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Troubleshoot Jetpack Social

Posts not being shared to your social media accounts by Jetpack Social? Get things working again.

For general features and FAQs, please see this information page.

Check Jetpack connection

As a first step to troubleshooting issues with Jetpack Social, check that your Jetpack connection is working properly – Jetpack Social will not work correctly without a healthy Jetpack connection.

Check Jetpack Social connection

If you are unable to make the initial connection between Jetpack and your social media accounts, please follow these steps:

  1. Try clearing your browser cache and cookies.
  2. Try disconnecting the social media connection, then reconnecting.
  3. Try resetting the authorization of the WordPress app (disconnect and reconnect any app authorizations from within the social media page itself).

If you see a 500 notice when trying to connect a Jetpack Social connection, first check your Jetpack connection. Then contact your web host to have them look at your PHP error logs to deduct why the 500 errors are happening.

Check for global connections

If you have multiple author who publish posts on your site and want to auto-share them, your social media connections will need to be global. If they aren’t, only the user who made the social media connection will be able to auto-share posts to social media.

Check Open Graph tags

For Jetpack Social to auto-share, your posts must have valid Open Graph meta tags. Follow these steps to check:

  1. Add view-source to the beginning of your post’s URL (example: view-source:
  2. Look for <!-- Jetpack Open Graph Tags --> in the output to see if your site has valid Open Graph tags.

The full output will look something like this (the exact meta tags will be generated based on your content):

<!-- Jetpack Open Graph Tags -->
<meta property="og:type" content="article" />
<meta property="og:title" content="Troubleshooting Jetpack Social" />
<meta property="og:url" content="" />
<meta property="og:description" content="If you are having trouble Publicizing your posts to your social networks, here are some troubleshooting tips that you can try before contacting us for help. Before taking a look at the below tips, …" />
<meta property="og:site_name" content="Jetpack" />
<meta property="og:image" content="" />
<!-- End Jetpack Open Graph Tags -->

Jetpack’s Open Graph tags are not there

If you don’t see Jetpack’s Open Graph tags in your source, please follow these steps:

  1. Check to see if you have any other plugins that might generate Open Graph tags. The most popular of these plugins include Yoast SEO, Shareaholic, and the Official Facebook plugin; you can see the full list of plugins here.
  2. If you have one of these plugins active, make sure that you have enabled its Open Graph tag generation.
  3. Alternatively, if you want to continue using those plugins but not their Open Graph output, then you can use this plugin to force Jetpack to output its tags: Always Use Open Graph with Jetpack.

Remember to verify that you are not outputting duplicate Open Graph tags with any other plugin, as that will cause sharing your posts to fail.

Jetpack’s Open Graph tags are there but Jetpack Social still fails

If you see Jetpack’s Open Graph tags in your post’s source code, yet auto-sharing to Facebook still failed, the next step would be to use Facebook’s Debug tool to see if there are any error messages. It may be that a plugin that is not on the list mentioned above or even your theme is outputting duplicate Open Graph tags. Feel free to contact us to help you interpret the results.

Change image that Facebook shows

Jetpack gives several options to Facebook, from the Featured Image, Post thumbnail, and other images in your post. Facebook decides which image they will display.

To increase the chances that a desired image gets chosen, make sure you are following Facebook’s image guidelines:

  • Recommended: at least 1200x630px
  • Required: at least 200x200px
  • For more detail about Facebook’s suggested image size, take a look at their support document.

Internationalized Domain Name

If your site uses an Internationalized Domain Name (one with non-Latin characters), then using Jetpack Social to auto-share posts to Facebook will fail.

There is no known workaround at this time. Facebook is aware of the issue but has not made any updates since 2013.

Post Duplicator issues

If you use a plugin to duplicate your posts, auto-sharing the duplicated posts may fail.

There are several possible solutions when using post duplicator plugins and Jetpack Social:

  1. Don’t start from a published post. Duplicate a draft post.
  2. If the plugin includes an option like “Don’t duplicate post meta” – enable that option.
  3. If the plugin doesn’t include that option, ask the plugin author if they included a filter to prevent duplicating the post meta.
  4. If there is no filter, ask the plugin author to exclude all post meta containing the ⁠⁠⁠⁠_wpas⁠⁠⁠⁠ string from ever being duplicated.

Still need help?

Please contact support. We’re happy to advise.

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