Opt Out of Interest Based Advertising

INTEREST BASED ADVERTISEMENT Web sites and applications you visit often work with online advertising companies to display ads that are as relevant and useful as possible. The online ads you're served may be based upon the content of the Web page or application you're visiting, the registration information you've provided or upon predictions about your interests generated from your visits to other Web sites or applications. Online advertisers may use LifeStreet to customize and optimize the ads delivered based upon previous online behaviors. This is often called interest-based advertising or online behavioral advertising (OBA).

At LifeStreet, we take your privacy seriously. LifeStreet does NOT collect any personally identifiable information about you. You can learn more about LifeStreet's privacy policies here, or you can opt-out of receiving interest-based ads from LifeStreet below.

Mobile Device Opt Out

If you wish to opt-out from the collection of non-personally identifiable information for use in Lifestreet services, please enter your device ID below:

Browser Opt Out

Current Status

You are currently not eligible to receive Lifestreet interest-based ads.

To opt-out of receiving interest-based ads from Lifestreet, click here.

To opt-in to receive relevant ads from Lifestreet customers, click here.

Note to consumers: To opt out of Lifestreet interest-based ads, your browser must be set to accept cookies. If you clear your browser's cookies, use a different computer, use a different browser on the same computer or delete your cookies you may need to opt out again. You may continue to receive ads from Lifestreet that are not based on your previous Web activity.

To learn more about online behavioral advertising visit www.AboutAds.info or the Network Advertising Initiative.