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We Never Learn (ぼくたちは勉強ができない Bokutachi wa Benkyō ga Dekinai?) is a manga series written and illustrated by Taishi Tsutsui in the Weekly Shonen Jump. The first volume was published on February 6th, 2017. The series is currently ongoing, with 12 volumes at the moment.


The manga centers on Yuiga, a student studying for his college entrance exams. One day, two beautiful young women appear before him. Although they are both geniuses at their own subjects, Yuiga was asked by the principal to tutor them. Why? They both want to go to a college that specializes on the subjects they're terrible at. If they pass, Yuiga gets to go to a college of his choice! Unfortunately for him, all the other tutors gave up on the girls, and he himself will find out why!


For Images, go to the We Never Learn Image Gallery.