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Social Image Generator

The Social Image Generator feature automatically generates an image for posts shared on your connected social accounts. This saves time, so you can focus on what’s important, and can help increase engagement on social media by making posts more visually appealing. This feature is available with the Jetpack Social paid plan only.

Enabling the Social Image Generator feature

  1. Log in to WP Admin and navigate to Jetpack → Social.
  2. Toggle on Automatically share your posts to social networks.
  3. Toggle on Enable Social Image Generator. If this is toggled on, Social Image Generator will automatically be enabled for new posts. If this is toggled off, Social Image Generator will need to be enabled manually (in the post settings) for any new posts.

Using the Social Image Generator feature

  1. Access the sidebar containing social media sharing settings by clicking on the Jetpack icon if using the Jetpack plugin, or the Social icon if you’re using the Jetpack Social plugin.
  1. In the sidebar, navigate to the Social Image Generator section and click the Settings button to open the image settings. From there, you can customize your social image.

Customizing your social media image

  • Preview: Shows you a preview of how your social image will look.
  • Image Type: Lets you choose between three different image options:
    • Featured Image: The generated image will use the featured image of the post. 
    • Custom Image: You can upload a new image to be used instead. 
    • No Image: The social image will only display the post title or the custom text you entered.
  • Custom Header: Allows you to enter your own text to use in the social image. By default, the post title is used.
  • Templates: Choose a different template for your social image. There are currently four different templates to choose from:

Click Save to save your image settings. Publish your post now or schedule it for later and your social image generated will be used when your post is shared on your social networks.

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