Automatically share content to Instagram & Mastodon with Jetpack Social

Dedicating time to publish content on all your social media platforms can be tedious and time-consuming. That’s why Jetpack has been working hard to create robust tools to help you automatically share more content across more platforms, with less effort. Now you can connect your Instagram Business & Mastodon accounts to Jetpack Social, and your content will be shared the moment you hit publish.

Jetpack Social now allows you to auto-share your WordPress content to Instagram, Mastodon, Facebook,
LinkedIn, and Tumblr!

Continue reading → Automatically share content to Instagram & Mastodon with Jetpack Social

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Introducing AI-Assisted Content Editing and More

Jetpack 12.3 – Introducing AI-Assisted Content Editing and More

Since the launch of the Jetpack AI Assistant, we’ve been listening closely to your feedback, and we’re excited to announce that now, in addition to creating fresh content, you can use the AI Assistant to revise and enhance your existing blocks in the WordPress Editor. This release also introduces the new Tock Block for easy on-site bookings, alongside numerous enhancements and bug fixes.

Continue reading → Jetpack 12.3 – Introducing AI-Assisted Content Editing and More

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Create custom visuals for your social media with the Jetpack Social Image Generator

Traditionally, creating unique and engaging imagery for social media platforms often required a basic understanding of image editing tools. Adding text to images, changing photo orientation, and tinkering with different visual styles for each social network was tedious and frustrating. But not anymore.

With Jetpack Social Advanced, you can overlay custom text onto your images and choose from a variety of styles to increase engagement on your social posts. Most importantly, you’ll save time by doing it all within the WordPress editor.

Continue reading → Create custom visuals for your social media with the Jetpack Social Image Generator

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Jetpack Social, the newest and easiest way to share your WordPress content to Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Tumblr

Social media has changed a lot in the last ten years since Jetpack launched its social sharing tools. Remember 2012? Pinterest exploded onto the scene, MySpace relaunched, Facebook went public, and also bought a little photo-sharing network called Instagram.

Today, social networks have long been established as a pillar of any marketing or communication plan. In fact, Generation Z may be more likely to find answers through social media instead of Googling. You already know you need to get your message on social media to reach your audience where they hang out. But who has the time to manage that, along with everything else? That’s why we created Jetpack Social.

Continue reading → Jetpack Social, the newest and easiest way to share your WordPress content to Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Tumblr

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Jetpack user engagement

3 Tips to Increase Your Site’s Traffic and Engagement

Note: Publicize is now auto-share and is part of Jetpack Social.

Imagine that you’re opening up a riding camp for horse enthusiasts. How can you encourage more campers to participate? This isn’t your typical business, so you wouldn’t expect its success to depend on website traffic; however, every business grows or fades due in part to the popularity of its website. To succeed, your riding camp’s website must attract and engage its visitors.

Whether you’re a blogger or a business owner, producing valuable content for your visitors is a must — but it’s only the first step. If you want your hard work to pay off with tangible results, you’ll need to find ways to place interesting content in front of your ideal audience members to keep them coming back.

So, how do you get started? There are several ways to promote your content, including sharing posts on your social media channels or improving your site’s search engine optimization.

Continue reading → 3 Tips to Increase Your Site’s Traffic and Engagement

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Share It Again: New Social Media Features for Premium and Professional Customers

Note: Publicize is now auto-share and is part of Jetpack Social.

Sharing your posts on social media is a great way to ensure your site or blog gets traffic. Our Publicize feature makes it easy to automatically share your new posts on Facebook, Twitter, and other social media networks.

But what about your previously published posts? For posts that are always relevant or valuable to new readers, you may want to share them again — weeks, months, or even years later.

That’s why we’re excited to introduce Re-Publicize, a new feature for our Jetpack Premium and Professional users. Re-Publicize allows you to share previously published posts on social networks — with custom messaging for each service, as well.

