WordPress site with Jetpack and WooCommerce

How Jetpack and WooCommerce Plugins Work Together

If you run an online store (or are about to launch one) you know that the right tools make the job much smoother. Jetpack has a host of useful features, and it really shines for store owners when paired with WooCommerce. The leading eCommerce platform and the ultimate WordPress toolkit work hand in hand to give you a secure, efficient store that converts.

Both tools are backed by teams of the world’s top WordPress engineers, so you benefit from trusted functionality and unrivaled support. Here are just a few of the benefits of combining Jetpack and WooCommerce. 

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Jetpack plugin features

What Does the Jetpack Plugin Do?

One of the greatest benefits of WordPress is its extendability — there’s a plugin for nearly any task you could imagine so you can build a website that accomplishes anything that you want. 

Does this mean you should load up on plugins? No. The more plugins you have, the slower your site loads, which negatively impacts your visitors’ experience. And some plugins can conflict with one another or with your theme, leading to errors or downtime.

That’s why Jetpack is a great option for WordPress sites: with dozens of tools in a single plugin, it provides a ton of functionality without weighing down your site.

Continue reading → What Does the Jetpack Plugin Do?

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Jetpack Customer Relationship Management plugin

Introducing Jetpack CRM: Grow Your Business Through Better Contact Management

We’re excited to announce Jetpack CRM, a new customer relationship management system built specifically for WordPress sites. Cultivating rich, ongoing relationships with your customers is now as easy as saving a draft or uploading a photo. 

“When you start out as an entrepreneur, there is a lot to learn,” says Woody Hayday, cofounder, Jetpack CRM. “One of the most important things small businesses can do to be successful is to build a strong rapport with their customers. We built Jetpack CRM to give entrepreneurs the most effective toolkit for managing their important relationships.” 

Continue reading → Introducing Jetpack CRM: Grow Your Business Through Better Contact Management

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Jetpack and the WordPress App: Manage Your Site On the Go

As a business owner, you have an endless to-do list and managing your website probably falls to the bottom of the list. Dealing with clients, working with employees, creating marketing plans, managing inventory, and calling vendors seem more immediate than editing a blog post or updating a plugin.

But managing your website and keeping it updated play a critical role in the success of your business. What happens if you neglect it?

Continue reading → Jetpack and the WordPress App: Manage Your Site On the Go

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How to Avoid Common WordPress Plugin Problems with Jetpack

One of WordPress’s biggest benefits is plugins, which let you expand your site’s functionality to meet your exact needs. There are no limits to the type or number of plugins you can install and activate on your WordPress website — there are currently thousands available in the WordPress repository

But with this unlimited flexibility comes responsibility, since each new plugin introduces its own set of potential issues, from site slowdowns to crashes and compatibility issues. With a little knowledge and a little Jetpack, you can resolve the three most common challenges — or prevent them from happening in the first place.

Continue reading → How to Avoid Common WordPress Plugin Problems with Jetpack

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Comparing Backup Solutions for WordPress Websites

As a website owner, you’ve spent months, maybe even years, developing content and getting your layout exactly the way you want. The last thing you want is to lose all of your hard work.

That’s where backups come into play. Regular, high-quality website backups are the best way to protect your valuable assets and restore your site if it ever goes down or is hacked.

Continue reading → Comparing Backup Solutions for WordPress Websites

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Is Your WordPress Site Slow to Load? Try These 7 Steps to Fix It

Slow websites lead to lost traffic and revenue. According to Pingdom, load times are directly correlated with bounce rate — the percentage of people who leave your website without visiting more than one page.

More and more people browse the internet on mobile devices, which often have less-reliable internet connections. And not everyone lives in an area with good connectivity. If your website’s load time is long, you’re inaccessible to them.

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Six Common Ways WordPress Users Break Their Websites

WordPress may seem simple on the outside, but on the inside, it’s a complex system that simultaneously serves your content, handles customer transactions, and manages huge amounts of data. And while WordPress is an incredibly stable platform, it’s not unbreakable.

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11 Ways to Give Your WordPress Site a Spring Cleaning

Spring is in the air, and it’s time for a thorough cleaning. Many of us will spend a few days cleaning our homes and offices, or decluttering our computers and other electronic devices.

But why stop there? Along with freshening up your house, you should also take some time to give your WordPress site some TLC and get rid of any digital dust bunnies.

Read on for 11 WordPress maintenance tips that can help you spring clean your site and get it in perfect shape for the next few months.

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Testers Needed: Jetpack Plugin Browser

While our Jetpack development team has been hard at work keeping your Jetpacks fueled up and ready for action – our developers over on WordPress.com have been busy too!

You may already be familiar with the great Jetpack features that utilize the WordPress.com interface: the ability to update your plugins across multiple sites with a single click, being able to view enhanced stats about your site, write new and update existing posts and pages with a beautiful editor, and more.


Now, there’s even more new things to try!

Over on the WordPress.com Horizon, where the makers of WordPress.com test upcoming changes and new features with the WordPress.com community, there’s a call for testers for a new addition to the Jetpack management features on WordPress.com.

They’re currently looking for testers with Jetpack sites to test the new Plugin Browser feature.

The Plugin Browser lets you find and install plugins from the WordPress.org plugin directory. You can search for keywords or browse within Featured, New and Popular categories. If you’ve got plugins on your site that you no longer need, then this update also lets you remove (delete) those plugins from your sites. You can still activate/deactivate plugins, and turn on (or off) auto-updates as well.

As part of the plugin browser project they have added more details to the single plugin view, which now serves reviews and ratings from the WordPress community, as well as the full description, changelog and other information specified by the plugin author.

“That’s great – how can I help?” you might ask.

Simple! There’s a post on the Horizon Feedback blog with all the details you may need including what to test, how to test, and how to submit feedback to the WordPress.com development team.

The Plugin Browser will be open for feedback through September 28th – so head on over to the Horizon post and get a sneak peek at this great new feature.

Thank you so much if you take the time to test. We appreciate it!

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