Product update – August 2022

It’s been less than three months since we released Jetpack CRM v5, and already 75% of our users are using at least v5! We’d like to take a moment to highlight some of the exciting things we’ve been up to since that release.

Jetpack CRM v5.2.0

WooSync was folded into Jetpack CRM in v5 as a free module. Sticking to a roughly-monthly cadence, we’ve now released v5.1 and v5.2. Along with smashing the occasional bug that cropped up (we lay full blame on the cats traipsing across the keyboard), we continue to iterate on the WooSync module. The WooSync Hub stats now update while syncing (no longer requiring a refresh to check the status). There’s also a helpful “percent complete” indicator:

We’ve made adjustments that allow the initial sync to occur up to 10 times faster. This should help those of you out there with hundreds of thousands of orders. Just remember to keep the hub page open for full speed!

Because sync is now much faster, we are excited to announce that WooSync supports multiple WooCommerce connections. In other words, you can sync a local WooCommerce site along with your external WooCommerce sites all in the same section (and you can pause/resume them to your heart’s content):

Oh, and to make things easier, connecting an external WooCommerce site no longer requires tracking down a Woo API key and secret. We’ve streamlined the connection wizard:

The other big feature we’ve added is support for Gmail and Google Workspace connections mail delivery methods via API/OAuth. More information on how to set that up can be found here.

Finally, in case you missed it: CRM settings are now found under the main Jetpack CRM menu. We’ve received feedback over the years that having the two separate menus was confusing, so we’ve folded them into one:

To support all these newer features, we’ve updated the minimum PHP requirements for JPCRM from PHP 5.6 to 7.2. Gmail API connections require PHP 7.3 or higher. For context:

If you’re running an older version of PHP, has an article on how to update. We’ve also been working to improve compatibility with PHP 8 (which WordPress currently lists as beta support), so if you run into any issues specific to this version, do reach out!

As a bonus, all these new features are packaged in a zip that’s more than 10% smaller than the original v5.0 release.

Advanced Segments v1.7.0

In the past few months, we’ve patched a few bugs, and also added a few more segment conditions in v1.6.0 and v1.7.0:

  • Assigned to owner ID
  • Has transaction date
  • Has Woo Order date
  • Has Woo Order with status
  • Has Woo Order with tag
  • Added by External Source
  • Has Transaction added by External Source

Finally, address field conditions now search both the main and second address field.

System Email Pro v1.3.3

In v1.3.3, we fixed an issue with the subject line not properly populating when editing a canned response.

Contact Form 7 Connector v2.9.0

Along with some general maintenance and cleanup, v2.9.0 has better support for selects, radio buttons, and checkboxes. It also requires JPCRM v5.0 or greater.

Client Portal Pro v2.0.0

This version requires JPCRM v5.2 or greater, which overhauled much of the backend code related to the client portal. Along with better compatibility when using block themes, Client Portal menu ordering is now possible:

Custom pages can now receive custom menu icons and text, and their visibility can be toggled per page. Note that if you made any customizations to the Client Portal Pro settings in the past, you’ll need to set those up anew.

Keep an eye out for further updates to this extension!

To support ongoing development and unlock access to all our extensions, be sure to purchase a license! That’s a wrap for now, but as always, know we’re hard at work keeping Jetpack CRM the best CRM for WordPress!