance
  • Approve domains before placement
  • Pricing starts at $400

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Topically relevant blog post

Build links on stable, growing, multi-topic sites in relevant posts. Ideal for diversifying links on a budget.

  • Domains with 100 – 1,000 organic monthly visits
  • Post-level relevance
  • Approve domains before placement
  • Pricing starts at $200

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Brand Links

Our highest quality paid links on sought-after DR70+ domains in marketing, business, and tech. Need powerful links to promotional content? This is for you!

  • 10k+ average monthly organic visitors
  • DR 70+
  • Deep, expert-level articles
  • Ultra premium domains
  • 2 month average delivery time

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HARO Links

Land powerful media placements on places like Business Insider, Bustle. Amex, and more. We find and pitch the topic relevant opportunities for you.

  • 5,000+ average monthly organic traffic
  • DR 70 average Domain Rating
  • Niche-specific ghost-written article
  • Dedicated outreach campaign for your site
  • 2 month average delivery time

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More of a "D.I.Y" type?
Shop our list directly.

  • Browse our huge list of unvetted opportunities
  • Filter by DR/DA, traffic, niche, price, turnaround time, and more
  • Do your own quality control
  • You pick the domains, we handle placement

Please note: domains on this list are not always screened for quality like the ones we curate for Authority, Guest, or Editorial customers.

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Press Release

From ideation to writing to distribution, our experienced writers and unique, SEO-focused approach delivers best in class press releases.

  • Distribution across brand name websites
  • Unique SEO-focused approach
  • Professionally written by PR experts
  • Whitelabel reporting
  • 10-day turnaround

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Niche Edits

A link in an existing article on a niche-relevant site with greater than 1,000 organic visits per month (domain-wide).

  • Always approve the page first
  • Sites with 1,000+ monthly organic visits
  • Domain Authority/Rating 30+
  • Choose niche-specific or not
  • Vetted by a skilled SEO and link builder
  • 1 month turnaround time

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"A perfect fit for our clients."

Our agency relies on Loganix to deliver links to clients. We love that Loganix presents you a list of the sites ahead of time, so we’re able to evaluate each and make sure it’s a perfect fit for our clients.
Ryan Stewart

The best possible outcome, guaranteed

Manual link building is tough; things happen. In the event we can’t get links from the sites you’ve approved, we’ll source new opportunities of equal or better value for you to review.

In the end, you only pay for approved placements—and we’re only satisfied when you are.

Clean, thorough reports that come client-ready.

Scale up and ship out easier than you ever hoped with our transparent white label reporting.

Your clients will think you’re a genius and you’ll think we’re a godsend.

Trusted by the pros that other SEOs look up to.

Loganix is a trusted partner that always delivers. These folks understand SEO and they prove it with their work.
Nick Eubanks, From the Future
Loganix has a tremendous reputation in the world of SEO, and when SEO nerds praise a company, it really means something.
Chris Dreyer,

Common questions about our Link Building services.

I'm not sure what I should get, can you guide me?

We’d love to! First, sign up to get access to your free dashboard. Then you can simply contact us for a complimentary, no-obligation consultation.

Do you offer any kind of guarantee on your services?

Yes. If we can’t get you the links requested, we’ll either provide an agreed-upon replacement or refund your order in full.

Click here to read our full terms & conditions.

Alright, what's the catch? PBNs? Overseas sweatshops? Automated spam blasts? A deal with the devil himself!?

Oof. You’re smart to be skeptical: there tons of corner-cutting, reputation-ruining, ‘would-sell-my-grandma-to-make-a-buck’ charlatans out there.

So why our clients choose (and stick with) Loganix?

Because we…

  • Do most things manually (and everything strategically)
  • Ruthlessly scrutinize link and citation sources
  • Follow instructions (and explain when we can’t)
  • Protect reputations with thoughtful outreach
  • Guarantee delivery

In short: we do things like you would if you had the people, processes, and time to do it right.

What if I don't like the sites you suggest for posting on?

No problem—flag the choices you’re not happy with and let us know why.

Our team will review your feedback and select new opportunities that fit.

What happens if a link is rejected?

If a contributor can’t deliver on a link, we’ll find you an equal or better link opportunity. We’ll get it done or make it right. Enjoy the peace of mind that comes with a guarantee!

Can you build links to ANY page?

No. The sites we work with are not free-for-alls and have a level of editorial control (or we wouldn’t work with them!)

Each one has different rules on what is acceptable for publication, but in general: no pharma, adult, casino/gambling, etc links, and the pages we link to should offer some legitimately useful information.

If you’re concerned about whether or not a specific domain/URL would be accepted by sites we work with, please contact us before placing an order.

