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Great job Niven

Likewise, great job on the video! Thanks for playing 💕


Nice short little game! Very fun and loved the twist! here is my gameplay if anyone would like to watch! now the real question.. Would YOU help this man? I sure wouldn't. lol

The video was amazing! And the answer to your question is probably no, especially after this lol. Best to you friend ✨


Nice game. I liked the little notes around, specifically how short they were. A lot of games have pages and pages of notes, short and sweet is perfect. I would say the zombies could use an upgrade. they tend to just hang out xD 


Your playthrough was awesome! You are actually the first person, who noticed the detail with the shadows and I can not be more embarrassed by it, but like I said in your comments - it was cut short because of the game's performance, so yeah. 
Thanks again and best to you 🍻


good job! i enjoyed the ambience of the city and the twist of how not everyone is as concerned to watch out for other humans in an apocalypse! 


Lol, yeah, that part might be a bit silly, but nevertheless, thanks a lot for playing my game. I deeply appreciate the feedback and support. Best to you!


niven allert clone here scum and sucker


Thank you Queen! I already reported it. Yeah, it sucks.


damn i hate this suckers... but think this fake hacker for trojan ...i have write long time itch big problem for fake game for trojan and scum ..this big problem 


This game was fun to play. I enjoyed playing a horror game in a zombie apocalypse


Thank you so much for considering my game on your list, means a lot. Glad that you liked this. Best to you! 


well.... can't stand this anymore... ppl stealing other ppl work... damn.... Passerby by hanakoINC (


Thank you so much for caring and notifying me. I saw the page and reported it. Hope stuff takes it down. It is really unfortunate, people do that a lot. 


that was pretty good, well done!


You are super kind! Thanks a bunch for playing. I am always happy to see your gameplays and your support means a lot. Cheers 🙌


Heres my play of the game! it was pretty fun!


Huge thanks for playing. Watched the playthrough and it was fun as well. Best to you mate ✨


Interesting concept, I very much enjoyed it although the creatures didn't seem to be much threat with their 0/10 vision haha good game!

Lol, some of them were a bit silly I guess. 
Thanks a bunch for playing, once again. Appreciate the feedback on the game's page. Best to you! 




Thanks a lot for playing and thank you for such kind, motivational words. I deeply appreciate your support. Best to you and your awesome channel! 


Another banger! Another glorius banger!


Your content is banger ❤
I loved how you started to reflect on the choices of - I should not help this dude and let them be there, because truth be told, that would have been a better choice lol - but there is not choice, because it is my game, I choose lmao - just kidding...or am I 💀
Per usual, thousand thanks and best to you man


Hahaha love that! In the end, do we even have a choice 🥺 haha glad you liked it and enjoyed it! Looking forward to future games!


awesome game that was short and simple!! thanks as always niven!! 


Likewise, thanks a lot for playing, per usual! Wish all the best to you 🙌✨


Niven, this was really fun to stream! And glad to have you seen you enjoy it! I liked the plot, the atmosphere and the retro feel. It felt a little TWD & Silent hill. It had a creepy vibe to it too! Your game is at: 2:09:28

Never disappoint me Niven! I loved this :

Huge thanks for playing the game during your stream - I was there live watching and it was super fun. Appreciate your supporting by posting this here as well. All the best to you Hattie ✨✨✨




Wow! Is all I can say


Thanks a lot for the comment and playing my game. I'm glad you liked it. Best to you ✌


Had a lot of fun with this one! Definitely a bit more reading than I was expecting, but that’s not a complaint! I think a couple more jumpscares and a bit more atmospheric music for ambience would do wonders. Great job overall, keep up the great work! 😊

If you’d like to check out my play-through, please use the link below 👇 


Thanks for playing. Appreciate the feedback on the page. Will consider the suggestions for the next game, for sure. Best to you ✌


Why should I help him


Thanks a lot for playing! Yeah, that was the true question of be or not to be lol. Thanks again and best to you! 


Once again, interesting game for sure. I feel like this game would have benefited from having 2 endings with the second ending being you joining. But besides that, nice job.

Here's my channel for other games I have played.


Levont ✨✨✨The legend! 
Thank you so much for playing! Glad that you liked the game overall. Yeah, second ending or DLC might be good lol. Best to you and your channel!


played this on a 3 scary games, really enjoyed it, kind of saw the twist coming, but the gameplay was very enjoyable.

Keep up the good work!


Thanks a bunch for playing! The video was indeed awesome. Just a pleasure to be part of the collection. All the best to you mate! 


Really nice game, but I wish there was more zombie chasing rather than sudden death but the cannabis's guy.

Huge thanks for playing! Appreciate your interest in game, a lot. The AI is a bit difficult to navigate with this game engine, but I will try my best to make it work in the future, for sure. Cheers! 


I always get excited to see another game by Niven Hedinger! Always delivers great short horror games! I loved the environment. The slight openness felt SO good. The lighting at night was great! I do wish the creatures were a little more intense as I found myself just walking around. But honestly a fantastic world you have here! Keep up the great work!


What an awesome video! Thank you so much for playing once again. I do hope to improve upon the AI, it is very, very tricky. Glad that you liked the game overall. Best to you! 


great game ! 

Thank you so much for playing! I am glad you enjoyed the game. Best to you and your channel! 


i love the artstyle!

Thanks a lot for playing! Glad that you liked the choice of art style, it is very convenient for the game engine I work with, so I always make games in that style. Best to you Gazuku ✨✨


I did like the environment and the mystery about the monsters and what has caused this post-apocalyptic world. I was hoping to see more with the monsters, which I hope you expand on this world, as it has caught my attention. Good job!


