What do we do ?

We make data accessible, visible, usable and actionable

We’re data scientists and engineers, but we’re not driven just by data. We’re driven by our motivation to use data well. To wake it up! And accelerate your transition to an analytics driven company. We want to learn about your business, pinpoint the value in your data and help you understand how you can use your data to improve your business. Most importantly, we want to give you tools to work with your data effectively day to day. 

Data Ops

  • Cloud data platform architecture
  • Data engineering
  • DevOps & MLOps
  • Data quality
  • Data governance

Data science

  • Data mining
  • Feature engineering & machine learning / AI
  • Model building (Machine Learning / AI)
    • Predictive analytics
    • NLP & text mining
    • Computer vision

Front end: web & mobile development

  • Making sure the outputs land well
    • Data visualisation
    • Interfaces (web/mobile)
    • APIs

Data product design

  • Identify analytical use cases and set up pilots
  • Consultancy in data strategy
  • Data product ownership

How can we help ?

Analytics as a journey

We offer support no matter where you are on your analytics journey. We foster transformation, in progressive steps, to a data-driven organisation.


Getting started.

You want to understand more about how your business works, how your contacts interact with you, and where there is room for improvement in your operations and processes. We’ll work with you to understand your business needs and existing systems, and identify potential added value in your data.


Waking the data.

We’ll help you extract your valuable data, organise it and enrich it. The goal is to reveal patterns, trends and behaviours, to make your data usable and actionable. We can help you turn facts into insights, and insights into actions. Actions can be at any level, from small tweaks that generate more sales, for example, to strategic actions that transform the way you do business.


Building your data products

We’ll build tools to help you visualise and work with your data. Tools that can be used easily and intuitively in day-to-day operations.


Operating your data product

We can operate your data product as a managed service or transfer the operational ownership back to your team.

bespoke solutions

Developed just for you

Every business is different and has different needs. Our clients have different resources, different systems in place, and data environments at different maturity levels. That’s why every solution we build is tailormade.

Not only that: we’ll also help you deploy and implement the tools, and monitor how they are being used, because their usage is the key to your return on investment.

make data beautiful

Data-driven storyteling

Data visualisation is a pillar of our work. More than eye candy, data visuals improve the interpretation and communication of complex data insights. 

For some projects, we create innovative visuals to reveal what is often hidden or complex to understand.