Jetpack 11.6

Jetpack 11.6 – Update to the Form Block and more

With Jetpack 11.6, we added new features to the Form Block and our SEO tools, together with several other improvements and bug fixes for a better Jetpack experience.

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The 13 Best WordPress SEO Plugins and Must-Have Tools

Search engine optimization (SEO) is incredibly valuable, whether you run an online store, service-based business, or blog. Why? Because it helps you get in front of people who are actively looking for what you have to offer. And, long-term, it’s much more affordable than many other marketing strategies, like paid search ads.

But, in many cases, you’ll want a tool to help you optimize your site and gain valuable information about keywords and rankings. So let’s look at some of the best SEO tools and plugins for WordPress and compare them based on factors like features, ease of use, and pricing.

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Improve your site performance and SEO for free with Jetpack Boost

Now that many businesses have an online presence, people expect the same great experience online that they get in person from their favourite cafes, restaurants, and local shops. In 2021, site performance is extremely important and is a key component in setting your business apart from your competitors. 

Studies have shown that poor performance directly impacts sales, with a one‑second delay in loading times reducing conversion rates by 20%. Just like slow service in a restaurant, your site speed can have a major impact on if people engage and come back.

But for most people, it’s hard to stay on top of ever-evolving web standards. Not to mention expensive to hire a developer to upgrade your site. 

That’s why we’re proud to announce Jetpack Boost. Developed in partnership with XWP – who have built some of the fastest WordPress sites in the world (and the AMP plugin and Tide quality framework) – Jetpack Boost gives your site the same performance advantages as the world’s leading websites, with no developer required. And best of all, it’s free!

Continue reading → Improve your site performance and SEO for free with Jetpack Boost

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SEO advice for DIY websites

SEO for Real People | How to Get More Clicks from Google

When was the last time you Googled yourself or your business? We’ve all done it! But most new customers won’t look for you by name; their searches will be more generic. What results appear when you enter phrases that potential customers might search for? How far down the page are you? If someone has to click beyond the first page to find your website, you’re probably not getting much traffic from search engines. 

Is this fixable? Yes!  

Continue reading → SEO for Real People | How to Get More Clicks from Google

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Comment Spam: Google Cares, and You Should Too

Community engagement is key to success for a blogger or online publisher, and that means comments. Allowing comments on blog posts encourages readers to express their opinions. It also provides an opportunity to increase your authority through conversations with inquiring minds and appreciative fans in your blogging network. Social media makes it easy to share articles, but there’s nothing quite like building a community on your own website or personal blog. 

But with a growing audience comes comment spam. These aren’t words of encouragement from loyal followers or legitimate questions from interested readers. These are the comments that are a little too formal, don’t quite make sense, or are pushing payday loans and cheap prescriptions on your post about baking bread. 

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Accelerate Your Site and SEO With Jetpack

An illustration of a site loading quickly with Jetpack

Regardless of the type of site you’re running, making sure that it loads quickly and feels fast should be among of your primary goals.

A fast site means a better visitor experience. Shorter load times can lead to lower bounce rates, happier readers, more page views, a healthier Time on Page, and — if you’re running a store — improved sales.

Because Google uses site speed in its ranking algorithm, it also has a direct influence on your SEO. Fast load times can result in higher rankings and ultimately lead to increased organic traffic.

Jetpack’s new site accelerator can improve your site speed and help you take control of your SEO. This new feature, similar to our Image CDN, allows you to host static site assets — such as JavaScript files and CSS stylesheets — on Jetpack’s servers and serve them from our own Content Delivery Network (CDN). This means less stress on your servers and an improved browsing experience for your visitors.

Currently, only files included in WordPress core and the Jetpack plugin can be served by our CDN.

Ready to take your new site accelerator for a spin?

Go to Jetpack Settings Writing in the dashboard of your WordPress site and toggle the Enable site accelerator option found in the Performance & speed section. No additional configuration or set up is necessary.

We’d love to hear from you

Enable the new site accelerator for your sites and let us know if you have any feedback — we’d love to hear it! Please leave a comment below or open an issue in our GitHub repository.

Posted in Features, Jetpack News, Performance, Search Engine Optimization | 24 Comments

Does Blogging Help SEO? What Are the Benefits?

Continue reading → Does Blogging Help SEO? What Are the Benefits?

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Why You Should Use Lazy Images

Speed Up Your Jetpack Site with Lazy Loading Images

When someone visits your website, you probably want them to be dazzled by your photos or wooed by its background images. You want to share visuals that will capture and hold their attention.

However, sometimes your images can take a long time to load, which might lead to decreased site traffic and lower search engine rankings.

According to Pew Research Center, the share of Americans that own smartphones is now 77%, up from just 35% in Pew’s first survey of smartphone ownership conducted in 2011. With a growing number of visitors having access to WordPress sites from their mobile devices, performance optimization is more important than ever before. If you’re not paying attention to your website’s performance, it’s like leaving money on the table.

Fortunately, you don’t need to settle for a slow site; Jetpack’s Lazy Loading images feature has got you covered.

This useful feature helps to improve the performance of your website by only loading images once they actually appear on your viewer’s screen. Enabling this tool helps reduce the total resources used by your website, which will speed it up significantly.

Today, we’ll learn more about Lazy loading images by discussing what it does to improve your website, why performance optimization is so important for WordPress websites, and how to enable it with Jetpack.

Continue reading → Speed Up Your Jetpack Site with Lazy Loading Images

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Jetpack 5.8. Advanced Search and lazy loading

Improve Your SEO with Sitemaps

Embarking on a new WordPress project is incredibly exciting. You’re probably full of ideas for your site and what you hope it will achieve. You may even have content or products for an online store ready to go.

It’s tempting to only focus on the creative side of things, or the business aspects of building a site. But there are some equally important technical tasks that you should spend some time fine-tuning, and one of those is building a sitemap.

In this post, you’ll learn what a sitemap is, why you need one, and how to create it. Most importantly, you’ll learn how Jetpack does a lot of the heaving lifting for you!

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SEO and image load time

How Images Affect Your Site’s Page Loading Speeds and SEO

Let’s review how fast-loading images affect your site speed — and in turn, your placement in search engine results.

Sites that use too many images, or have images that are too large, have longer loading times. This can slow down your entire page, irritating visitors and actually hurting your site’s ranking in online search results. We may say that images are worth a thousand words, but if you don’t plan for fast loading times, they actually won’t be worth very much at all.

In this post, we’ll discuss why search engines like Google care about image load times, and how you can use Jetpack’s features to enhance your site speed by making those images load faster.

Continue reading → How Images Affect Your Site’s Page Loading Speeds and SEO

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