Many thanks for playing my game. I deeply appreciate your input in the video about the game's overall lore and idea. It can be expanded for sure. Anyways, thanks once again. Best to you! 

(1 edit) (+1)(-1)

Comments below clip:

Niven Hedinger's short horror game "Passerby" turns out to be a gripping experience, where the DEV weaves together elements of horror, survival, and exploration into a compact yet intense narrative. The premise of navigating an abandoned town as the protagonist Nathan, a lone traveler, throws the unsuspected player into a sense of immediate isolation and vulnerability, setting the stage for a suspenseful journey. 

The usual attention to detail in Niven's game design, from atmospheric soundscapes to post-apocalyptic visuals and creepy sounds, enhances the immersive nature of "Passerby." 

On a side note, it's intriguing that there's only one ending, suggesting a linear but impactful story progression that kept this player engaged from start to finish. Without a beat, this is the perfect bite-sized horror adventure for fans of the genre.

Well done, Niven!

I didn't run into any bugs, hiccups or other snags, so kudos to either you or all involved, and thanks for making this very enjoyable game!


Stellar review! I would say the best one yet! Really love the way you twist those words and make a positive input on my work - thank you! Truly appreciate your feedback. All the best to you and your channel! 


You're more than welcome :o]


Good enviroments and atmosphere. I really enjoyed the game. 


Thanks a lot for playing. Appreciate the ongoing support and feedback with my games, thanks! Best to you! 


I enjoyed this game a lot. I like the setting of it and the twist at the end. Keep up the good work.


Thanks once again for playing! Best to you friend ✨


game is very good ! , but i can't get past the "press tab to get up from bed" ,  because when i get up and make a few steps , the game reverts back to the bed.... very wierd... am i the only one ?!


I am so sorry to hear that. I downloaded the game and also checked the file. Are you sure it reverts back to the bed? There is a code for restarting the scene, if you press R KEY, so maybe you are accidently pressing R and it restarts the game? 


mhh no im pretty sure i'm not hitting R key , but gonna try again .  the problem to me happened with the old build , and i thought that with the new build it might be gone but  nope :(  .   Also , when i get up the bed , i tried to immediately run to the balcony and jump down and go to the poor fella , but nope  game reverts back to bed....


Once again, I am really sorry. I have checked everything in that single scene and all works fine. Also, I do watch every video posted on the page and as I saw the older version as well as the new version didn't have that specific issue. I will continue testing it on a different PC, meanwhile maybe you can try to download it from another browser? Can't help with much also unfortunately. 


np Niven !  look like i'm the only one having this wierd problem , so this time i'm just "unlucky" as they say :D   .  i'll watch a  playthrough ;)


Really great game! I swear people need to work on their survival skills... keep it up!


I know right? The main character was clueless lol. But, for the story's sake, the point was to showcase that the real monsters were actually human, not infected. Best to you and your channel friend ✌


for a short horror game this was super fun to record hopefully you injoy this video

I really enjoyed the video, yes! Thanks a bunch for playing the game, really appreciate the feedback as well. Best to you ✨


I didnt tryed this yet but i will soon. Looks very promising again.


Thanks a lot. I hope you will have fun. Best to you! 


This game is soo good!I love art and gameplay nice job!


Thanks a bunch for playing, I really appreciate your comment. The art style was my idea, as the game engine I work with doesn't really support high resolution graphics, but all the assets and textures are the result of hard word of amazing artists, which I credited in the game - they are a true treasure! Thanks again! 


Such an amazing game!!! Addicted :D


Thank you so much. You are very kind for saying that, it means a lot. Best to you ✨


Perfect mix of funny and scary love it.


Thanks for playing. Glad that you found this scary and funny too lol. Best to you ✌


Awesome game! Keep up the good work!


Thanks once again for playing! Your review was outstanding! I am glad you picked up on the details in the story, that was great. Best to you and your channel! 


Buen juego, no me esperaba el final. La verdad es que menudo sinvergüenza xD

Thank you so much for playing and showcasing the game on your channel, it means a lot. Wish all the best ✌🙌


This is great, I love the setting and I hope you can expand on it on a future game!
I wish the zombies had some kind of AI too, but awesome project overall!


Monumental thanks for the comment and playing the game. Your feedback means a lot, truly. There is a room to expand I agree, although with other projects as well, this is more of a short story, as usual, but I will think about part 2 or maybe another ending. As for the infected monsters, they do have an AI of patrolling and if you get near them they will attack, but of course it isn't like one touch kill, it takes maybe 8-10 attacks and then the character dies. It isn't super aggressive, if you mean that, more mild, as the story is about how humans are the real "evil" lets say lol. 
Anyways, thanks again and hope to improve upon this for sure. Best to you! 

(1 edit) (+1)(-1)

Oh then I think I had some kind of bug because the zombies would just play the walk animation in place and not move at all, I was only attacked once because I was curious to see what happened and had to walk straight onto one of them for that.

I like the idea of the humas being the real evil, pretty cool!


I am so sorry, might have been some issue really. I will look into it. Thanks a lot! 
Again, your comments are always great. Cheers! 


Loved the ending!

Huge thanks for playing, once again. I'm glad you loved the ending lol. Best to you and your channel! 


really enjoyed it tho while talking to the guy my recording started to lag so it didnt show the guy stabbing me  but ik thats my pc fault


The best part of it was zombie dance - hitting that floor yeah! Lmao, huge thanks for playing, once again. Cheers dude! 

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