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Connect social networks with Jetpack Social

Automatically share your blog posts to Facebook, LinkedIn, Tumblr, Mastodon, Nextdoor, Instagram Business and Threads accounts by connecting them to your site via Jetpack Social. This auto-sharing feature was previously known as Publicize.

To automatically share your posts to your social media platforms, you need to connect your social accounts. You can do this using Jetpack Core plugin or the Jetpack Social standalone plugin.

Connect social accounts via the Post Edit page

Whichever plugin you use, you can connect your social media accounts to Jetpack from the right sidebar of the post edit page by following these steps:

  1. Open the post edit page in your site’s WP Admin dashboard.
  2. In the right sidebar, click the Jetpack icon or the Jetpack Social icon at the top right corner.
  3. In the Share this Post section, click Connect an account.
  4. Click Connect next to the social network you want to connect to.

Connect social media accounts via the Jetpack Core plugin

You can follow these steps to use the Jetpack Core plugin to connect your social accounts:

  1. Log in to your website’s WP Admin dashboard.
  2. Navigate to Jetpack → Settings.
  3. Select the Sharing tab.
  4. Click Connect next to the social network you want to connect to.

Connect social accounts via the Jetpack Social plugin

You can follow these steps to use the Jetpack Social plugin to connect your social media accounts:

  1. Log in to your site’s WP Admin dashboard.
  2. Navigate to Jetpack → Social.
  3. Click Connect next to the social network you want to connect to.

Once you start the connection process, you will need to log in to the respective social network site and authorize the connection. For specific guidance on connecting each social network, refer to the links below:

Enable the global connection for your social networks on Jetpack Social

After you add a new connection, you have the option to make the connection “global,” meaning it can also be used by any other user on your site who has the proper user permissions to publish posts. You can make the connection available to all users by following the steps:

  1. Access the connections panel.
  2. Use the drop-down arrow from the right sidebar near the connection you want to share.
  3. Check the Mark the connection as shared option.
Enable global connection option on Jetpack Social / Sharing feature
Make social connection available for all your site users

By turning the connection status to “global”, other users can share their posts on the social network. Note that these users don’t have access to anything else; for example, they cannot access the social network account directly.

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