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Google Fonts

Jetpack’s Google Fonts feature allows you to fully control the different fonts available in your block-enabled theme.

Google Fonts is currently a Beta feature of Jetpack and is not activated by default settings, so this feature will not appear in the primary Settings interface. This feature can only be used on block-enabled themes.

If you would like to activate Google Fonts on your site using a block-based theme, you’ll want to go to the Jetpack features page, {}/wp-admin/admin.php?page=jetpack_modules. Simply replace {} with the actual domain of your site.

Once you have activated Google Fonts, navigate to the Full Site Editor: Appearance > Editor and then click on the “Styles” Icon next to settings in the top right.

  • Click on Typography.
  • View & Select your desired font.
  • Save your typography settings.

Privacy Information

Jetpack Google Fonts is deactivated by default. It can be activated by on the Modules Page. 

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