SEO Strategy Examples: 12 Steps to Improve Traffic

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When you want to improve your website’s search engine optimization, there are different ways that you can go about it. You can either contact an agency, use an automation tool, or do it on your own. It might be hard to avail SEO packages, especially when you are starting out and only have a limited budget. You can personally handle things when this happens – or let a machine take them.

SEO Strategy Example

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seo strategy example

12 Simple Steps to Improve Search Traffic

When you want better search engine optimization for your website, there are different types of strategies that you can use. By implementing each plan, you can let your website have a better search position. However, if you only have enough to budget or skills, you can opt to apply only a single type or two at first.

1. Run an On-Page SEO Audit

As its name suggests, this SEO technique is related to your website. When you use this strategy, you optimize every page on your website. This is because different pages have varied search rankings. You can have higher positions in search results when you can adequately modify each of them to fit the search engine analytics’ standards. On Page SEO Services can help with this.

When you use the on-page SEO strategy, there are some things that you can do.

  • Fix broken links
  • Use external and internal links on your website content
  • Remove unnecessary pages

ahrefs site auditor

2. Off-Site SEO Strategy

Off-site SEO strategies can also be called off-page techniques. When you employ this strategy, you are not modifying or customizing your website. Instead, you are boosting your search engine position using external factors. With this SEO strategy, you perform activities outside of your website to show that it is reliable, relevant, and trustworthy. Simplify the proceess with our Off Page SEO Checklist.

While the most famous example of off-site SEO is linking, it is not the only one. Here are some ways for you to increase your website’s off-page search engine optimization.

  • Create backlinks to reputable sites
  • Ask trustworthy and high-authority sites to link to your website
  • Get your customers to share the link to your website through sharing options from your website’s contents
  • Promote your website on social media
  • Collaborate with other brands to perform linked or unlinked mentions

3. Technical SEO Strategy

With this SEO strategy, you would need to consider the technical aspects of your website. This is not about the contents or the links. Instead, it focuses on whether your website is functioning correctly. With great Technical SEO, search engine analytics will have an easier time browsing through the different contents of your web pages. This, in turn, boosts your search positions.

If you want to try your hand at employing technical SEO, here is a list. You can use them as an SEO strategy example and apply them to your site.

  • Make your website responsive
  • Clean up your XML sitemaps
  • Improve the loading time for your web pages
  • Remove duplicate contents
  • Repair broken links
  • Optimize basic HTML for SEO

Search engine optimization strategy examples can help you improve your site’s ranking and overall visibility. In this article, we’ll discuss On-page SEO, Link-building, and Mobile optimization. These strategies are all vital to your business’s success. However, they’re also very different from one another. Using the right strategy can help you boost your website’s ranking for the most common search terms.

4. Content marketing Strategy

Content marketing is a vital component of your SEO strategy. While the goal of content marketing is to create compelling, high-quality content for readers, your efforts must be findable by search engines. This can be accomplished through both manual and passive link acquisition. By using SEO to drive content marketing, you can gradually build up the number of links and build your authority.

Content marketing is important for your business for several reasons. It helps you build brand awareness, generate new leads, and move your prospects through the sales funnel. The first step is to determine your target audience and set goals. Once you know your target audience, you can research keywords to optimize your content. You should also identify the types of content that are suitable for each stage of the sales funnel. Make sure to measure your results and refine your strategy as necessary.

seo strategy can help improve your seo

5. Optimize the Content by Adding the Right Keywords in the Content

On-page SEO is all about incorporating the right keywords into the content of the web page. It can be done in many ways, including technical elements and internal linking. To get the best results, keywords should be carefully chosen and worked into the content naturally. While keywords are an important part of on-page SEO, the most important element is the content itself. It should be search engine friendly, and it should be easy to link. It should not contain copyright, slide shows, or other issues that could prevent it from being found on search engines.

6. Optimize Your Meta Title and Description

Using the right keywords is a good start, but it is important to remember that search engines measure user satisfaction based on a variety of signals. If your content does not meet the needs of your target audience, it will fall down the search engine rankings. Ensure that your page title and description accurately reflect your content. Google will read these to determine how relevant the content is for the search query.

7. Link-building with Good Email Outreach

One of the most effective ways to generate a high number of backlinks for your website is to establish relationships with other websites. It takes a lot of time and effort to develop a network of links, but with the right strategy, you can get lots of backlinks. You should not try to spam other sites or people, however.

seo backlink building strategy

8. Get Backlink Placements on Websites with More Authority than You

The purpose of link-building is to improve your website’s authority in search engines. The process involves finding relevant websites and providing content that the audience would find useful. If your links are high quality, Google will see it as a valuable resource and boost your site’s ranking.

9. Mobile Speed Optimization

Mobile users have different needs from desktop users, and this can be addressed through site speed optimization. Using techniques such as image optimization, minification, and browser caching, you can minimize the time it takes to load pages for mobile users. You can use Google’s Page Speed Tool to test the speed of your website on mobile devices. Traditionally, websites would block certain elements, such as popups or videos, because many mobile devices could not display these elements. However, now most mobile devices support these elements, so it’s possible to optimize your site for them.

10. Optimize for Mobile Devices

Mobile SEO can be accomplished through adjustments in HTML, CSS, and JavaScript codes. It also requires alterations in content production and planning processes. Responsive websites aren’t enough; content must also be optimized for the device. With mobile search usage increasing by the day, mobile SEO is an essential part of any business’s Mobile Marketing strategy. Users are increasingly using their mobile devices to search for products and services, and they are using them to make presale inquiries and purchase decisions. Mobile optimization makes it easier for them to make contact with you and your store.

11. Reputation management

Managing your reputation online is a major part of achieving success online. Not only does reputation management mean developing fresh content, it also means ensuring that the right content is visible in search engines. This can be achieved through SEO. SEO strategies include link building, content creation, and social media marketing.