What keywords can we use?

You get to pick and choose the keywords (anchor text) used in the link, however the URLs provided must be quality. Low value, spammy URLs with rich anchors will likely be denied by the contributors and webmasters we work with. If a URL is denied by a contributor we’ll work with you to pick a more suitable URL. You can also use our SEO copywriting service to create some epic link-worthy content for your own site.

Can I review the content before it goes live?

For clients who want a more hands-on approach to the content, we offer an optional upgrade where you can add 250 words to each piece, review the content before it goes live, and suggest edits.

Please note that content is written to each site’s specific contributor guidelines, and that most clients find that the content we create is more than suitable without this step.

Who writes the content? Can I provide my own?

We have a small team of US & Canada-based writers. In some cases, content is written by the site owners and contributors we work with themselves.

In either case, each piece of content we produce meets the site’s quality standards and guidelines. Our goal is to make sure we naturally fit the desired link and anchor text provided by you. To ensure that the quality, style, and standards of the sites we work with are met, we do not accept client-contributed content.

We offer a content upgrade option at checkout that includes 250 additional words, as well as the opportunity to review & suggest edits to the post before we submit it.

How do you find the sites you work with?

We do not own or control any of the sites we work with, this is a purely relationship-based product. Be it with the webmaster or a writer/contributor, these are relationships that began with an email. A simple outreach email, a pitch, and a deal was struck. These are managed, reliable relationships because, like any strong relationship, we put in the time and communicate weekly. This relationship ensures that a client link can be placed and that everything remains on schedule for publishing.

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Guest Posting Service

A guest posting and blogger outreach service based on relationships with thousands of site owners and blog contributors, developed over multiple years. Get links placed on real blogs that cover multiple topics and have verified organic search traffic (100-500+ monthly organic visitors). Your desired URL and anchor text is worked into content that’s themed around your link for a natural fit.

Only pay for the links you get. If, for any reason, we can’t deliver a guest post you’ve purchased – we will find you an equal or better replacement. If you’re looking for more niche-focused link opportunities, check out our Authority Links service for higher traffic, topical sites.

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Authority Links

Manually built, contextual links from authority sites within your niche. Get links from real sites within your niche/industry that have a readership and real organic traffic (1K-10K+ monthly organic visitors). We have established and nurtured long-term relationships with thousands of websites across North America, the UK, Australia, and more. These relationships exist across multiple industries, niches and localities so we will always be able to provide you with instant access to a source of relevant link opportunities.

If you want more genuine monthly traffic that passes Google’s sniff tests for quality and relevance, look no further than our Authority Links — if we can’t deliver on a link, we’ll find you an equal or better link opportunity. Guaranteed.

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Editorial Link Building

If you want the highest quality contextual links from the world’s largest websites, our team is ready to make the link of your dreams a reality. We have established connections that we use to get our clients mentioned, interviewed, and features published on sources like Forbes, Huffington Post, Entrepreneur, Adweek, and more.

We maintain strong relationships with a network of smaller niche outlets, with desired placements guaranteed. We negotiate on your behalf to make sure that the pitch for your editorial placement gets accepted — our relationships are built on trust that we meet a high standard, both for the editorial site and for you.

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Content Marketing

One of the most successful ways to generate long-lasting and impactful links from highly relevant and authoritative sources is by attracting them with great content. People will always share and link to content that is unique, interesting, and useful, which is why our content marketing team is so crucial to the success of our clients.

We provide thorough keyword and topic research to find the best opportunities, we analyze your business and content competitors, and we create compelling and well-structured content that visitors will love, and conduct comprehensive outreach so your content gets seen and placed on other sites. The end result is an increase in quality links, relevant traffic, more awareness for your brand as an authority in your niche, plus improved visibility and rankings in search engines.

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Link Building Packages & Managed Link Building

Put your link building on autopilot with link building packages from Loganix. Our most popular link products, like Guest Posts and Authority Links, allow you to subscribe monthly to consistently deliver high quality links for you or your clients’ sites. You’ll be able to review sites and adjust target URLs each month, just like with our one-time orders. To get started, just select the monthly option when ordering – we even throw in a recurring discount on monthly orders.

For large, ongoing links orders ask us about our managed link building. You set the budget and we work our magic to deliver the highest quality links we can for you or your clients each month. Our team of experienced SEOs and link builders handle all the work of finding, thoroughly vetting, and acquiring new links to boost your rankings. To get started with managed link building, reach out to our team for a quote.

If you’re looking for a done-for-you SEO solution that includes strategy, content, and links delivered each month, check out our SEO Packages.