This is part of the suite of services Jetpack sites can use on, including the ability to manage your site and plugins, write content, and now re-share your posts. Just go to the Blog Posts section of your site on, select Share, and you’ll see the new sharing menu for reposting to your social accounts:


Then you’re all set!

As a Premium or Professional customer, using Re-Publicize, it is now easier to automatically share existing posts to social media, allowing you to make the most of your content.

We’re excited about this new feature, and we hope you enjoy using it.

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New to Blogging? Install These Five Jetpack Features First

You just started a blog and you’re ready to share it with the world. (Welcome to the wonderful world of blogging!)

Lucky for you, you’ve stumbled onto our blog, so hopefully you’ve been given the good advice to install Jetpack. Jetpack is a plugin for WordPress with many features (cough, cough, more than 40) to make your life as a blogger a whole lot easier.

With so many features to explore, where to begin? We’ve got you covered.

If you’re new to blogging (or to Jetpack), activate these five features first.


1. Keep your site safe and secure with Brute Force Protection.

When you’re new to blogging, the last thing you want is to worry about your site’s security. Breathe easy knowing that your site is secure with Brute Force Protection.

This feature allows you to protect your site against brute force attacks, which sadly, are becoming more and more of a frequent concern for website owners. By enabling Brute force protection, your site will automatically block unwanted login attempts.

2. Spread the love on social media with Sharing.

Make it super simple for your blog readers to share your posts!

Sharing lets you add buttons to blog posts to give readers the ability to share a post to Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, Pinterest, and a host of other social media/web services to amplify your message.

Screen Shot 2016-08-19 at 7.53.36 AM

3. Keep readers on your website longer with Related Posts.

Help readers better navigate your site by pointing them to related content you know they’ll love based on the blog post they’re currently reading.


Related Posts scans all of your posts, analyzes them, and selects at least three related archived blog posts to showcase underneath or above your post. This helps readers figure out what to read next and keeps them on your site even longer.

4. Be the first to know when your website experienced downtime with Monitor.

Ugh. Dreaded website downtime. It’s never fun when your site goes down. Monitor keeps tabs on your site and alerts you the moment downtime is detected.

Fun fact: Monitor checks your site every five minutes and notifies you as soon as a problem arises. We’ll also email you when your site is back up!

5. Make your blog a beautiful place to visit with Site Accelerator (Photon).

Photos are an incredibly important piece of the puzzle when it comes to finding success as a blogger. Compelling visuals help keep site visitors interested and engaged.

Screen Shot 2016-08-19 at 7.56.40 AM

If you don’t size your photos properly though, you can seriously slow down your site. That’s where Jetpack’s Site Accelerator comes in handy. Site Accelerator (Photon) is an image acceleration and editing service. What does this mean for you? Less load time on your host and faster image loading for your readers.

Seasoned bloggers, what do you think? Which Jetpack features would you recommend to a new blogger?

Don’t have Jetpack installed yet to try out these features? If you don’t currently have Jetpack, be sure to install it so you can begin taking advantage of all the plugin’s features. The easiest way to install Jetpack is via your site’s Dashboard. Please follow these instructions to install and connect Jetpack.

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Jetpack 4.2.2: Facebook Sharing Counts and Bug Fixes

Jetpack 4.2.2 addresses an update to Facebook sharing counts and a few bug fixes.

Jetpack Sharing Icon

Facebook Sharing Counts

If you use the Jetpack Sharing Buttons, you may have noticed yesterday that any existing sharing counts for Facebook disappeared! This was due to Facebook turning off a feature in their API that we used to grab and display Facebook sharing counts. There’s a great post on that goes into more detail into the problem.

Since it was only a matter of updating the API that we use to pull the sharing count data from Facebook, we wanted to get this out to you as soon as possible!

Other Bug Fixes

  • Mobile Theme: fixed an issue with the Minileven mobile theme which was preventing it from loading properly.
  • Theme Compatibility: fixed an issue which caused PHP notices to get logged for users of the Twenty Fourteen theme.
  • General: added some improvements to Sync performance.