Today’s consumers place a high value on a brand’s reputation, and they can find it in a variety of forms. One of the best ways to manage reputation is through the creation of high-quality content that speaks to the story and values of the brand. This will help to project a positive image online.

Reputation management also involves managing reviews across multiple platforms. Ideally, this should include Google Reviews, Facebook, and Yelp. If a review is negative, you should take steps to correct the situation as soon as possible.

12. Combine SEO Strategies for the Best Results

While you can opt to use a specific SEO technique to save money, it is still best to combine them all. This is because you benefit from each strategy and because another one can boost every type. If you are trying to save money or can only do minimal techniques, you can pick a few activities of each kind and apply them.

Since not every activity for each strategy needs a budget or a high technical skill, you can even do them independently. Whether you make content, fix the broken links, or contact influencers, each kind has easy things for you to do. You can try out with them and build this foundation when you get more budget or better skills in the future.

13. Rank for Near Me Searches with SEO

Another SEO strategy example is to rank for Near Me searches using SEO strategies.

Understand The Typical Timeline of Any SEO Strategy

seo timeline

SEO Strategy Example with an Automation Tool

If you want to help improve your website’s SEO but do not want to get the services of agencies or companies, you can rely on an automation tool. You can employ this SEO strategy example if you want additional assistance. While some applications are not free – and can be pricey – they allow various activities that can boost your website’s position in search rankings. In particular, most automation tools can help improve your website’s technical SEO.

Different Activities Performed by SEO Automation Tools

1. Monitor your site

ahrefs site auditor

It is hard to determine how effective your website’s technical search engine optimization is. Since this covers various things that you might not be familiar with, it might be better to use an automated application to handle it for you. This is especially helpful if you are not technically skilled.

With the automated tools, they will crawl on your website. Depending on the number of pages, it may take some time. However, after crawling, it will then provide you with inputs regarding the various technical aspects of your site. It will show which elements need improvements, such as the broken links of your site, its responsiveness, and its load time.

2. Scheduled performance reports for SEO

JetRank site auditor tool
JetRank site auditor tool

Depending on which application you use, you can receive various performance reports with an SEO tool. These reports are not only necessary when you want to detect which strategies you need to improve on, but it is also essential if you need to showcase your website to other people. With the reports, you can see how your website is growing.

An automated tool can provide you with reports on the site, backlinks, current search position, and many more. While some automation only has this functionality, others can help you with lacking aspects of your website’s SEO.

3. Track your current ranking position on search engines

High ranks on search engine results are the goal of every website’s search engine optimization strategy. While tracking the position of your website for every keyword can be doable on your own – or with a team – it can be a tedious task when done alone.

There are automation tools that can help track your website’s rankings on all related keywords. They will also be able to do it in a shorter period than if an individual does it manually. It will simply compile your website’s keywords, track them on search engines, and provide you with the results.

4. Analyze competitor sites

Some automation tools can review and track the most similar websites to yours. Whether you are running a personal blog or an eCommerce site, this is a helpful activity to help your website stand out. When you can track your competition, you will know which strategies are adequate for your current niche.

Top SEO Tools to Help with Your SEO Strategy

1. Ahrefs

Despite being an expensive automation tool, Ahrefs is one of the most popular applications in the market. This is because this tool is one of the most well-rounded of its kind. It provides numerous functionalities at once, so you will not need to buy additional tools to handle different activities.

With Ahrefs, you can allow it to audit your site to discover potential problems such as dead links and broken tags. It can also monitor competitor sites and look for related keywords. With these two functionalities, you can optimize your SEO strategies. It also helps you track your current rank on search engines and allow you to look for the best content in your website’s current industry.

2. SEMrush


SEMrush is one of the most comprehensive tools for SEO automation. With this, you can handle both the most basic and the most complex activities you can perform when you follow SEO strategies. It has a broad reach and considers data information on a global scale.

With this automation tool, there are a variety of things that you can do. You can use it to research trending keywords and phrases that will be most useful for your site. It allows you to pick between global and local searches to customize your strategy. It can also analyze your website’s and its competitors’ backlinks. Aside from that, it also provides site audits and position tracking to improve your SEO strategy further.

Benefits of Working with a Reputable SEO Companies

While SEO automation tools are already beneficial on their own, if you want more comprehensive assistance, you can opt for SEO companies. Despite being the more expensive option most of the time, there are just some things that a group of individuals can handle better than an application.  Here are some of them.

SEO Companies can Help With All Aspects of Your SEO

With SEO companies, you do not only improve your website’s technical SEO, but you can also cover both the on-page SEO and the off-page SEO. A reliable agency can create content that your target market will like. They will also be able to scout for other blogs and businesses within your industry and customize your content so that they stand out. An SEO company can custom tailor its projects to give your website the best results.

SEO Companies Provide Help by Providing the SEO Strategy

Automation tools can be better when it comes to some of the technical aspects of your site. However, SEO companies go beyond what is needed on your site. If you avail of the service of an excellent agency, they can help you build your website’s brand. They can also personally contact other websites for backlinks. They can also help with your website’s social media promotion.

SEO Companies Pay for Tools, so You Don’t Have to

No matter how many functionalities an automated application has, it will always have some limits. Because of that, you might need to purchase another one to handle a different problem. When you contact agencies, they can handle everything on their own. They will handle website repairs, promotion, and content creation. They will also have access to various automation tools, so you do not have to buy them.

If you need help with your SEO be sure to connect with our team. We are here to help.

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Picture of Roger Avila

Roger Avila

Roger is an SEO Manager at JetRank based out of San Diego, CA. He has been in the SEO industry since 2016 and has helped hundreds of companies with their SEO.

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