WordPress CDN Plugin – Why Use One & How to Choose The Best

Speed and reliability are undeniable priorities for any website. Consumers expect online stores to load in less than two seconds, and a one-second delay in load time reduces page views by 11 percent. Moreover, with search engines increasingly prioritizing load times, maximizing your site’s speed is crucial for search engine optimization (SEO).

While there are a variety of ways to improve website speed, one of the most effective solutions is to use a content delivery network (CDN). By integrating a CDN, you can reduce the stress on your server and enable visitors to load pages on your website faster.

In this article, we’ll explain what a CDN is and discuss its main benefits. We’ll also show you how to use Jetpack’s WordPress CDN. Let’s get started!

Continue reading → WordPress CDN Plugin – Why Use One & How to Choose The Best

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Create High Quality Content with These Free Tools

How much does the quality of your site’s content matter? As it turns out, it matters quite a lot.

You might be surprised to learn that quality content can impact your search engine rankings. The truth is that as Google’s algorithm becomes more sophisticated, content matters even more than it used to. The sites recommended by Google aren’t stuffed with keywords and links, but feature quality, relevant articles.

High quality content can also contribute to audience growth. It encourages people to stay on your site longer to browse different posts. It might even increase the likelihood that readers interact with your site, share your content to their social media platforms, and come back for repeat visits in the future.

Quality content is certainly important… but it isn’t always easy to create. If you aren’t a professional writer or lack the budget to hire one, you should consider using tools designed for improving the quality of your writing.

Let’s cover four of these tools in more detail, and how they can improve the quality of your site’s content.

Continue reading → Create High Quality Content with These Free Tools

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