Want to Earn Money by Publishing Our Guest Posts?

  • Get paid to publish our content
  • Expect short turnaround times and swift payments
  • You set your rates — let’s negotiate!

We’ve built mutually beneficial relationships with more than 4,000 website owners and link vendors. Want to be the next?

Editors and link vendors love working with us, because our content is high-quality, our processes run very smoothly, and we always pay on time. Plus, publishers enjoy that our articles are loved by Google and website visitors alike.

If you’re publishing a guest post for us, we’ll handle every aspect of creating the content, which will include a natural and relevant link to one of our clients’ sites. Then, to get paid, all you have to do is hit “publish” — or ask your partner to do so. It really is that easy. Whether you run one site or have access to a whole list of them, we want to hear from you.

Grow my site

What people like you are saying

Loganix helps us get out more content every month, which has shown to increase our organic search traffic over the years.
David L., Weblizar.com
We've worked with Loganix for a year and are impressed. They're professional and a pleasure to work with, and their content good quality.
Hannah M., talentedladiesclub.com
1,000 +
Signed up publishers and counting!
Mentioned on/Written for

If you’re looking for a new way to make easy money, let’s talk!

Chris Gragert

What should you know about us?

Loganix is an SEO and digital marketing fulfillment agency, and we’re well-versed in creating high-quality and well-optimized content for websites. With more than a decade of experience in link building and writing genuinely valuable content that ranks well on Google, we’re masters in helping publishers to grow their audiences and keep them happy.

Reading this thinking “this sounds too good to be true — there’s got to be a catch, so what’s in it for Loganix”? Well, a big part of our job is to secure backlinks for our clients. So, if we send you content to publish, we’ll have included one of those links in a natural and relevant way. Don’t worry, though — linking out to related and trusted websites is something that Google rewards, so there’s no downside for you.

You get paid to put our content live, and we get a great link back to our client’s website. It’s a win-win-win situation.

Ready to make money with Loganix?

If all of this sounds good to you, it’s very easy to start making money with Loganix.

All you need to do is submit the site(s) that you run, have access to, or write for. We’ll then review the domain(s) to make sure everything meets our high standards. If all is well, you’re in!

We’ll then begin creating regular content for your website(s), and you’ll get paid every time a piece is published. Take the next step now!

Still got questions? Let’s answer them

Can I see an example of your “high-quality content”?

Of course! You can see some recent examples of our guest posts here, here, and here.

Who will be the author of any original content?

While any new content will be written by our team, you or your partners can decide who it’s attributed to. We know some publishers prefer to add their own team’s author bios to every blog post, and we’re happy for this to happen. We’ll read any existing content ahead of time to ensure we understand a website’s brand voice, so our content will fit into the blog seamlessly — it’ll look just like it was written in-house!

Do you pay to place content on websites?

Yes! We know your time and energy is valuable, and that you’ll have invested heavily in building the audience or list of websites you have. That should be rewarded so, after you sign up to become a blog partner, you’ll hear more about the rates we typically pay, what our payment schedules look like, and what methods of payment we use.

Which types of sites are you looking for?

While we will consider sites on a case-by-case basis, we’re generally looking for those with at least 100 organic monthly visitors from English-speaking countries. Websites should also have backlinks from quality referring domains, as well as well-written content that isn’t overly commercialized. Plus, ideally, they’ll be growing in popularity.

We also care a lot about our partners’ communication and reliability. We have deadlines to hit and clients to keep happy. We will always submit our content and pay you on time — we just ask that everything is published in a timely manner and by the date that is agreed between us. It’s vital that we can trust our partners to deliver on what they promise.

What if I have more than one site?

Sounds good to us! We have a special category for people like yourself, and we call them “vendors”. A vendor simply has access to multiple sites that they offer up to our clients. The same exact content plan applies — we’ll create expertly crafted content with a link to one of our clients and all you have to do is arrange for it to be published.

Vendors are able to charge different prices for each site in their inventory and can even give special instructions for each when an order is made. We’ve made maintaining your entire inventory easy as you can just upload a well formatted spreadsheet, and that’s it — all changes are instantly applied.

Don’t just take our word for it — see for yourself what 4,000+ publishers love about working with Loganix