Jericho Writers
167-169 Great Portland street, 5th Floor, London, W1W 5PF
UK: +44 (0)330 043 0150
US: +1 (646) 974 9060

One-to-One Support

We can support every stage of your writing journey with personal feedback, advice and support.

Get one-to-one writing support from trusted experts

We offer support at every stage of the writing process – so whether you’re starting out with a concept or your work just needs that final polish, you’ll be getting the best direct feedback available. All our one-to-one support services are designed to be flexible and work around your timetable.


Get expert one-to-one mentoring as you write and edit your manuscript.


Our experienced mentors have helped hundreds of writers write their own prize-winning books, via constant feedback and advice. The one-to-one tuition is designed to be entirely flexible around your writing life, and if your work is ready by the end, we can help you get it to market, too.

Agent One-to-One Sessions

Book a fifteen-minute one-to-one phone call with an industry expert to get valuable feedback on your submission pack.


We work with leading literary agents representing a range of genres – and your manuscript could be just what they’re looking for. Gain feedback on your query letter, synopsis and first 5,000 words of your manuscript from an expert of your choice.