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Eventbrite Block

With the Eventbrite block, you can embed events on posts, pages, or widget areas.

Add an event by selecting the Eventbrite block from the inserter icon.


The Eventbrite Block is part of the Jetpack Blocks suite. See our Jetpack Blocks article to learn about the available blocks and how to activate them.

Jetpack Blocks require the Block Editor (also referred to as the Gutenberg editor). If you’ve installed the Classic Editor plugin, you will need to switch back to the Block Editor either by:

  • Deactivating the Classic Editor: Go to PluginsInstalled Plugins in your WP Admin and deactivate the Classic Editor plugin.
  • Enabling both editors: If you prefer flexibility, navigate to Settings → Writing in your WP Admin. Set Allow users to switch editors to Yes.

See Using Blocks and the Classic Editor for more details.
It may happen that an editor that comes with a custom theme or plugin prevents you from using the Block Editor. In that case, please contact the respective plugin or theme author for further assistance.

Adding the Eventbrite block

You can add the Eventbrite block by searching and/or selecting it from the Jetpack section of the block selector:

Eventbrite block search.

After adding the block, you’ll see a field in which you can enter an Eventbrite event URL:

Eventbrite block embed link.

Once you enter an Eventbrite URL – which should look similar to this: – Click on Embed, and you should then see the event embedded:

Event embeds to the page.

Block Settings

Here’s what you should see for the Eventbrite block:

Embed type.

The default style is In-page Embed. Clicking on Button & Modal changes the block style to show a button. By clicking on the button, you can edit the text inside it (the default is ‘Register’).

Every block has specific options in the editor sidebar and options found in the block toolbar. If you do not see the sidebar, click the ‘cog’ icon next to the Publish button.

Block settings

Customize your block

You can customize the button style, choosing either fill (where the color will fill the button) or outline (creating a colored border around the button):

Block styles.

You can customize the button’s background color, text color, and border-radius. The background color has two options: solid and gradient:

Style settings.


The advanced tab lets you add a CSS class to your block, allowing you to write custom CSS and style the block as you see fit.

Still need help?

Please contact support. We’re happy to advise.

The Eventbrite block is activated by default. It cannot be deactivated; the Eventbrite block is always available in the Block Selector.

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