If you want to see the full list of what was updated in this release, you can check out the changelog.

Big thanks to those who contributed to this release:

Andrew Duthie, Daniel Walmsley, Elio Rivero, George Stephanis, Jeremy Herve, Marin Atanasov, Rich Collier, and Sam Hotchkiss.

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Jetpack 4.0: WP 4.5 Customizer compatibility and more

The new Jetpack introduces improvements for better performance under the hood and to allow you work faster.

Real-Time Widget Customizing

WordPress 4.5 shipped with a new feature, Selective Refresh: if your theme supports it, widgets refresh in the Customizer as you edit them, letting you see changes instantly without refreshing the entire page.

We’ve updated Jetpack widgets to leverage Selective Refresh, and now they’ll update in real time as well!

VideoPress Made Simpler

A new tool lets you edit VideoPress shortcodes right in the Editor, with a fancy new modal window containing key playback options:

VideoPress modal in Editor

Plus, videos placed in the Editor now adjust themselves to your theme’s content width, so you can more accurately see how it will look in your post or page when published.

WooCommerce Sharing

Use WooCommerce? You just got sharing options for each of your products:

Jetpack sharing buttons placed below "Add to cart" button

Social icons are now placed under the “Add to cart” button in singular product views, making it easier for customers to share your products with their friends and fans on social media.

First-Time User Support

We’ve done a better job explaining the benefits of Jetpack and connecting it to when the plugin is installed but not yet connected.

We also added handy links to shortcode documentation to convey the types of media you can quickly and safely embed.


Jetpack protect helps safeguard your site against brute-force attacks, and now it’s got more muscle behind it. We’ve updated the code and routines that verify your site is protected to be more efficient. For folks using the Contact Form module, sweeping spam submissions out of your database is now faster.

And there’s more

Custom Content Types: a new CSS class on Testimonial featured images — has-testimonial-thumbnail — allows you to customize Jetpack custom post types as you see fit.

Theme Tools: improved microdata for breadcrumbs gives search engines an easier time knowing what page they are on, and how that page relates to the other pages in your site hierarchy.

Widget Visibility: get granular with your widget display:

Widget Visibility UI

Select widgets and specify to show or hide them right from custom post types, in both single and archive views.

We also fixed some issues…

  • Comments: we fixed a mistake where a comment subscription checkbox appeared on custom post types — despite the fact you couldn’t actually subscribe to those types of comments.
  • Contact Forms: we fixed a bug where the telephone field (which can only be added manually) rendered incorrectly, breaking some forms in the process.
  • General: we blocked direct access to the Jetpack_IXR_Client class which caused fatal PHP errors in some server setups.
  • Shortcodes: we removed the frameborder attribute in the YouTube embed code. It was deprecated in HTML 5. Unminified responsive-videos.min.js in order to address a false positive virus alert in ClamAV. Expect it to be re-minified in 4.0.1 once we resolve the issue with ClamAV.

Thanks to everyone who contributed to 4.0:

Alex Kirk, Barry Abrahamson, Bernhard Reiter, Biser Perchinkov, Brando Meniconi, Brandon Hubbard, Brandon Kraft, Christopher Finke, Dan Walmsley, Derek Smart, Drew Butler, Elio Rivero, Enej Bajgoric, George Stephanis, Igor Zinovyev, Ivan Kristianto, Jeff Golenski, Jeremy Herve, Jesse Friedman, Joey Kudish, Lance Willett, Matt Wiebe, Michael Cain, Miguel Lezama, Mohammad Jangda, Patrick Rauland, Philip John, Richard Muscat, RC Lations, Rocco Tripaldi, Sam Hotchkiss, Tammie Lister, Thomas Guillot, Weston Ruter.

Update April 21, 2016

We’ve released 4.0.2 that fixes a fatal error that was caused by Jetpack not being able to find a library directory.

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