Product Update – April 2023

We are happy to announce the latest update of Jetpack CRM, tailored to enhance your user experience and empower your customer relationship journey even further. While JPCRM v5.6 doesn’t introduce any groundbreaking changes, it sets the foundation for several future additions and improvements, and is a solid leap toward delivering a better refined and more efficient CRM tool to manage and grow your customer base.

Customer feedback has largely driven this latest development cycle, introducing dozens of fixes for minor bugs that may have inconvenienced users in the past. These fixes pave the way for an optimized and reliable Jetpack CRM tool that addresses your business needs effectively.

As we diligently work on perfecting Jetpack CRM, we strongly believe in the mantra that “even the smallest improvements can make the biggest impact.” This recent update is a testament to our commitment to continuously enhancing and evolving our CRM solution to meet the demands of today’s dynamic business landscape. Rest assured that we are unwavering in our goal to bring you the best CRM option out there: one that is user-friendly, capable, and efficient above all else, ensuring your satisfaction and success in your customer relationships. Stay tuned for more promising updates and exciting features on the horizon!

5.6.0 – 2023-03-23


  • Contacts: Change customer references to contact in all but Woo and commerce contexts
  • Compatibility: Indicate full compatibility with the latest version of WordPress, 6.2
  • Move all files that were inside the zbscrm-store folder with a flat structure to the new jpcrm-storage folder that uses a hierarchical structure
  • Extensions: Highlight popular Woo extensions on extensions page, plus alphabetize results


  • Add a missing < which prevented a script tag from being opened.
  • Allowing XMLRPC and REST requests when the frontend is disabled
  • Client Portal: Fix bug that prevented access from being disabled using the contact page
  • Client Portal: Fix numeric fields, date fields, and textareas in the Client Portal
  • Change escape function for API generated activity
  • Contacts: Prevent JS error when custom avatars are not enabled
  • Contacts: Fix PHP error when using empty values for Address Custom Field (Date)
  • Contacts: Fix a contact field issue when a Woo order subscription is updated
  • Contacts: Fix avatar getting removed when saving a contact
  • Contacts: Fix escape in contact list filters
  • Contacts: Fix issue where exporting contacts shows “County” when it should show “State”
  • Contacts: Fix the escape used in the “Bundle holder” notification when uploading files to a contact
  • Dashboard: Allow custom profile pictures to be shown in the dashboard
  • Invoices: Escape an invoice ID in ZeroBSCRM.admin.invoicebuilder.js
  • Tasks: Correct text where tasks where being referred to as events
  • Placeholders: Fix secondary address placeholders
  • Placeholders: Fix several placeholders throughout CRM
  • Placeholders: Fix minor admin only issue on placeholder fields
  • Exports: Fix some export cases by adding a check for the segment index
  • Taxes: Fix tax page deletion for single entries
  • Taxes: Fix tax rate creation link on tax rate settings page
  • Forms: Swapping edit and new form titles to correctly reflect page
  • Dashboard: Show default avatar under activity, when contact image mode set to none
  • Client Portal: Fix accept quote in Client Portal button not working for PHP versions 8.1 and up
  • Taxes: Fix potential XSS in the Tax Settings page
  • Contacts: Fix wrong naming from Customer ID to Contact ID in the Edit Contact page
  • Contacts: Importing contacts using CSV files no longer erases fields that are missing
  • Client Portal: Background for the menu in the Twenty Seventeen theme is no longer dark gray
  • OAuth Connections: No longer shows critical error after saving credentials
  • WooSync: Remove PHP notice when a WooCommerce order is in a Draft status
  • Segments: Fix list pagination
  • Fix special characters in textarea fields (contacts, transactions, quotes) to prevent producing visible HTML entities
  • WooSync: Change status only for contacts with the Lead status