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Deleted 167 days ago

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good game


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Pretty solid introduction to this series! I loved the Twin Peaks vibe and the fact that it is based on true stories! Have a look at my playthrough to see what I'm talking about!


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I'm really excited to see where this goes!


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I played your game for my 3 scary games series! Your game is the first one in this video. I was truly creeped out by your game.The fact that its based on true events of our national parks is terrifying. You captured the honest horror in this game of what occurs. I cant wait for this series! WELL DONE!

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H   E   L   P


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I really liked the driving around, the looping was perfectly executed. Scare really got me ! Looking forward to the next portion of this ! 

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I can see this series being amazing to play through and experience. It did throw a good amount out there to be curious about and make me want more. Good job!


really good game!!!


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Loved the game, nice work!


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I wan´t so see more!! :D this game was rly nice dude, I loved the atmosphere.


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Interesting plot, great storytelling.. spooky atmosphere. Had everything I want in a good indie horror game. Looking forward to more!


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Deleted 169 days ago

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This game was very fun to play. It seems like it has a lot of potential. Great pilot for the game series.

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Roger that.

Deleted 72 days ago

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Please tell me, will this game work on 32bit?


The game is amazing and i hope to play the full game when it comes out if just the pilot has this much care and detail put into it

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I loved it! I think the game is really good, the whole idea is well crafted, and I liked how things were implemented, like the short "cutscenes" where you pull over, nice way to establish you need to enter the gas station and not wonder off, and also nice transition from driving to walking. I loved it all!! I can't wait for more episodes!

Also, the loop while driving was something that I didn't expect! nicely done.


What about Buddy!? Awesome game. Cant wait for the full version.

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that's all I could think of at the end too! Is buddy ok? I hope we get an update.


good game

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Nice demo. I am really hyped for the rest of the game. I love missing 411 and creepy forest stuff and so excited!


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I enjoyed this game a lot. I thought it was really creepy at a lot of parts, but one thing that I wish you would’ve done was at the end when you are talking about the hiker I think it would have hit better if we played through that part while the narrative was going


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I’m ready for the FULL GAME!! Let me test play that early!!


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WE NEED MORE! I enjoyed playing this pilot and can't wait for more.


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Very Enjoyable Gameplay. Creepy Atmosphere. Twin Peaks Style. Great Game!

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When is the whole game coming?!!! I REALLY LOVED THIS!! What a great game! I need more!! 


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Absolutely incredible pilot episode, can't wait for more. I'm intrigued, invested and absolutely terrified by it all, the atmosphere was on point and everything was incredibly creepy and unsettling. Only bad thing about it is that it was so short hahaha. Will definitely be playing more once the other episodes come out, keep up the incredible work!


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very nice little game, will play the next episodes!

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Really nice. I liked the look and feel of it. Looking forward to future chapters!


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J'espere vraiment qu'il y aura d'autres episode car il y a du potentiel !

Good job =)

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Excited to see the full game! I'm particularly intrigued to see how the dreams fit into the mystery. Thanks for sharing!

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El juego se ve interesante la verdad.

I also made a no commentary version.

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Nice hook for the series!Looking forward for the next episodes :). Gameplay and thoughts below. :).

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nice one ;). Cheers

(1 edit) (+1)

Interesting game. Love the Twin Peaks vibe.

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Definitely reminded me of Twin Peaks a bit, not sure if that was intentional. I like it though and I'm looking forward to more!


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Nice stuff, could be a full triple AAA game, just has to be a little longer ;)


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this was very good! cant wait to see more

Full Prologue NO COmmentary


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What an INCREDIBLE demo, I cannot wait for the full release.

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Really enjoyed the pilot. Only two suggestions: increase subtitle size a bit and maybe lower background music/sounds when characters are talking.Looking forward to the next episode in the series~

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