Static Site Hosting for free

Lightning fast websites deployed directly to the edge

The core of your composable architecture

We love and support modern web development practices. With Static Site Hosting you can prebuild as much of your website as possible and deploy it to our global edge network, placing it physically closest to your actual users. Ideal for:

  • Simple static websites
  • Pre-rendered sites, using static site generators
  • Sites with dynamic components to be run as functions (like Jamstack, composable websites)
Illustration showing Kinsta CDN locations on a globe and Git support

Extra benefits of Kinsta static sites

Screenshot showing the Kinsta edge network

Deploy to the edge

Your site is pushed to our edge network with 260+ locations globally, powered by the security and speed of Cloudflare

Screenshot showing static site generator options in MyKinsta

Site generator support

Use a static site generator, and we handle the build process, which is also included free of charge

Screenshot showing static site domain management

Security for custom domains

Add your custom domains and we deliver the security: SSL certificates automatically issued and updated

Illustration showing the various static site generators supported by Kinsta

Make use of static site generators

Static site generators make it easy to publish your content by generating your website as static assets. Features developers will love:

  • Git-based workflow with automatic deployments
  • Easily redeploy any previous deployments
  • Use environment variables
  • API for managing your static sites

Extend with dynamic functions

Add your backend layer with apps and DBs

To create dynamic components, you can always spin up an app environment to run functions or add a database with ease.

Headless CMS with a static frontend

You can run your headless CMS as an application and render your content to be hosted as a free static site.

Web apps at Kinsta

These can be small like a single function or big as a standalone application.

Static sites are free forever *with fair use policy limits

Host your static sites for free

We only have some fair use policy limits to keep in mind.

  • 100 sites overall
  • 600 build minutes and 100 GB bandwidth per month per account
  • 1 GB build size and 1 concurrent build per site

Get started

Sign up, connect your git account, and start deploying your static site from your repo


Can’t find what you’re looking for?

What are the usage limits for free Static Site hosting?

You can host up to 100 sites that share 600 build minutes and 100 GB of bandwidth per month. Each site can be up to 1 GB in build size. You get one concurrent build per site.

Where are my sites deployed to on Kinsta’s free Static Site hosting?

They are deployed to Cloudflare Edge Network (aka The Edge). This is a content delivery network (CDN) with more than 260 server locations. Visitors are automatically served from the closest location to reduce latency.

Which Static Site Generators can I use?

Ones using modern JavaScript frameworks and Node.js. Static sites are composed of non-dynamic files such as HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Your repository can contain the pre-built files or the source code to generate your static site. Check out our Static Site Hosting Docs page to learn more.

We have many quick start example repositories including: Astro, Cuttlebelle, Docusaurus, Eleventy, Gatsby, Nuxt, Qwik, React, React with Vite, and VuePress.