Introducing AI-Assisted Content Editing and More

Jetpack 12.3 – Introducing AI-Assisted Content Editing and More

Since the launch of the Jetpack AI Assistant, we’ve been listening closely to your feedback, and we’re excited to announce that now, in addition to creating fresh content, you can use the AI Assistant to revise and enhance your existing blocks in the WordPress Editor. This release also introduces the new Tock Block for easy on-site bookings, alongside numerous enhancements and bug fixes.

Enhance your editing experience with the Jetpack AI Assistant

The AI Assistant is designed to make your content editing process more efficient and tailored to your needs. Let’s say you have a paragraph or a block of content that you think could be more engaging or could better represent your ideas. Now, with a simple click, Jetpack AI Assistant can step in and help you to enhance that content, all within the familiar environment of the WordPress Editor.

The introduction of this new feature comes with several benefits:

  • Efficient Content Refinement: Instead of starting from scratch, let the AI Assistant help you improve your existing content, saving you both time and effort.
  • Quality Enhancement: AI-assisted editing can help fine-tune the language and tone of your content, making it more engaging for your readers.
  • Multiple Block Editing: The updated Jetpack AI is designed to work when you select more than one paragraph, making it much more convenient to edit larger sections of your content in one go.

Are you ready to explore the AI-powered content editing feature? Here’s what you need to do:

  1. Update your Jetpack to the latest version.
  2. Head to the WordPress Editor within your wp-admin.
  3. Select the paragraph or block you want to edit and find the AI Assistant logo in the “tools” group.

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Seamless bookings now a click away: Introducing the new Tock Block

Introducing the all-new Tock Block powered by Jetpack! Redefine the way your customers book reservations with your business. Utilizing the lightweight and efficient Tock, this block provides an intuitive, in-line booking experience directly from your website. With a simple click, your customers can access a neatly organized calendar and booking form.

And More

This release also includes several new features and improvements:

A big thank you to everyone who contributed to this release:

Adnan Haque, André Kallehauge, Andrei Demian, Andrés Blanco, Anna McPhee, Brad Jorsch, Brandon Kraft, Carlos Garcia, Caroline Moore, Clemen, Damián Suárez, Dognose, Donncha Ó Caoimh, Douglas Henri, Dylan Munson, Gergely Márk Juhász, Greg Fogelberg, Igor Zinovyev, Ivan Ottinger, Jason Moon, Jasper Kang, Jeremy Herve, John Caruso, Jonny Harris, Karen Attfield, Luiz Kowalski, MILLER/F, Manzoor Wani, Mark Biek, Miguel Lezama, Miguel Torres, Nate Weller, Osk, Panos Kountanis, Paul Bunkham, Paulo Marcos Trentin, Peter Petrov, Renato Augusto Gama dos Santos, Richard Ortiz, Romario Raffington, Samiff, Sean Fisher, Sergey Mitroshin, Sérgio Gomes, Tim Broddin, bindlegirl, gogdzl, nunyvega, ouikhuan, tbradsha, thingalon, valterlorran

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  1. Brian Johns says:

    I’ve been using the AI Assistant and love it. Thanks for incorporating the suggestions and making it more functional. Looking forward to what else you come up with!

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Linus Feldt says:

    This is the way. Makes total sense to provide editing assistance in contrast to ”1-click-content-generation” automation.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. suraj says:

    i used it for my lottery website project and am in loved with it. best ai tool


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