Jetpack 4.2.2: Facebook Sharing Counts and Bug Fixes

Jetpack 4.2.2 addresses an update to Facebook sharing counts and a few bug fixes.

Jetpack Sharing Icon

Facebook Sharing Counts

If you use the Jetpack Sharing Buttons, you may have noticed yesterday that any existing sharing counts for Facebook disappeared! This was due to Facebook turning off a feature in their API that we used to grab and display Facebook sharing counts. There’s a great post on that goes into more detail into the problem.

Since it was only a matter of updating the API that we use to pull the sharing count data from Facebook, we wanted to get this out to you as soon as possible!

Other Bug Fixes

  • Mobile Theme: fixed an issue with the Minileven mobile theme which was preventing it from loading properly.
  • Theme Compatibility: fixed an issue which caused PHP notices to get logged for users of the Twenty Fourteen theme.
  • General: added some improvements to Sync performance.

If you want to see the full list of what was updated in this release, you can check out the changelog.

Big thanks to those who contributed to this release:

Andrew Duthie, Daniel Walmsley, Elio Rivero, George Stephanis, Jeremy Herve, Marin Atanasov, Rich Collier, and Sam Hotchkiss.

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