website video hosting

How to Host Videos on Your Website (Best Way Explained)

Videos are a powerful form of communication. They’re attention grabbing, fun to watch, and even more fun to share — people are twice as likely to share videos than any other form of content. And, when used correctly, they can reduce customer service calls and increase traffic, leads, and sales.

Continue reading → How to Host Videos on Your Website (Best Way Explained)

Posted in Photos & Videos | Tagged , , , , , | 6 Comments
Jetpack CDN controls and customization - coder at laptop

Jetpack Hooks: Control Jetpack CDN

Note: We wrote this article with advanced users in mind; you’ll need some coding knowledge to accomplish these tasks. As always, enable Jetpack Backup so you can easily revert your site in case of a mistake. Hooks are a way for one piece of code to interact with or modify another piece of code. They make up the foundation for how Jetpack interacts with WordPress Core.

If you have questions about how to use these yourself, ask the Jetpack community in the forums. If you’d like to hire help, reach out to a service like Codeable

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Posted in Code snippets, Performance | Tagged , , , , , | 10 Comments

WordPress CDN Plugin – Why Use One & How to Choose The Best

Speed and reliability are undeniable priorities for any website. Consumers expect online stores to load in less than two seconds, and a one-second delay in load time reduces page views by 11 percent. Moreover, with search engines increasingly prioritizing load times, maximizing your site’s speed is crucial for search engine optimization (SEO).

While there are a variety of ways to improve website speed, one of the most effective solutions is to use a content delivery network (CDN). By integrating a CDN, you can reduce the stress on your server and enable visitors to load pages on your website faster.

In this article, we’ll explain what a CDN is and discuss its main benefits. We’ll also show you how to use Jetpack’s WordPress CDN. Let’s get started!

Continue reading → WordPress CDN Plugin – Why Use One & How to Choose The Best

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Is Your WordPress Site Slow to Load? Try These 7 Steps to Fix It

Slow websites lead to lost traffic and revenue. According to Pingdom, load times are directly correlated with bounce rate — the percentage of people who leave your website without visiting more than one page.

More and more people browse the internet on mobile devices, which often have less-reliable internet connections. And not everyone lives in an area with good connectivity. If your website’s load time is long, you’re inaccessible to them.

Continue reading → Is Your WordPress Site Slow to Load? Try These 7 Steps to Fix It

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Meet Jeremy from Jetpack: Blogger Turned “Jetpack Mechanic”

At Jetpack, our team members are usually busy tinkering under the hood to make sure everything is humming along and our customers are satisfied — but we interrupted one of them for an inside look at Jetpack and some valuable tips and tricks.

Meet Jeremy, a Happiness Engineer turned Jetpack Mechanic.

Continue reading → Meet Jeremy from Jetpack: Blogger Turned “Jetpack Mechanic”

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Jetpack New Release

Jetpack 6.7: New Site Accelerator and Activity View

Jetpack 6.7 is now available for download. This release brings you a few exciting new features that make your site faster and safer.

Continue reading → Jetpack 6.7: New Site Accelerator and Activity View

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Jetpack New Release

Jetpack 6.6: Better Site Verification Tools

Jetpack 6.6 is now available for download. This release brings you two features that will make your website more attractive to readers and search engines alike (and a slew of the usual bug fixes and small enhancements).

Continue reading → Jetpack 6.6: Better Site Verification Tools

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How Many Images Per Blog Post or Page? Is There a Limit?

A page with no images can look barren, but one with too many will load slowly, which might result in a high bounce rate. Kissmetrics reports that 40% of users will abandon a site that takes more than three seconds to load, and that each further second of delay results in a 7% loss in conversions.

A page with several, well-optimized images can load faster than one with a single, large image file. Finding that middle ground in terms of site images depends on multiple factors, and there are various techniques that can cut down your image load times.

Let’s take look at these factors, how you can use them to your advantage, and what limits you should observe.

Continue reading → How Many Images Per Blog Post or Page? Is There a Limit?

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Hosting Resources Offsite Can Make Your Load Times Lightning Fast

Even the smallest delay in a web page’s loading speed can result in discouraged site visitors. According to research from Think with Google, 53 percent of mobile users will abandon a website if it takes more than three seconds to load — that doesn’t give you much room for error! If you want to attract new users and keep them engaged, it’s important to make sure that your site loads quickly.

Often times, the most engaging types of content (videos and images) slow down a site the most. Fortunately, you can host these elements offsite, on external servers, to speed things up.

Today, we will explain how you can improve site performance by moving some site elements onto faster servers, and how Jetpack can help in the process.

Continue reading → Hosting Resources Offsite Can Make Your Load Times Lightning Fast

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SEO and image load time

How Images Affect Your Site’s Page Loading Speeds and SEO

Let’s review how fast-loading images affect your site speed — and in turn, your placement in search engine results.

Sites that use too many images, or have images that are too large, have longer loading times. This can slow down your entire page, irritating visitors and actually hurting your site’s ranking in online search results. We may say that images are worth a thousand words, but if you don’t plan for fast loading times, they actually won’t be worth very much at all.

In this post, we’ll discuss why search engines like Google care about image load times, and how you can use Jetpack’s features to enhance your site speed by making those images load faster.

Continue reading → How Images Affect Your Site’s Page Loading Speeds and SEO

Posted in Search Engine Optimization | Tagged , , , , , , | 16 Comments
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